I've been able to grow my business, thanks to Sacred Money Archetypes®

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I've been able to grow my business, thanks to Sacred Money Archetypes®


Tenille Williams

Success Coach for Online Entrepreneurs | Australia
Archetype: Romantic

Hello. I'm Tenielle. I'm in Bundaberg, Queensland. And I am an animal trainer and behaviorist turned business coach, which is a bit of a recent transition. And I'm a Romantic. Second to that was Ruler and Celebrity.



Was there anything surprising when you found out about your Archetypes?

I wasn't surprised to get Romantic at all because my first thought went to how I love to fantasize and I love to have luxury environments and be comfortable. One part that was a little bit surprising was probably how I viewed what a romantic would be, and one of my first thoughts is I'm not really a girly girl. I'm not into clothing, handbags, makeup, that kind of luxury.

But I'm into staying in luxury places, having a nice home, having a nice meal out, indulging in the finer things of life and put my comfort up very high as a priority, and then fantasizing about what's going to happen for me in the future, maybe to the point where it distracts from setting goals that are a bit more actionable and working on fluff tasks and feeling like, "Yeah, I'm working and I'm going to get there one day" but they're fluff tasks. They're not really important tasks that are going to move the needle in the business. And I was maybe hoping that maverick would be up there kind of higher because I feel that a bit.

What are some of the sabotages you experience because of your Archetypes?

Big time sabotages. I think, growing up, I never really wanted to work. I hoped that it would just all work out and I'd be taken care of and do the least amount of work possible. And so I will find myself dreaming about making big money and resisting the work to get there. Just resisting work, procrastinating a lot and making just enough to be comfortable and then stopping working until it's running out and then panicking and starting working again and doing it at the last minute.

That's probably the biggest way that I sabotage in my business and in life. And when that's happening and things are getting urgent and I'm running out of money, I don't want to look at it. I don't want to deal with it. And I just resist it and protest it and just want everything to just work out and just tell myself everything always does work out.

You always have enough, but never getting into that state of having more than enough and having a decent buffer and saving. I'm trying to think what else. Definitely some flamboyant spending. And if I do make a lot of money one month, my husband will even say to me, "Oh, you looking for ways to get rid of it? Looking for ways to spend it straight away?"

And systems, I always have these lists of ideas for systems I want to put into place and then resist putting them into place. And just wishing we could skip to the end, skip to the good part where it's paying off. Team, probably some resistance there around the social aspect as well. I do have a virtual assistant, which has been a big help, and I just pawn off as much as I can to him. And launching, it's a little bit like flying by the seat of my pants, rather than having it planned out ahead of time properly.

What have you changed in your business since discovering your Archetypes?

So SMA was great for... It was very validating for the traits that I have and that they're okay. It's okay to be this way. It's okay to want things to be easier and to work to my strengths and that, even though there are some weaknesses in there, there's also a lot of strengths.

"I've also got to find balance between being a Romantic and being a Ruler, which are opposite ends of the spectrum, I think. And I have ups and downs, and I've learned to work with those ups and downs rather than fighting them and work to my strengths, work on the important things and outsource as much as possible. Do things the simpler way." 



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Sacred Money Archetypes® is a Registered Trademark of Heart of Success, Inc. and licensed by Lucky B Pty Ltd. © 2022 Kendall Summerhawk

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