Revealed: My Top Sacred Money Archetypes® and how they show up in my business and life

sacred money archetypes
My Top Sacred Money Archetypes® and how they show up in my business and life

How do Sacred Money Archetypes® all work in real life? 

I wanted to show you how to use the SMA framework to combine your top three archetypes and design your business to leverage your strengths. 

Click here to take the Money Archetypes Quiz and watch the Leverage Your Strengths and Make More Money workshop. 

My top three archetypes are the Ruler, the Maverick and the Romantic. 

I actually share the first two with my husband, Mark. He's a Ruler, Maverick and Celebrity. So, we're really similar in lots of ways, but the way we spend money can be really different.

Some people think that as a ‘Chillpreneur’, I’m always chill and easy going. Ironically the truth is that I have to work at that because my top archetype is the Ruler. I am all about business and money, and not even money for its own sake, but I just love growth and what's next, what's next, what's next?

For me, my Ruler is a hard task master! 

I find it hard to switch off. I feel guilty if I'm not doing work and I often don't celebrate between projects and launches. 

We have had some incredibly successful launches, and I've achieved a lot of things over the last couple of years, but I'm not good at stopping and celebrating because that Ruler side of me is always saying, "What's next, what's next, what's next? Do it bigger, faster, stronger next time, and not rest."

Even when I'm having a massage, I’m thinking about new ideas for my business!

So, the Ruler is the empire builder, the workaholic. I love business, I live and breathe marketing and ideas! I'm always thinking about my business and how to make money. 

Since I was a kid, I was always the girl with a million jobs. I just worked and worked because in my mind, and I hadn't done any money mindset work then, the only way to make more money was to either just work more hours like a hamster, or to get another job on top of my other jobs.

The Ruler likes to work for the sake of working, and as a result, I have often continued doing that and that's not always the smartest way to be. But the good news about the Ruler is that when you decide to do something, you master it and then you usually monetize it. 

So when I started making more money and getting smarter about passive income, I always looked for better and more efficient ways of doing something. That's when I became really good at batching and outsourcing.

Sound familiar? Check out my Ultimate Guide to the Ruler Money Archetype here to learn more about what this means for your business. 

Now the downside to my Ruler personality, which is one I'm working on at the moment, is about taking time off and taking holidays. 

Because Mark is a Ruler, as well, we can be double workaholics. So when we have a launch on, we'll work really long hours. It can really impact our relationship because we feel like the business stuff needs to take priority over things like date nights, or even kissing, or just being nice to each other. 

Then Mark is actually a big task master and he's relentless. So, if you have a Ruler business partner or life partner, it might be hard to get them to switch off, stop talking about the business - even in the bedroom. They probably love giving you jobs to do as well!

My second archetype is the Maverick and I'm definitely someone who likes to take big risks, even though I've never created too much drama or become bankrupt or anything like that. 

I've learned to keep myself pretty focused. I have to laugh though, because some Mavericks, when they have a big launch, they immediately invest in something big, like a big house and because Mark is a Maverick as well, we've done this many times. 

In fact, in 2016, we bought three houses in one year. So, I do have to keep myself on track to not go after shiny objects all the time or spend big amounts of money. 

I've learned to be fairly disciplined about not starting a new businesses every six months, like I did in my twenties. I also set myself really big goals, things to pay off my debts, pay off our mortgages quickly so I know that I won't lose everything if I experiment a little bit. 

That's a really key part of the Maverick personality – giving yourself enough space to experiment and have flexibility.


For me, the Maverick, isn't about rebelling, which it can be for some people; for me, it's all about freedom.

I always want to have complete freedom in everything that I do. 

The only time it does come up in my rebelliousness is when Mark tries to use his Ruler to tell me what to do. My Ruler/Maverick combination is like, "Don't tell me what to do. F you." 

I do have to direct my Maverick into not going off on tangents. I have affirmations to help me stay on track. The main one I have for myself is, "All roads lead to Bootcamp." This allows me to create anything I want as long as all roads lead to Money Bootcamp. My Maverick can then go off on all these wild, wacky marketing tangents but without breaking or burning my business down.

My third archetype is the Romantic, and this is where the chill part comes in, right? You can see, even with the name of my podcast and book, Chill & Prosper, it's Romantic/Ruler. 

My Romantic really struggles, because the Ruler is like, "No time off ever," and my Romantic is like, "Wouldn't it be nice if we could just sit at home and read books all day?" And the Ruler is like, "No. Only work."

The Romantic Archetype is all about loving the luxurious life. 

I use that Romantic side to indulge in outsourcing everything in my life that stresses me out. I've outsourced cooking, cleaning, laundry, and parts of my business outside my zone of genius. And I love doing things like treating myself like a VIP! 

That means flying business class, staying in beautiful places and always going for the upgraded option. I've managed to do this without feeling guilty and without going into credit card debt (like I used to), which are some of the challenges of the Romantic archetype.

To utilize my Romantic’s strengths I look for ways to find the ease in everything. I find the shortcuts. My Romantic is like, "Hey, why don't we just buy a template for that? Why don't we buy a checklist? And then we don't have to start from scratch." And the Ruler's like, "Oh yeah. Okay. That makes sense." And the Maverick's like, "Yeah, that's breaking the rules," in finding those shortcuts.

One of the first big upgrades I made was when we moved to a penthouse at the start of my business because I knew that being in that environment would be good for me. Again, that Maverick part of my personality felt really comfortable with taking that risk but then it also meant that I was having to hustle in my business a lot, all the time to kind of pay for that increasingly lavish lifestyle. One of the gifts and challenges of my archetype is being very optimistic about future earnings. Making this upgrade also suited my Romantic archetype and Mark’s Celebrity archetypes as they are very similar. My Romantic archetype comes in through outsourcing and luxury rather than physical stuff, whereas Mark’s Celebrity archetype means he loves buying new and flashy things, especially when it comes to gadgets. It is so interesting to learn about your partner’s archetype combination too, so much makes sense when you understand each other on a different level!

The challenges that I've really had to deal with in my archetype combination is this real reluctance to save money.

At the start of my business, it felt like a total waste to have money in the bank when I could use it for something to grow my business. I was terrible at saving money for taxes. At the start of my business, I was always like doing that robbing Peter to pay Paul, which is another classic Maverick trait. I also spent way too much money on coaches and training courses when I didn't really think it through or I invested out of total FOMO, and maybe you've done the same, as well.

So don't feel like, "Oh my goodness, I've got so many bad money habits." I did as well! I had so many. But what honestly turned it around for me was discovering more about myself and what makes me tick as an entrepreneur. I thought I had to copy what my mentors did, not realizing that they had a completely different money code to me, with different strengths, different weaknesses and different ways of looking at money. I just internalized that maybe I'm just not good with money. Or maybe I have to be a bit more realistic about what I can accomplish in business.

When I first discovered the Sacred Money Archetypes® back in 2010, it shifted everything for me. Suddenly I had a personalized blueprint for success and how I could leverage those things that came really easily to me, but without self-sabotaging with my challenges.

Now, I don't know about you, but I'm a huge fan of personality tests, I love doing assessments because when it comes to self-awareness, knowledge is power.

I don't believe that all entrepreneurs have the same personality type, and I don't think that they need to either.

We all have our own unique gifts, but the problem I see is that when women feel inadequate, or they try and copy other people in their industry and wonder why it's so hard for them or they don't get the same results. What I love about the Sacred Money Archetypes® is that it really shines a light on what's already working about your personality and your relationship with money and where your challenges and pitfalls are.

You can change those challenges, right? You can work against those pitfalls. I've learned to save money based on my personality type, not someone else's. I've learned to attract clients based on my unique gifts, not because something's trendy in the industry or I saw somebody else get success with that marketing strategy. I've embraced self-love and self-acceptance because I know what I have to offer is enough. So, if you've ever thought, "Oh well, it's okay for her, she's a lucky b****." Or about someone else in your industry.

You've got to know that they're probably working with their path of least resistance, not against it.

See how fun this is! 

Knowing your top three archetypes really does make such a difference in your business and life. It is so important to know your unique money and business personality so you can leverage your strengths and do your business your way!

I would love to hear what your top three are. You can find out by taking my free quiz at


Upgrade your money mindset, revolutionize your business and earn what you deserve! 

Now open: Special offer to join Money Bootcamp, the leading money mindset training and community for entrepreneurs like you. Get mentoring and live coaching with me to clear your money blocks and take your business to new heights.


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