Sacred Money Archetypes® helps me to make money on my own terms

sacred money archetypes testimonials
Sacred Money Archetypes® helps me to make money on my own terms


Janet Tse 

The Life Happiness Consultant, Hong Kong
Archetype: Alchemist

I’m Janet, I'm from Australia, but I was actually born in Hong Kong. I’m an Alchemist and also an equal Connector and a very close to that, a Nurturer. I'm a professional organizer, an image consultant, and a hypnotherapist. I intertwine all these three into one system so that they can achieve this inside out transformation.

Was there anything surprising when you found out about your Archetypes?

It's a permission slip not to finish everything. Oh, I've got so many ideas and, oh, it's like, I haven't got it together. I was like, it took me years to get to where I am now. Just weave these three things together. And it was just overcoming the shame of, oh my gosh, what is she doing? She used to do this, but now where are you heading to life? But then when I saw this Alchemist thing, I was like, oh right, I'm here to change the world. And it's not in a sense of through anger or anything, but it's really owning my space and being at peace with saying, hey, this is what I do. And I'm unapologetic feeling this way. And I think the biggest aha tied to that was, there were different layers.

So the first layer for me was, okay as a Chinese Australian, how do I teach people to show up culturally? But then I had to realize that other than healing my own wounds, it was also generational wounds from my dad who grew up in Hong Kong. And there were cultural differences that he had to overcome as a Chinese person and the money wounds that came from that, the second class of their own country, their own city. And now coming back to Hong Kong, it's like coming full circle and claiming that we are all human and their money making and doing businesses, business without borders. And this is something that had happened years ago for our ancestors, doing business without borders all over the world. And this is something that I hope to convey in my work.

What are some of the sabotages you experience because of your Archetypes?

"The love-hate relationship and also the imposter syndrome. So I think the connecting piece for me was trying to show up as the authentic me without trying to be somebody else when I'm doing image consulting for really wealthy people and then feel a little bit of jealousy and envy. Why should I feel that way? Because I'm a therapist, I should be doing my own work."

And whoa, I get that out of my mind, I'm here to serve. And I was like, wait a minute, but they're so wealthy, maybe I should charge for them. And maybe I should charge a little bit more. And then I feel guilty for wanting more money. And it's that duality of feeling like I'm never enough to just be myself and always putting a lid on how I should be doing things and why I should be doing things instead of just being me and claiming that, no, I don't adult, right? I don't finish things and be okay with just being a kid sometimes. And needing help sometimes. And so that's one of my biggest challenges as well.

Why did you join Sacred Money Archetypes®?

What made me join this program was that it was recommended by another business peer who I respected. But what really made me push by, was actually sacred money archetypes over money bootcamp because I didn't know what my sabotages were. And I was at a phase where I really needed to find out who I was in order to make money on my own terms. And what I love about joining the whole shebang was that it's easy and straightforward. It wasn't over the top with so many bonuses. And I love that you say you can actually half ass it.

"It just took so much burden off me as an Alchemist because I start so many things and I don't finish things. And you just giving us the permission slip to half ass it was like, oh great, I can half ass it every year. And that's why I stayed. And that's why I joined."


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Sacred Money Archetypes® is a Registered Trademark of Heart of Success, Inc. and licensed by Lucky B Pty Ltd. © 2022 Kendall Summerhawk


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