I no longer charge per hour, thanks to Money Bootcamp

money bootcamp testimonials
I no longer charge per hour, thanks to Money Bootcamp


Farhana Goga

Psychologist turned Success Coach
South Africa



What’s it like working with Denise?

Denise is honest and sincere in her teaching. She’s like the friend you always hope will be at the coffee shop when you pop in because everything she says is uplifting and interesting.

She’s not someone who doesn’t know how the real world works. Instead, she’s someone who teaches you how to make the world work for you.”

The thing I like most about Denise is her awareness. There are real institutionalized injustices in the world. A lot of us are up against a lot more than just how we think when it comes to money. It’s very comforting as a person of color to see that she recognizes this and can incorporate it into her teaching. I felt like I could take her at her word and trust her lessons.

What was your money situation when you joined Money Bootcamp?

The funny thing about psychologists is that everyone thinks we must be so rich because we are so expensive. When really, the number one block we have to overcome in our field is just wanting to help everyone and not charge them anything for it. So setting prices and charging what you and all your training is worth is really difficult.

“Retirement is creeping up on me a lot faster than I thought and I just didn’t feel like I was ready financially.”

Apart from that, I have grown up in South Africa – so I have a unique set of money blocks due to the atmosphere of my country. I knew that I could not rely on the government here because we are a developing country, so I needed to provide my own safety net and my own retirement fund.

What’s your biggest “aha” since joining Money Bootcamp?

I’ve walked away from Money Bootcamp with a real sense of trust in myself. I know what I am worth and how to take care of myself.

“Even if I have a small backlog of bills that I need to take care of at times, I am confident that the money will always be there when I need it most.”

I feel like I have so much more energy now than I did before. Thinking about money doesn’t make me feel drained like it used to.

Why did you join Money Bootcamp?

I was dating an economist who had a very traditional money mindset with investments, savings, etc. I didn’t have those things. I noticed that I didn’t have my retirement money growing already, so I decided to speak to a few financial advisors. But speaking to them made me feel worse. It was overwhelming listening to them, learning how behind I thought I was, so I freaked out.

I knew there had to be a better way. So I took a step back and really thought about what it is that I wanted to do. I also didn't want to work as a psychologist anymore, as you're basically working per hour. People sometimes see 40 clients a week to make it work. So I thought my skills could transfer across into a sort of coaching, but I didn’t know where to start. That’s when I found Denise.

How has Money Bootcamp helped your life and business?

I’ve put out two coaching courses since doing Money Bootcamp. I am currently putting the final touches on my third. Replacing hourly income with something like this has taken so much pressure off of me. I’ve recently had my biggest income month ever and I am so proud of that.

I recently changed my living situation and instead of maxing out my credit card, I covered the expenses with cash instead. It felt really good to finally be at the place



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