I made my first £1000 as a full time yoga teacher thanks to Money Bootcamp

money bootcamp testimonials
I made my first £1000 as a full time yoga teacher thanks to Money Bootcamp


Amy Coop

Yoga Teacher
Member Since 2020


My name's Amy and I'm currently in Liverpool, England. I am a restorative yoga teacher and creator of Prime Opportunity which is a digital platform devoted to yoga, meditation and emotional wellbeing.

What was your biggest challenge before joining Money Bootcamp?

My biggest challenge with money when I first joined Bootcamp was that I was stuck in a soul sucking day job, and desperately trying to make enough money in my business to leave that job behind. I had so many money blocks, especially around my worth, and my ability to make money doing what I love, with a sense of ease. I was so burnt out at the time that I just couldn't see the light and I think I lacked any sort of mental, physical, or emotional bandwidth to change my circumstances. So Bootcamp came along at the perfect time.

The only hesitation I had about joining Bootcamp was whether I could make the monthly repayments. I hadn't intended to sign up for Bootcamp, even though I've been in Denise's world for years, but I'd actually just finished reading Chillpreneur, and was sort of divinely guided to do it in the new year. And I knew that if I wanted to bust through those money blocks and create abundance, then I needed to make the investment. And to be honest, any fears or doubts that I initially had quickly dissolved because within a few weeks of joining Bootcamp, I had my best month ever in business. And I was even able to pay off the full balance early.

How have things changed since joining Money Bootcamp?

When I first joined Bootcamp, I was making my income mostly from my day job and teaching yoga part-time in person. Although at the time I had just launched my online membership site. And so I was planning to take my business fully online. I was probably only making a few hundred pounds when I first started, but within that first few weeks I'd had my best month ever. Money just seemed to be flowing to me and I hit my first money milestone of 1000 pounds, which was amazing. Since becoming a Bootcamper, my business and income has changed a lot. I was actually able to leave my full-time job and work in my business full-time and move it fully online, which was always one of my biggest dreams. And then the pandemic hit, which kind of rocked the boat a little bit. But during that time, my fiance also got a new job with a six figure salary and bonuses, which was amazing. And I'm not entirely sure I can take credit for manifesting that, or maybe I can, because I just feel like that's the sort of magic and abundance that Bootcamp brings. But we're all building our dreams together and my business income continues to grow. So stay tuned.

What advice would you give someone considering joining Money Bootcamp?

If you're on the fence about joining then with my hand on my heart, I can honestly say that this is one of the best investments you'll ever make. Denise is such an amazing mentor. She's so funny and down to earth. And I really love that all of our tools are rooted in self-love and acceptance, which not only feel really good, but they also really work.

One of my favorite things about Bootcamp is that Denise's created such an amazing supportive community. You're surrounded by people who are showing you every single day what's possible and cheering you on whether you're at zero or six or seven figures, or anywhere in between. I'm so glad that I joined when I was right at the beginning of my journey, because I've been able to soak up all of that amazing support. Live bonus monthly coaching calls are amazing. They keep me inspired and driven. And I love that you can return to the core lessons and modules at any time you just need a loving reminder, or you hit a new income level, or discover a new block. It keeps expanding your capacity for abundance, being in the Bootcamp community. So if you're thinking about joining, I really hope that this helps you make the right decision.



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