Breaking free from money blocks and seeing "negatives" as milestones

interviews & press
Breaking free from money blocks and seeing

Hi there

I recently sat down with Madelyn Moon on the Mind Body Musings Podcast to talk about breaking free from money blocks, keeping positive anchors and seeing "negatives" as milestones.

Episode Highlights

  • Why she couldn't make any money at first

  • How she eventually became the "money girl"

  • Why it is okay to take a well-deserved break from "money work"

  • How to still continue the "money work" passively if you are in hibernation mode

  • Why positive anchors are a must in maintaining a positive financial mindset

  • Why you should work out your issue with money instead of ignoring it

  • How to flip money blocks into curiosity

  • Why you shouldn't be triggered by money

  • What to do after recovering from money blocks

  • Why it's best to see negativity as milestones (and something to celebrate!)

  • How goal setting can be a powerful tool

> Click here to listen to the episode

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