Ask Me Anything: Increasing your prices

podcast episodes
Ask Me Anything: Increasing your prices


Ask Me Anything: Increasing your prices

Raising your prices can feel like a daunting task, especially when you're worried about losing clients. 

But what if I told you it's not just about the numbers? 

It's about understanding your worth, communicating effectively, and aligning your energy with your new pricing. It's about clearing any blocks that are making money feel hard. 

I get if it feels like a strange time to be considering a price increase - with the cost of living going up for us all, but if you're fully booked, in demand, or know you can help people, then a price increase might make sense and can be done sensitively. 

I'll answer your questions about increasing your prices in today's episode. 

Key takeaways from this episode:

  • Recognize the signs it's time to raise your prices
  • Understand the importance of communicating price increases effectively
  • Learn how to handle the transition period after a price hike
  • Discover the energetic alignment needed for successful pricing
  • Gain insights on attracting clients who value your new pricing

Plus, I'll talk you through my step-by-step guide to raising your prices, including: 

  • Preparing your clients for the change
  • Setting clear boundaries and deadlines
  • Communicating the value behind your new pricing
  • Handling objections and concerns

Remember, the price is just the price. It's not a reflection of your worth as a person, but rather a representation of the value you provide. 

Tune in to this episode to gain the confidence and strategies you need to raise your prices successfully and attract clients who appreciate your true value.

"It's safe for me to charge and receive more". 

xx Denise

P.S. My Perfect Price Increase Script outlines the process and words I use to increase my prices, grab your free copy here.

Get my Ultimate Guide to Pricing 

I've put all my pricing tips, strategies, and SCRIPTS together in my Ultimate Pricing Guide, you can download it for free!


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Ask Me Anything: Increasing your prices