Thank you for joining the waitlist for Sacred Money Archetypes. 

We'll be in touch with more information soon!

In the meantime, I’d  recommend these great articles to learn more about your money personality and how it could be impacting your income and business.

Share The Money Archetypes Quiz

Share your results, send this to your friends or survey your followers - getting the people in your life to take the quiz and share their results can give you so much valuable information. 

Here’s the link to share:


Blog Article: Money Personality Quiz - Which Money Personality Are You?

When it comes to money, we each have a unique “Money Personality” and you have your own blend of money strengths and unconscious money blocks. By understanding your personality and leveraging your strengths you CAN get rid of money blocks and limiting habits.


Blog Article: 8 Sacred Money Archetypes: What Are They & How To Use Them

The way you run your business needs to be aligned with your unique money personality. You can't blindly follow generic marketing advice or copy someone else's business model - it might be completely wrong for your particular archetype!

Knowing and understanding your money personality will set you on your path of least resistance to more money. Learning to leverage your strengths will make business so much easier, fun and profitable. 

If you're obsessed with personality quizzes, you'll love going deeper into your Sacred Money Archetypes®. It's literally game-changing!


New Podcast Episode: What are the 8 Money Archetypes®?

 Listen to my latest podcast episode to go deeper into the Sacred Money Archetypes® framework and get an introduction into all 8 of the Archetypes. 


It's your time and you're ready for the next step.

xx Denise