What Can New Kids on the Block Teach You About Money?
Show Notes
Hands up who was a NKOTB fan?
I'm stoked about today’s podcast episode - It's silly but has some great lessons too!
Every now and again, I'll go and look through old blog posts – I was so prolific in the first couple of years of my business. I was batching like a mo fo, especially when I was pregnant. I came across this article called "What New Kids on the Block Can Teach Us About Money."
Do you remember that NKOTB song Step by Step? It starts, "Step one. We can have lots of fun." So the first lesson for today is that making money can be fun.
Sometimes we get so serious about launches and doing the work that we forget that we're allowed to make money and have fun. I have definitely been guilty of overworking and getting too serious.
I've changed this recently. I've hired Airbnbs and gone away with a couple of entrepreneurial friends. I’ve invited people to come and stay at my rose farm. Also I’ve started to play with my marketing more. I’m making reels and hanging out on tiktok! (link). Where do you need to have a little bit more fun in your business?
Step one, we can have lots of fun. Step two, there's so much we can do. Step three, it's just you and me. Step four, I can give you more. Step five, don't you know that the time has arrived. Everything is possible in your business – just take it step by step. Do it now. Don’t wait for the stars to align. The next full moon. It's your time and you're ready for the next step.
In this episode, you'll learn:
- How I’ve started having more fun with my marketing
- The art of making a Now, Next, Later List
- It’s ok to say No
- You don’t have to be perfect to make money
- You can be generous and protect your time and energy
- Who my favorite NKOTB was!
Denise Duffield...: Hey friend, it's Denise here and welcome to another episode of Chill and Prosper. I'm stoked to spend this time with you and I'm stoked about today's thing. It's going to be so silly. Every now and again, I'll go and look through old blog posts and things and see what I was talking about because I was very prolific in the first couple of years of my business. I wrote so many articles. I did so many videos, especially when I was pregnant. I was batching like a mo fo and so it was really fun to come across this article called "What New Kids on the Block Can Teach Us About Money" because I was actually going to do a real recently about this thing and I completely forgot that I'd already written a whole article about it. So please indulge me in today's episode because it's a bit fun and silly, but it has some good lessons too.
So there's actually some surprisingly deep lessons in one of New Kids on the Block's songs. It's Step by Step. Have you noticed it always comes on when you're shopping at Target? You're sitting there like "Oh step by step." My kids always like "How do you know this song?" I'm like "Oh, I'm a 90s girl, baby." So this song comes on all the time and what's funny is that I always know all the words. It falls out of my head completely and then it comes on and I know every single freaking word. I wasn't even like a super fan girl of new kids on the block. I never saw them live. I don't even think they came to Australia when I was a kid. I heard that they have an amazing cruise that you can go on and see them and see their shows.
So if you're a 90s girl too, let's meet up on a New Kids on the Block cruise one time. I think we can learn some lessons about money from this song Step by Step. Right? So as I said, I was going to do a reel. I actually went as far as I've got heaps of these suits, like men's suits, and I was going to play each of the New Kids on the Block and then I just never got around to it. Okay. So you know that song right? Step by Step. So it was "Step by step. Ooh, baby. Going to get to you girl." I know I can't sing, but it's super fun, right? In the middle it's like "Step one", and what's the first step one? Sing it with me. Ready? "Step one. We can have lots of fun."
So, my first lesson about this is that making money can be fun. It can be fun to make money. Sometimes we get so serious about doing our business, doing our launch and doing the work that we forget that it's allowed to be fun and we're allowed to make money out of it being fun. I've had different times in my business where I have lost the fun. I have lost the joy a little bit from overworking and just getting really serious about it, not taking any time off. So let me tell you how I've managed to bring a little bit more fun into my business. Number one, I make sure that I go to conferences and events with other entrepreneurs and I've changed this recently. I used to go to a lot more talky conferences where it was lots of sessions, lots of learning, lots of stuff crammed in.
I'd like get there at nine o'clock and I'd sit there with my notebook and I'd take heaps of notes and what I've changed that to recently, and this could be really cool for you too, is that I've gone to more fun things with entrepreneurs. I've hired Airbnbs and just gone away with a couple of entrepreneurial friends. I've gone to conferences that are little bit more about fun, but with entrepreneurs. I have invited people to come and stay at my rose farm. I've said to them "Hey guys, this is just for fun. I'm not doing sessions. We're just going to hang out." So we'd go hang out in the pool and go "Hey, what email schedule is everyone using at the moment?" So you have those conversations, but it's way, way, way more fun hanging out with people who are in your space, but it doesn't have to be serious and it doesn't have to even cost a lot of money, right?
That's one way I've added more fun into my life. The other way that I've added more fun recently is through just playing with marketing a little bit and I can do this because I batch and schedule like the big soft. I batch my podcast. I batch this. I batch doing my day to day social content. Then I have a little bit more bandwidth to play and to make silly videos and to make reels. Sometimes I don't have a bandwidth for that. So where do you need to have a little bit more fun in your business? Is it by surrounding yourself with other entrepreneurs? Talking about money? Making it a fun conversation about money or having some bandwidth to create some silly, fun stuff in your business. Okay. So that's step one. We can have lots of fun.
All right. So you remember what's step two? "Step two. There's so much we can do." Oh my God. There is so much we can do in our businesses. Okay. This is the learning from this, right? There are so many problems you can solve in your business. Oh my God. There are so many different things you can talk about. You have so many different zones of genius. You have so many things you're passionate about and that can be so overwhelming. It really can be so overwhelming. So you have to sometimes have a simple system for you to choose what projects you're working on next. The way that I do it is I have one big quarterly priority because God there's so much we can do. My one quarterly priority might be batch my podcast and then I know all the things that have to all out around that, but that's the one big thing.
Then if I have bandwidth, I do it. I try not to give myself too many deadlines and I try not to do all the things. That means then I have to park some stuff for the future. If you look at everything that you have to do right now, you could write this into three different lists. You can do a now, next, later list. This really helped me because otherwise I found that everything feels like it's got equal importance and urgency and what is time? So whatever. For me to park it somewhere to go "Hang on, here's the stuff I need to do now. That's cool. That's the urgent stuff. What's next though?" Just so I can know what's coming up and I can go "Yeah, you're right there. It's cool. I'm not ignoring you. "Then the later list is stuff that could be one to 10 to never.
One to 10 years or never, but it's just parked at somewhere so it's just not floating around and you're feeling like "Oh, I really got to do that thing." There is so much we can do, but it's okay to not do everything now. It's okay to let things unfold and it's also okay to not be everything to everybody. Okay? So sometimes people will ask me, I don't know if she listens to this podcast, but she sent me a text asking me this techy thing. I was like "I don't know. I don't know, babe." I had to give up that part of myself that just wants to solve every problem for everybody. Okay? It's fine just to say no. It's totally fine just to say no. There's only so much we can do. Okay. Step one, we can have lots of fun.
Step two, there's so much we can do and we don't have to do. All right? So what's step three? Do you remember? "Step three. It's just you and me. Step four." No, I won't. I won't spoil that. So step three, it's just you and me. Here's the thing I want you to get around this, is that I'm just like a normal person. I'm not perfect. I may keep some money and yet I have not done anything perfectly in my business. All right. You might not even look up to me, but if you do, it's really easy sometimes to put other people on a pedestal. People who've written a book, you go "They must know something that I don't know." People have done a podcast, "Oh, she must have something special that I don't have."
So anything that you look up to your mentors for and make excuses about why you're not allowed to have it. Well, you know what? We're all just normal people. Stop thinking that you have to be perfect before you're allowed to make money. Stop thinking that someone else has got this special skill that you don't have. You can figure out how to write a book. You can figure out how to do a podcast. You can figure out how to make money. We're just normal people. It's just you and me, babe. It's like we're talking. I don't know where you're listening to this, but I'm a normal person. You're a normal person. You're allowed to make money in exactly how you are at the moment. Okay, so step one, we can have lots of fun. Step two, there's so much we can do. Step three, it's just you and me. We're both normal people and I will do step four and step five after this quick break. Bye
Speaker 3: Denise has helped me massively up level my mindset. I have read her first two books "Lucky Bitch" and "Get Rich, Lucky Bitch", and I'm in the middle of reading "Chillpreneur". I have not even finished it and it has already made a difference in my life and business.
Sophia Oja: Hi, I'm Sophia Oja and I am a Squarespace web designer based in the Appalachian mountains of North Carolina in the United States. In Chillpreneur, Denise shares an example of how she has built a keyless life. I won't go into details as you really have to read the book, but what she has done is shown me how I can give myself the permission to build a business around my needs, my lifestyle and my aspirations. If you want to give your mindset a makeover and step into receiving abundance to up level your ability to grow and retain your income, then learning from Denise is going to shortcut your journey. She's full of golden nuggets of wisdom, which I am so grateful. She is so generously sharing through her books, her website and her Money Bootcamp. Absolutely love her and her work.
Denise Duffield...: Okay. Welcome back. We are talking about what New Kids on the Block can teach you about money. I'm going to totally do this as a series by the way. I'm just going to do a random celebrity generator. What Marilyn Monroe can teach us about money. Oh my God. What Elizabeth Taylor can teach us about money. What Meghan Markle can teach us about money. See, there's so many cool things. I will do this. You know what? Let's do it at a conference and we'll do a random generator and then I'll just talk for an hour on each one of those topics. Okay. So step one, we can have lots of fun. Step two, there's so much we can do. Step three, it's just you and me. Step four.
Do you remember what step four is? "Step four. I can give you more." Now here's my big lesson around this, is stop over delivering. Stop over delivering. We can always do more. We can always be more. We can always add more bonuses. We can always help more people. It's really hard to know what is enoughness. What is enoughness around this? I struggle with this so much, but here's some practical ways that you can see about this more thing. Where are you over delivering in terms of time? Are your sessions going over time? Are you trying to cram too much in? Recently I changed our Money Bootcamp calls. Instead of 90 minutes, I moved them to 60 minutes because I did a launch, a challenge and I did 30 minute calls and I went "Wow, you can cram a lot into 30 minutes." I realized that the 90 minutes was about how can I give you more? How can I give you more information?
How can I give you more of Denise? It was too much. It's too much to expect people to sit and listen for 90 minutes, even if it's on something that they love. I took that back because I went, I don't need to give them that. It's not useful. It's not helpful. This could be the same with your clients. You might be giving them too much and it's actually to their detriment. It's not teaching them anything. It's not teaching them self reliance. I had a friend who had a mastermind and her people on that were so reliant on her advice that they wouldn't take a poop without running it by her first. And I'm joking, but not really. They were like, "I need you to look at this. I need you to look at this. Is this okay? Is this okay?"
And they stopped trusting their own intuition. That was a really hard lesson for her. It was her first year of her mastermind and it was a painful lesson, but she learnt it. She learnt to push back on things and to have office hours where this is when I'm available. So where else are you doing it around time? Where are you doing it around energy? Maybe you are giving people too much. You're trying to solve problems of their life again. You're branching. You're making your work too broad. I did this for sure, with Money Bootcamp. I was like "Oh, we have to talk about this and this and this and debt and savings." Those things are in there but what I had to do was go hang on, I don't teach them how to do a lot of things, I teach them the mindset around it. I don't teach you how to create passive income, but we can talk about the mindset issue of that.
So for me the more line was what's in scope, what's out of scope. That has to be stuff that you like doing, that you are good at and that people want from you. Right? You don't have to just keep on giving more and more for no reason. Here's another example. So my course Money Bootcamp is one of those courses that you pay once and then you're in forever. That means that it's not a membership, which means that I don't feel the urge to create lots of new content for people all the time, because it's not an ongoing membership. Yes, we tweak things. Yes, I add stuff, but it's always about the new member who's hearing it for the first time because the people who are there forever, they're coming back and doing the basics again, when they need them with a new nuance for where they're at at the time. Right.
A lot of people confuse their business models and they have something like that where maybe it's a cheap course or it's a popup thing and you're going "Oh no, I have to keep on entertaining them. I have to give them more." You might have a popup Facebook group for a course and people go "Oh, can we just keep it open?" And you go "I guess so. Yeah. Okay", not realizing that everything you do has energy implications. Has customer service implications. We can be generous and we can still know where our enoughness line is when it comes to giving people more and more and more and more. This is particularly important if you have physical products and stuff like that because your profit margin can just can be just killed so quickly. The packaging and things like that can all add up. Look at where you are over delivering for no reason and over delivering in a way that's costing you time, energy, money. Okay.
So step four, I can give you more, but you're going to have to pay for it. Or I can give you more, but it's actually not in your best interest or highest good right now. I can give you more and that's enough. Okay. So yeah. "Step four. I can give you more" Do you remember step five? "Don't you know that the time has arrived, huh?" Okay. This is such an important lesson. Timing, timing, timing. Everything in business is about timing and everybody thinks that that's really real.
There must be a perfect time. So I get people saying "What's the best time to send my newsletter?" I go "When you send it." When's the best time to post on social media? When you do it. When's the best time to launch my course? When you do it. When's the best time to launch a book? When you do it. I've seen people launch every single month of the year in different things. I think it works anytime. It's just what works for you and what works for your clients. Sometimes you can break the rules, right? Sometimes that's the only time you can launch and so gosh, that's better than nothing.
With timing, I always remind myself that I create my own luck. Today is my lucky day. It's my time and I'm ready for the next step. That's why I use that affirmation over and over again because people are waiting "Oh, mercury retrograde. I can't launch. Oh, I can't launch this year. Cause I'm in a one numerology year. So it's not my time to launch stuff. It's my time to begin stuff." Yeah. Cool. I love all of that stuff. I love it. Love it. Love it. Sometimes you just got to get over the timing blocks and just launch it.
Don't you know that the time has arrived? Pelvic thrust. Don't you know that it's your time now and there's never been a better time? Don't you know that you're never going to be any younger than you are now so you got to get over that excuse? Don't you know that people are waiting to hear your message right now? Don't you know that the time has arrived? You've just got to do it. Okay. You're meant for big things. Quit procrastinating.
It's time is now. Do it now. You can't wait for the stars to align. You can't wait for the next full moon. Sometimes you just got to do and it's your time and you're ready for the next step. Okay. That's what I've learned from New Kids on the Block. Isn't that fun? Isn't that so much fun? So yeah. Step one, we can have lots of fun. Step two, there's so much we can do. Step three, it's just you and me. I can't do that one. Step four, I can give you more. Step five, don't you know that the time has arrived. That's the last lesson, right. Just do it step by step. Everything you can do in business is step by step. You can buy a course and learn it step by step, but you have to start now. That's it.
It's a journey. You're already on the path. You've got it. And by the way, my favorite New Kid on the Block was Donny. I had this thing for bad boys. When I was a tween, I was like, oh, he's so bad. He's so naughty. I loved Billy Idol for the same reason. I want to hear who was your favorite New Kid on the Block and why? If you've been on a New Kids on the Block cruise, you have to send me a picture. My social media is @denisedt all across the web. Do you know what's going to be super fun, if you are really young and you're just like "What the freak is she talking about?" I just assumed. Sorry for assuming that everyone knew who New Kids on the Block was. You can go and watch it on YouTube. Step by Step by New Kids on the Block. All right my lovelies. Stick around, I've got one final thought for you right after this very short break.
Rosie Parsons: Hi, I'm Rosie Parsons, a personal brand photographer for female entrepreneurs in Devon, England. I read Get Rich, Lucky Bitch and wow. It changed my life. I began to believe in my value and speak my prices with confidence. I've now got people telling me on Instagram that I'm on their vision boards because they want to save up for a shoot with me. I've gone from having 1K months to consistently having 10 K months. It's been amazing. I recommend Denise's book to everyone I meet. It's absolutely incredible.
Sergio: Hi, my name is Sergio and I live in Seattle. I design sales pages for [email protected]. I found Get Rich, Lucky being audible after friends told me about it and discovered I've been manifesting money for years, without even realizing it. I had 100K in stocks, which helped me quit corporate to start my business, and 600K in home equity helped us find land for our dream house build. It was all right there for the taking once I was clear what I wanted. So read all of Denise's books if you want to learn how money can be fun and playful and how everything you want is at your fingertips when you're clear on your desires.
Denise Duffield...: Hi and welcome back. My final thought today is about the word 'greed'. The word greed. So I was Googling the other day, for an article, movies about money and there was like 30 movie movies about money. What I noticed is that they're all about greed. That's what they're really about. They're really about greed. Wall Street is about greed and there's just so many movies where the rich person is the horrible person. Cautionary tales about greed, about horrible things that rich people do to each other or bank robbers and everyone kills each other at the end to get the final money. Even that amazing Netflix show, Squid Games. What does that say to us about greed?
You might have a relationship with greed that's holding you back from making more money. You might think it's greedy for you to have more than you need. You might feel like it's greedy to have savings. You might feel like it's greedy to have good opportunities if other people are struggling. You might feel like it's greedy for you to have ease in your life. You might feel like it's greedy to spend money at the moment. It's greedy for you to have more than one thing. I've got two laptops because I've got one in my office and one that I carry around my bedroom sometimes. It's greedy for me to have more than I need. It's unethical to have more than you need. So what's your relationship with greed? The chances are you're not an evil, greedy, rich person who's going to do horrible things and screw everyone over.
The thought of doing that might be holding you back from doing something really simple. Just sending an invoice. It's you might think it's greedy for you to ask for people to pay you or to chase that money that's owed to you or greedy to ask your friend to pay you back for that thing or to reimburse you for something. You might feel like it's greedy to be reimbursed. It could be interesting to see where those little layers are for you around the word greed. There's enough for you. You choose to be rich and ethical. You choose to be rich and generous. Rich doesn't have to mean greedy and we can crowd that out. Let's create new stories around wealth and generosity. look for example like that, where people have used their money for good and that will help you to do the things then in your business to make more money.
All right, you are going to have an amazing wealthy, generous week and I will see you next week for another episode of Chill and Prosper. Take care.
Speaker 1: Thanks for listening to Chill and Prosper. Tell your friends to chill and prosper. Review and subscribe. We hope you had a very good time.
About the Show
Chill and Prosper is your weekly dose of money mindset, marketing and humour from best-selling author and entrepreneur Denise Duffield-Thomas.
Denise's philosophy is that there is ALWAYS an easier way to make money and that's what she's here to help you do. Each week, you'll get actionable advice to help you make more money, with less work. There's no need to hustle - let Denise show you how to embrace the Chillpreneur way.
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