Make It Easy For People To Give You Money
Show Notes
In this week's episode of Chill & Prosper, we are talking about making it easy for people to give you money.
That's what we're all in business to do, right?
But often it's not so simple.
We sabotage ourselves and unknowingly we make it really hard for people to simply… pay us.
Are you sabotaging yourself? You might be surprised!
I talk about ...
- Serving instant gratification people (like me!)
- Simplify your sales page
- All the ways you’re blocking abundance
- Tips on how to make it easier for people to pay you
Hey, gorgeous. Today we are talking about making it really easy for people to give you money. Hey, that's what we're all in business to do, right? But often it's not so simple. We go into business because we think, "Yep, I've got something to offer and I will let people know and they will give me money." But in reality, a lot of stuff happens in between that. Where we get psyched out, we sabotage ourselves and we otherwise make it really hard for people just to give us money and have that easy transaction.
So, at the start of COVID lockdown, I knew that I had to do something to really boost the confidence of people in my industry. And a lot of people who follow me knew as well, we're often selling courses, and programs, or coaching, or a transformation that we might've felt at the start wasn't maybe necessary during COVID. And a lot of people did actually really well, so that's good.
I wanted to support our community because I felt like I was the flight attendant when you're in a plane and the turbulence happens, and everyone looks towards the flight attendant to see if you should freak out. And so I was like, "It's fine. Everything's fine. Don't stress. It's all going to be okay." And so, as part of that, I said, I am going to buy some courses from people, and I will spend $5,000 in our community. So if you have a course, that's under $200, please put the link. And I ended up spending over $6,000. There's a couple of lessons in this that I really learned.
Because, one, I actually had to buy a lot of courses to get to that $6,000. I actually bought over 64 things. It took a long time to do that for lots of different reasons. And mostly because people were making it really, really hard for me to buy from them. Even though I asked them to put the link, they made it really, really hard. And I often stopped. I'd really tried in some cases to buy things. And then after a while I just stopped and went on to the next link where someone made it much easier for me. So I'm going to share some of those lessons that I learned, and also a bit of a message about why we need to be stepping up and offering our things right now.
I'm going to start with that actually, because I see a lot of people who go through hard times, and that's totally fine, and they put out a GoFundMe link to be like, "Hey, I can't pay my rent or I'm struggling", and this, this, and this. And oftentimes they aren't entrepreneurs. And again, no shame, oh my God. Especially if they live in America and you've got a horrible healthcare system in America, but I often think, "Oh, I wish you just had something for me to buy". And then I would just would buy it. I would go buy your e-Book, I would go buy your e-Course. And yes, you would have to pay tax on that. But then, I also get a tax break on that if I can buy it for my business. And also, then it's on your income and it would be really good if you wanted to get a loan, or buy a house in the future.
And so, here's where I think everybody needs to have some sort of passive income course or program or offering that they can offer. Because if something happens, then people can still support you, but you can also be making money when you don't feel like it. If your illness flares up, or you've got to care for someone in your family, or just something happens and you can't hustle like you used to. So, I was really proud of all the people who had something to actually sell in the first place. Because I know so many people, when they saw me do that and say, "Hey, post your link, I'm going to buy some stuff," they were kicking themselves that they hadn't done it.
Here's what I learned about buying those 64 different things. They were from online Reiki, tarot sessions, e-courses, e-books, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. One of the biggest things I found was the simple things really prevented me from giving them money. One thing, sales buttons. Some people's sales buttons, oh my God, they were camouflaged. I might've bought something that was $27, and it was this freaking 30 page scroll thing. And then the sales buttons were teeny tiny links that were really hard to find. They were the same color as the background. There were lots of other buttons around. They were cutesy. There was a button that was, "I'm ready to party!" instead of just, "Buy here". Remember, a confused mind always says no. If people can't easily find it, they'll click away. And I've got ADHD. I don't need any reason to click away. Because I'll see something on your site, and then I'll go, "Oh, that's right, I've got to book my doctor's appointment," and I'll click away and I'll completely forget. So make it really, really simple.
I actually tested this a lot on my sales pages. If you go to my Money Bootcamp one, for example, denisedt.com/bootcamp. I actually made it really simple. I've got a video, and then I've got drop downs, and then it's really easy to find the sales button. I don't have a super opinion on whether long or short is better. I've tested both. They both seem to convert. But if yours is long and you can't find the button, then it's going to be really hard for people just to press it because they'll just leave.
The other thing is to check your mobile responsiveness. A lot of people are buying on their mobile these days. And even though I was switching between the two, there were some that I would click on and buy on my desktop. There's some that I'd do on my phone. I could see that sometimes people had a really beautiful website when I looked at it on my laptop, but when I went on my phone, it all went a bit wonky donkey. And sometimes the sales button went missing, or sometimes the sales button got camouflaged because of a color or something like that.
And so, you've really got to think of your target audience. I remember when I was a sleep deprived mom and I was up breastfeeding at three o'clock in the morning, and I wanted to buy a sleep guide. That's when people are Googling for those things. It's, "How to get my six month old breastfeeding baby to sleep?" And some of the websites were so complicated and others were very, very simple, and a simple PayPal button so I didn't have to get up. And it was just simple, simple, simple. So just check if your website still works on a mobile, or if all the things just go away. Especially the older models as well. You can get your least techie friend check. Get your mom. If your mom can buy from you...God, if my mom could buy on my website, then I know it's a simple, easy website.
Okay, tip number three. I have sold over $12 million worth of courses online. And here's what I've learned about design. Simple is best. Simple is best. I remember a mentor of mine, she was a multimillionaire. And I looked at her sales pages and I was like, "They're not very pretty," but they were simple. It was, here's what my course does and here's where you can buy it. And I was like, "But I want to have pretty pictures on mine. I want to have like beautiful subtitles in like a handwritten font. I want to have it all sexy." But actually I've done the stats on it, on my own stuff, and all of my stuff converts better when it's simple. So that means simple font on your pages and your order forms. I was on an order form the other day and it was like romantic, running, writing font, not just on the sales page, on the order form. So that means they had to pay a designer to make it super, super, super sexy. And it was so painful on my eyes, and it wasn't mobile responsive. It had a patterned background on it as well. So it was purple patterned, and it had the font. Now remember, that's an accessibility thing as well as a conversion thing. If people can't read it, if they can't see, if your fonts teeny tiny, or if it's too fancy. One, it can take so long to load. And, two, it just is that extra bit of distraction that people don't need. And trust me, conversions go down a lot.
Now, if your target audience is over 40, you really have to look at things like that, with the font and stuff like that. Add more white space, make it really, really, really simple. Minimize the graphics and video. I remember there was this trend of having dancing graphics and video backgrounds, and pop-ups, and fly-ins, and stuff like that. And, all of that stuff, yes, it makes your page way slower to load, but it really does take down the conversions. And so when I bought these 64 courses, I saw some shockers where I was just like, "Oh, you've really got sucked into sexy branding." And you're making it really, really, really hard for me to buy.
I've got a lot more tips for you, but I'm going to take a very quick break and I'll be right back on helping you to make it really easy for people to give you money. See you in a sec.
Hi, I'm Rosie Parsons, a personal brand photographer for female entrepreneurs in Devon, England. I read Get Rich, Lucky Bitch, and wow, it changed my life. I began to believe in my value and speak my prices with confidence. And now I've got people telling me on Instagram that I'm on their vision boards because they want just save up for a shoot with me. I've gone from having 1K months to consistently 10K months. It's been amazing. I recommend Denise's book to everyone I meet. It's absolutely incredible.
Hi, my name is Sarah and I live in Seattle. I design sales pages for coaches at sarahdesign.com. I found Get Rich, Lucky B on Audible after friends told me about it, and discovered I've been manifesting money for years, without even realizing it. I had 100K in stocks, which helped me quit corporate to start my business, and 600K in home equity helped us find land for our dream house build. It was all right there for the taking once I was clear of what I wanted. So, read all of Denise's books if you want to learn how money can be fun and playful, and how everything you want is at your fingertips when you're clear on your desires.
Welcome back. This segment is continuing on about everything to make it really easy for people to buy from you, because why go through all the stress of creating your thing in the first place, creating your sales page, and then for it just to be blah and [inaudible].
Tip number four. Let me just quickly recap. Tip number one, make your sales buttons really easy, simple to find. Tip number two, check your mobile responsiveness. And tip number three is to go really, really simple. Now, number four, check your links. It sounds so obvious But regularly check that your links are still actually working. Check that your payment methods are still working. So that could be something you do at the start of the month, start of the week, whatever, you just go, "Is everything working?" Now, this is where it comes up where you might be sabotaging yourself. Because I have gone through stages where I knew my links were broken, but I didn't want people to buy. And you might go "What? Is that even a thing?" I don't know if anyone resonates with this, but I knew that my links to my e-books in my first couple of years, I knew that they were frequently broken. Because I didn't want people to buy it, because I didn't want them to read my book and realize that I was an imposter and a big phony fake, and that I had typos. Does that resonate with you? Are you sabotaging yourself by leaving those broken links up?
Those first couple of years I only sold my e-book to people who were super persistent. Because I'd have people who would email me and go, "Hey, Denise, I really want buy your book, but the link's broken," and I'd be like, "Oh, okay." And then sometimes I would just send it to them. "Oh, I'm really sorry for the inconvenience. Here's my book. I won't charge you for it." But I know I'm not alone in that. So check your links and give yourself permission to prosper from things that you've created. It's okay for people to buy from you. But, yeah, I understand that feeling of being a fraud. So get other people to check it out. As I said, just before the break, get your mom to check it out. Because when I bought the 64 courses, some order forms were so hard to navigate. Millions of steps for a $30 program. Having to create an account. Make it really, really easy. Technology changes all the time, so what might've worked for you three years ago, there might be an easier solution now. Sometimes I would buy something and then I would have to search around for the little cart button, which might've been right up the top.
So look around. When you're buying things, check out what software that people are using to make it really simple. I love those one click, two click things where it's super, super, super simple. Remember, people's attention spans are low. If you make it complicated, they'll say no, they'll click away. And otherwise they just can't be bothered sometimes. And then you'll only sell to those really, really persistent people instead of the low hanging fruit of people who just want what you have to offer.
My next tip, tip number five, is really think about your payment methods that you're offering, and are they appropriate for your audience? I know PayPal fees suck. I know they do, but fees are a part of doing business. When I started my business, this was in the olden days because I'm a granny. Honestly, my first business, I had to give people my bank account details. And then when it cleared, then I would send them the thing. My first course, everyone had the same password because the software systems were tricky and the payment systems wouldn't hook up. So, if someone defaulted, there was nothing I could do about it. I had to do it all manually because I was a granny. It was really hard. You youngin's don't know what it's like. But it's so easy now to have all those systems, and it's okay to pay those fees. It's just a part of doing business. You don't want to go back to the olden days where people had to send you a check in the post, or send you a mail order, or giving out your bank details for everyone.
Now, PayPal is one of those things that people get a bit pissed about. Guess what? I love using PayPal as a customer, because sometimes I cannot be bothered to get up and get my credit card. If I have to get up, I forget. 80% of the time I totally forget. Or, as I said, when I was breastfeeding my baby and I went to buy something, I couldn't get up. So, whatever is going to be convenient for your audience and what you're selling, offer it. And don't worry about the fees. It's just a cost of doing business. You can build that into your profit. And remember too, that's a tax deduction for you. It's okay. But if you can make it easier for people to give you money, you'll make more money anyway. So don't even think a moment about that.
Tip number six. Thank you pages are very valuable real estate. 64 times I hit that "buy now" button. I saw 64 different thank you pages. The worst thank you pages are just, "Hey, thanks for buying," with no information. I'm like, "Okay, what do I do now?" Do I have to check my inbox? Do I have to sign into something? What is it? Now, if this is something like a $27...if it's a cheap thing, put it on the thank you page. Just let me download it straight away. Because things go into to spam, technology doesn't work, whatever. Give me that instant gratification of "Here is your thing."
I do this even on my $2,000 Money Bootcamp thank you page. On my thank you page I have a video from me saying, "Hey, I'm so excited. This is great. I'm excited for you. I can't wait to help you change your life. First thing to do, join the community group." I give them something to do straight away, instant gratification. Because sometimes, as I said, sometimes things don't work. Sometimes things go into spam, all that kind of stuff. And I say, "You've made the right decision." I also have a video from current members saying, "Hey, you've made the right decision. I was nervous too," but I give them something to do. I also tell them what's going to happen. So I say, "You're about to get your login details and your password to your email. If you don't see it in the next couple of minutes, check your spam folder, or send us an email here and we'll help you out straight away." So I just tell them what is going to happen. Otherwise, this is where people get buyer's remorse. They don't know what's going to happen next. They feel like you've abandoned them. "Oh, you've got my money now, and now you're just going to let me go?" Tell them what is going to happen next.
I've even seen ones where it's a screenshot of here's the email that it's coming from. Because I would get things in my email and it would be just like "info@", or just no information and I'd be really confused. Or the name would be different to the business name that I thought I bought from. It was just all very confusing. Now, if your thing is someone's booked in time with you, on that thank you page put in your calendar link. And where possible put an automated link, like a Calendly or TimeTrade or something like that, because people just want to be taken care of. They don't want to get buyer's remorse. They don't want to feel like they've made a bad decision. They don't want to get confused. And you want them to use things straight away, especially if it's a coaching session or a time that they have to book in with you. If you leave it for too long, that's when you get those zombie clients who just go away, they ghost you. And three months later, they're like, "Oh, I want my thing now." And you're like, "Oh, God, it was a special deal."
So, that thank you page is really valuable real estate to make them feel good about the purchase, to tell them what's going next, and to give them an action to take. Putting the link to my community group reduced refunds for my Money Bootcamp, because they could get something straight away. That's also the place where you can give an unexpected bonus, or just make them feel really good about purchasing from you. So hopefully you've got some ideas.
Tip number seven. Again, everything was under $200 and actually, a lot of the things were even under $100 that I bought. And I lost count of the things that could have easily been a $2,000 or more value that were under $50. I've done the stats on this, and I've launched lots of different things at lots of different price points. The conversion on a low cost thing is the same as a high cost thing. Honestly, it's, say, 1-2% and it's the same amount of work. Usually the sales page is the same, the same amount of work in delivering it, all that kind of stuff is the same. So, there's nothing wrong with having a smaller price point. I think it's great. As I said, it's awesome if you can have something that people can buy from you straight away, but don't overload your lower cost things. Because why would someone buy from you at a higher price point if you're literally giving them everything and the kitchen sink?
On some sales pages, as I said, I had to scroll and scroll and scroll, plus testimonials and benefits, and all these things for like a $50 course. So, I know sometimes it's part of a strategic entry point of like an upsell and things like that. But most of the time, it wasn't. Most of the time, it was just like, "Here's my thing", and that's it. And it was so over-delivered and just too much stuff in it. And it's too overwhelming, really.
And out of those 64 courses that I bought, I reckon about three of them had an upsell on that thank you page. So it was, "Hey, you bought this thing. Do you want to buy this too?" And more often I was like, "Hell yeah, press it." It made it really easy for me just to go, "Yeah, I may as well buy that thing." So I'll give you an example of it. One thing that I bought was Instagram templates to do social media graphics. It was a $29 thing. You get Instagram graphics for your Canva. And then on the thank you page, it was, "Hey, do you also want my Facebook templates? And 50 things on what to write about for your social media everyday?" I was like, "Hell yeah." And it was $70. And then I think there was one, there was four upsells. At some point I just went, I think I'm good. But it was really interesting. If someone's already got their wallet out, someone already wants to buy from you, what complimentary upgrade can you offer on that? I used to do this on my manifesting course. I'd be like, "Hey, you already bought my manifesting course, do you want to join my bootcamp too?" And a certain percentage of people would go, "Yeah, actually, I want to join your bootcamp just cause you offered it."
Another tip is to package things up. I saw a lot of people had $10 things, $20 things, and I felt bad about just buying one thing. I was like, "I actually want to spend at least $50-$100 on this person." But I had to click around. If there was something that was buy all of them at once, I just would've clicked on that. So give people the option to buy all your stuff. That's it. Buy everything at once. Some people don't want to click around. They just want everything. Make it easy for people to give you money.
Here's my final tip. Tip number nine. Be really proud. If you've got anything to offer, I'm so freaking proud of you. I know what it takes to get something to market. I know what it takes to overcome all the doubt and stress and fear. When you're writing your sales page, when you're doing your videos, when you're overcoming those technical problems at three o'clock in the morning, I know what it's like. And I know that excitement and hope that you have that's mixed with fear and dread, and the imposter syndrome that starts to come up. So, even though I sound really nitpicky for all of those 64 people that I bought from, I'm so freaking proud of it, I really am. And if you saw that and you were kicking yourself that you didn't have anything for sale, or thinking that you missed the boat. The first best time, yeah, could have been yesterday. The second best time to do it is today. So even if you have nothing for sale, you know what, sell an hour of your time. Offer something on your website where someone can just come to you right now and give you money. Go simple first. You've got something right now that you could package up and somebody could buy from you right now. You really do.
Hopefully that was helpful. I would love to hear from you. I would love to hear what tips sticks in your mind, or what thing you have done wrong, or you think you've done wrong? My social handle across the whole web is @denisedt. Denise DT. I would love to hear from you. Send me a DM and let me know what you got from today's episode about how you can make it really, really easy for people to give you money. And I will be right back after this final thought from me.
Denise has helped me massively up-level my mindset. I have read her first two books, Lucky Bitch, and Get Rich, Lucky Bitch, and I'm in the middle of reading Chillpreneur. I've not even finished it and it has already made a difference in my life and business.
Hi, I'm Sophia Oja and I am a Squarespace web designer based in the Appalachian mountains of North Carolina in the United States. In Chillpreneur, Denise shares an example of how she has built a keyless life. I won't go into details, as you really have to read the book, but what she has done is shown me how I can give myself the permission to build a business around my needs, my lifestyle, and my aspirations. If you want to give your mindset a make-over and step into receiving abundance to up-level your ability to grow and retain your income, then learning from Denise is going to shortcut your journey. She's full of golden nuggets of wisdom, which I'm so grateful she is so generously sharing through her books, her website and her Money Bootcamp. Absolutely love her and her work.
Hey, gorgeous. Welcome back. And here is my final thought for today. There are easier ways to make money. There are easier ways to make money. I often meet people and they're telling me about their business idea, or they're telling me about all the things they do, and I just think, "Oh man, there are easier ways to make money." Sometimes we really overcomplicate things. We ignore the easy wins to prove to ourselves that we can do it, or we're working with clients that we shouldn't be because they need our help, or just all of the ways that we over-complicate things. One of my skills, I think as a Virgo, but also just as a Chillpreneur, is that I'm always looking for the easiest way. What's the path of least resistance? I want you to think about this until we speak again: there are easier ways to make money.
There are so many things you could do. I can imagine you're a very talented person. You're a Jack of all trades, but it doesn't mean you have to be everything to everyone. It doesn't mean you have to serve everybody. It doesn't mean you have to offer all the things. There are easier ways to make money. And this might bring up stuff for you too, that it's not allowed to be easy, that you have to work hard to make money, but I want you to write this one down, just write it down somewhere. There are easier to make money. And sometimes that even just in itself helps your brain puzzle that out and find that path of least resistance. But it's true. It's allowed to be easy. It's allowed to be fun and it's allowed to be insanely profitable. So, go forth, chill and prosper. Peace out from me, and I will see you next time. Bye.
About the Show
Chill and Prosper is your weekly dose of money mindset, marketing and humour from best-selling author and entrepreneur Denise Duffield-Thomas.
Denise's philosophy is that there is ALWAYS an easier way to make money and that's what she's here to help you do. Each week, you'll get actionable advice to help you make more money, with less work. There's no need to hustle - let Denise show you how to embrace the Chillpreneur way.
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