My Life Philosphy: How I Live a Keyless Life
Show Notes
Today, I’m talking about the keyless life – or creating ease and automation to eliminate friction.
It’s my life philosophy! #keylesslife
In my new updated book, Chill and Prosper, I outline a ton of different ways how you can create your own version of a keyless life. Get your pre-order here and get ALL the juicy bonuses too.
I started using this approach when I had kids. Forgetting my keys and sitting outside for an hour waiting for someone to come home was annoying but not that big a deal, pre-kids.
When I became a mom, it had to change. I couldn’t sit outside with a crying baby. The first shift I made was to choose a car with a keyless entry.
Then I got excited and looked around and thought what else can I automate?
Like, sometimes when I’m working on a project, I forget to eat. Cue: meal delivery service.
We don't all experience friction in the same areas.
Think about something that is stressing you out right now. Can you eliminate it? If not, can you simplify it? Automate it? Or batch it?
Life’s allowed to be easy. It's allowed to be chilled and enjoyable. You’re allowed to have convenience and ease.
In this episode, you'll learn:
- Adopt my keyless approach to life (or how I gave toilet paper to friends like candy!)
- How I hacked ‘lost phone charger’ syndrome and other super handy home tips
- Your guide to batching - how I organized a 14 venue book tour in a day
- Success strategies to help YOU free up more time and energy at home
- Brilliant solutions for creating greater ease in your life
- What lifetime access really means
Denise Duffield...: Hey gorgeous. It's Denise here. And before we get into today's episode, I just want to let you know that I have a brand new version of my book, Chill and Prosper, coming out. You can get some incredible bonuses at denisedt.com/prosper. This is the updated and expanded version of my book, Chillpreneur with brand new cover, brand new name, brand new case studies and tons of incredible bonuses. Some of those bonuses are limited time. So make sure you go to denisedt.com/prosper. Grab your new copy of the book and get all of your incredible bonuses as well. All right, enjoy today's episode.
Speaker 2: Start your business for the freedom of time. Now you're tired of the hustle and grind. There's got to be a better way. It's time to listen to Chill and Prosper. Welcome to Chill and Prosper. You're ready to chill and prosper, with Denise Duffield-Thomas.
Denise Duffield...: Hey gorgeous. It's Denise here. Welcome to this week's episode of Chill and Prosper, where we're talking about making things way chiller and way more prospery for you. Yes we are. Now you might know that I have a new version of my book, Chillpreneur coming out, retitled, Chill and Prosper. And if you haven't listened to the whole juicy gossip behind the scenes of why we did a new version, why we did a new cover and why we changed the name, make sure you go and listen to that episode. I have no idea what number it is off the top of my head. But it is why I wrote new book. I can't even remember what it was called. But I can link it in these show notes. I know, it's just so organized today.
Anyway, I wanted to talk about one of the concepts of the book and one of the most absolutely important concepts of the book. And that is the keyless life aspect. Now, if you haven't read the book before, so Chillpreneur was the first name, we've just done a completely new edition called, Chill and Prosper. And we have ton of bonuses as well for the new edition. So you can go and buy that from lots of different places, but there are links at denisedt.com/prosper, and you'll see all of the pre-order bonuses on there too. And also all of the book bonuses that you can grab.
Now, the funny thing about this chapter, the keyless life, is that I didn't realize when I wrote this book that I had ADHD. In hindsight, it's incredibly obvious that I've had it my whole life that I had it at school. All I knew is that I lost my keys all the time. I lost them when I was at school and I would have to wait for my brother to come home from school or my mom to come home from work. When I lived in Sydney for the first time out of home, I would forget my keys. I'd have to wait for my flatmates. When I moved to London, the same thing happened. When Mark and I started living together, same thing happened. He'd come home and I'd just be sat outside. Like, "I forgot my keys."
I didn't know that was an ADHD symptom. And so when I wrote the book, I just wanted to share this concept where I discovered to help me not forget my keys to create this keyless life. And it just meant to find ease and find ways to create ease and automation so you don't have to stress about challenges that you have. The behind the scenes part of that is that I got diagnosed at age 42 with ADHD. And people said to me, "Oh wow, you totally wrote a business book for people with ADHD without even realizing that you did."
I actually started using this process, the keyless life, when I had kids. Because when it was just me, okay, no big deal. Yes, it's boring to sit outside at your house for an hour waiting for someone to come home, but it's not that big a deal. But when I had kids, man, you can't do that. You can't sit outside with a crying baby, who's also covered in poop because you forgot to take diapers and wipes out with you. So I got a new car that had a keyless entry thing on there. So you don't have to get the key out of your handbag. As long as you're near the car, you can just press the button and it will open. And I just went, "Oh my God, what a concept?" I had one of those electric garage door openers for one of our houses.
And I went, "Oh, if I keep this in the car, I never even have to go in the front door. I can just go in there. And I don't even have to worry about getting my keys out." And so it just felt like this new life for me. Where I went, "Wow, what else can I automate? What else can I create a solution for so I don't have to just live in this stress life anymore?" So I wanted to try and find as many shortcuts as possible. And for me, that was things like putting things on auto pay, making sure that I wasn't missing credit card payments. And some of you will just not even get that, right? Where you go, "Why would you ever not pay your bills on time?" I just forgot sometimes to do it.
And then I was like, oh wow, sometimes when I work, I don't eat properly. So what if I get a meal delivery service? What if I put locks on all of my houses, then I never have to worry about keys. I just have to remember a code. Wow. What ease. And then I started to look into my business to take that concept of keyless life, where you don't have to carry things around. You don't have to remember things. Things will just happen without you thinking about it.
And so this is a life philosophy, I think about creating ease and eliminating friction. So in the book, I outline a ton of different ideas about how you can do that. But I wanted to talk today about some of the things that you might not realize that you're doing, that you're creating stress around too.
In the book, and this is chapter six in the new book of Chill and Prosper, I talk about going through your day and seeing where things are taking up more energy or friction than they need to. So this could be repetitive things that you find yourself saying or doing again and again, that could be automated. It could be things that create arguments in your family, like, "Hey, someone forgot to order dog food." "Hey, we've run out of toilet paper." A lot of those things now can be put on subscriptions. Auto renew, auto pay. During the pandemic, when everyone was running out of toilet paper, I was like, "Ha-ha, I've got a toilet paper subscription. Anyone want some toilet paper?" I was like giving it out to my friends like candy. I was like, "Would you like some toilet paper?" Because I have a subscription with a company called, Who Gives a Crap. And they send you a box of toilet paper and they also match your donation. They build toilets in countries that don't have that infrastructure.
So it felt really good, but it was more than that. It felt good, but it was like, "Oh, I never have to think about buying toilet paper ever again." The things that could cause you stress might be so tiny and little that you dismiss them as not important or you being a diva. One thing that stressed me out a lot was phone chargers, because I'd sit down and I'd want to plug in my phone and I'd go, "Who stole my freaking charger?" And chances are you actually have a lot of chargers around for your phone and your laptop. But they're probably put in drawers or they're in your travel bag or they're in your car or whatever. So go and find all of those to put them everywhere. So in our house, we've got them in our little, we call it our huggle room, so this is where we watch TV, where we snuggle and huggle. It's our huggle.
We have them on both sides of the couch. So we don't have to go, "Hey, unplug that one and bring it over here because my iPad's about to run out." We have them there. We have them on either side of our bed. We have them in our offices. We have them in the kitchen. We have them in the lounge room. We have them in our cars. We have multiple ones in our cars now because we have multiple devices. And so that was so simple. But it took up a lot of bandwidth every day of going, "I'm not ready to just jump into work. I'm not ready to..." It just wasn't easy for me. So that might not be a thing for you. It might not be an issue at all, but there could be other things that create annoyance for you.
And each one of those things takes up just a little bit of your bandwidth. And you never know what is going to just suck the life out of you where you don't have energy to write your book. You don't have energy to launch your new program because you're dealing with the death of a thousand paper cuts. Where it's just like, "Oh, there's so much friction and so much annoyance in my life every single day that I'm exhausted by the end of the day. I don't have any bandwidth left to give."
This is a real life philosophy of going, it's allowed to be easy. It's allowed to be chilled. It's allowed to be enjoyable. And I'm allowed to have convenience and ease. Now, I actually felt really guilty about this when we built our new house. There were things that I wanted to put in the house that were just bumping up against my limit of what I was allowed to have.
One of those things was underflow heating in my bathroom. And okay, this is total rich person problem, so please don't send me hate mail about this. But when we were building the house, they were like, "Do you want underflow heating in the bathroom?" And my first thought was, "What kind of freaking diva do you think I am that I can't handle having cold feet in the winter?" I was like, "What?" And then they were like, "Look, it's actually not that expensive in the grand scheme of doing a bathroom. So you may as well have it if you want it."
But you know what? I felt so guilty about that. And it really bumped up against my idea of being a resilient person that I didn't use that underflow heating at all for like six months, because I was just like, "I do not want to get used to this ease and comfort and abundance. And then when I lose all my money and I have to go back to a cold house, then I can't cope with reality."
And isn't that just the weirdest thing that we go, "I don't want to create comfort because what if I get used to this comfort? What if I can't sustain this level of comfort for the future?" So we are thinking like about the future and not even going, "Yeah, but I can enjoy it now. I could enjoy it for today. I could experience this in the moment and have enjoyment in the moment." Ah, it's so interesting that we do that.
Okay. I'm just going to take a little break, because part of my keyless life too is making sure I drink enough water and doing things like that. When I come back from the break, we're going to talk about creating a keyless business. And applying that to philosophy into every single part of your business.
All right. See you in a sec.
Speaker 3: As a recovering perfectionist, Chill and Prosper is filled with reminders and permission to do things imperfectly, allow those emotions and take shortcuts. My favorite takeaway is her process on how to live, function and prosper even in the company of fear. Make fear my companion on this journey. Denise's stories give the ultimate permission to be yourself and do what you want in a chill way. It reminded me once again that I am enough.
Denise Duffield...: Okay, welcome back. We are talking about the keyless business and the keyless life. Now this is a really key, important concept that I teach in my book. The new book is called Chill and Prosper. It's an updated and expanded version of Chillpreneuer. And I have a ton of brand new, very valuable bonuses for you. Even if you've read the previous book, I know you'll get a lot out of the new one as well. And I've got some bribes and bonuses for you to get that new book and you can get all that information at denisedt.com/prosper, because the new book is called Chill and Prosper.
We are talking about taking that concept of keyless life, creating ease and automation and frictionless experience into your business. And we often resist this because cause we're trying to do business like someone else. We're trying to be a good student and follow someone else's blueprint.
Or we just don't know enough about ourselves to create a business in that way. So for you, it could be finding shortcuts, instead of starting things from scratch all the time. It could be buying templates. That is my new hack, by the way, Canva templates. Templates to start a course. There's so many templates and systems that you can purchase from someone else, put your own flavor on it, put your own branding on it and add value to your own life. It's incredible. It could be for you, the keyless business could be hiring a team to help you. Cloning yourself via hiring somebody so then you don't have to do everything yourself. Creating passive income could be your keyless life. So you can continue to have income coming in. Even if you don't feel like it, or even if you're unwell or if you've got other things that you want to work on.
And also, even things like automation, that's a keyless life. Another part of keyless life that people don't even really talk about so much, it's not about creating ease and simplicity. Some things you should just not do. Like instead of finding a hack, finding a system, finding someone to do it for you. It's like, actually nobody should be doing this. Nobody should be doing it at all. And for me, that could be going off into shiny objects. Like after I wrote Get Rich Lucky Bitch, I wrote Get Hitched Lucky Bitch using the law of attraction to manifest your soulmate. It was a great book. It was really fun to write, but I was like, "Oh, I just need to eliminate this altogether." So sometimes keyless life starts with, "Oh no, just eliminate it. Nobody has to do this."
An example of how this worked in my business was simplifying things that were kind of stressful. And a stressful thing for me was when I did a book tour. I went to America. I only did like four or five events, but it was really complicated. It cost me about a $100,000 because I took the family. I had event hirer. I had to hire somebody to help me organize everything. And it was really fun. And if I met you on that book tour, it was so fun, but also so stressful. It was a lot of energy. And it just wasn't as simple as I knew that it could be. And so when my new book came out, I was like, "Oh man, how can I do a book tour?" So I decided to do it in cinemas. I found one cinema chain who they had cinemas all over the country and I spoke to the regional sales manager. She organized all of the dates for me. Most cinemas have got like 14 different screens in them, or even small ones might have two or three.
So there's no big deal for them to move showings around. Especially during the day, which is when I did my events. I did them during the week because it worked for me. It worked for my family. And it took me a day to organize 14 tour dates. 14 tour dates. And yes, not every cinema worked. Some of them I was standing in the aisle kind of thing. But they already had the seats there. They already had the AV there, there was already snacks available. So everyone got popcorn and they had a seat. And I didn't have to have this big, complicated book tour. So thinking about things in your business, you might go, "Wow. Launches are so stressful for me."
Well how can you simplify launches to be way less stressful for you? You might think, "Oh, writing a book is so stressful for me." Well, what is your keyless version of writing a book? Could you take a course that you've created and make a book version of it using transcripts from the course? Could you dictate the book to someone else? Would it work best for you to work with someone over six months and have accountability every week? Or would it work for you to go somewhere for a week and just bang it out? There's always an easier way to do things, but you have to do it in a way that's easy for you.
We don't all experience this keyless life and the friction in the same way. So think about something that is stressing you out right now. It could be something really, really small. It could be just a recurring annoyance that comes up again and again, and again. It could be like, I hate when you have heaps of back and forth about scheduling with people. It's like, "Oh, well what's your time zone? Well, I'm a day ahead of you so it's this. But its daylight savings coming up." It's just such a little annoyance. So I never schedule anything now without using an online calendar. And I use Calendarly for this. It's so cheap to set up an online calendar, but it literally saved so much back and forth and annoying things. So it could be something like that. It could be something you hate doing. It could be something you struggle to do. It just could be something that's repetitive again and again and again.
And remember, you could just start with, do I even need to do this in the first place? Can I just eliminate this from my life, and I'll never have to care about doing this ever again? Then you start to go, okay, how can I simplify this? How can I automate it? If I have to do it, can I batch it. And batching just means that you just do it all in one go. So if you go, "Wow, it's really hard for me to come up with content every week for my podcast." Well, maybe you book a podcast studio and you just come up with all the ideas in one day. And it just batches the pain. And then you can go, "Well, can I outsource this?" And so there are no rules. You're allowed to keep things as simple and as lean as you want.
And so a keyless business for you might be having a big team, a keyless business for someone else might be having a really small team or no team. There are no rules. It is totally, totally up to you. Often we make those decisions in our business because someone else has told us to. So someone might say to you, "You have to hire an assistant." Or, "You have to hire this." And it doesn't work for you. It doesn't feel good. It feels yucky. It feels horrible. So you have to do it in alignment to your values, your way of working, your budget, all of those things. But it always just starts with the stress, eliminating stress.
Let's talk about one thing that can be a little bit controversial, but actually if you're unsure about where to start building a keyless life, I think this is the perfect place to start.
And I'm talking about your keyless home, your keyless house. Because I would honestly, if I had to get rid of all of my staff in my business, I could do everything myself. I love my business. I could do all of my marketing. I could do all of my logistics. Probably wouldn't love doing a few things. But for me, my biggest stress comes from my house. I want you to think of building a team as quite holistic. It's not so black and white, it's not so binary in today's entrepreneurial world. It is anyone who helps you achieve more in your life and business. So a keyless home might be a better use of your money than a keyless business. I have people who help me. I have people who help me clean my house. I have a daily housekeeper now, but it started with once every two weeks, somebody coming and deep cleaning the bathrooms and deep cleaning the kitchen and deep cleaning the oven, that's all they did.
And then as I started to earn more money, it became weekly. And then as I started to earn more money, it wasn't just weekly for two hours. It was weekly for four hours because I found more and more things. And so I've upgraded now, I have a daily housekeeper and I have a weekly deep cleaner. My housekeeper is the one who holds all of the things for the home. She's the one who makes sure that there's toilet paper, that there is toothpaste, that we haven't run out of sugar or tea bags. Because all of that stuff lived in my brain and just took so much bandwidth out of my life. And so that for me is probably the best use of that keyless philosophy. If you are resisting doing money making activities in your business, see where you can free up some time and energy by maybe getting some help at home so you don't have to think about it.
That could be getting in a meal delivery service. One of those packaged meals where you don't have to think about what to cook, but you could still cook. Or you get the ones that are ready to go and you just heat up. Anything like that, that's going to give you more bandwidth will help you create more abundance in your business. It really will.
There are my big tips for creating that keyless life and business is just find those little points of friction and give yourself permission that it's allowed to be easy. It's allowed to be friction less. It's allowed to be enjoyable and you're allowed to spend your time, energy and your bandwidth on things that you enjoy. You really can.
I've got one more thought and tip for you straight after this final break. See you in a sec.
Dr. Kamari Vale...: I'm Dr. Kamari Valentine, a clinical psychologist from New Zealand. I have online meditations and want to serve more people than in one-to-one work and heard about Denise from a dear friend. I loved Lucky B, and now, Chillpreneur. Denise helps us identify childhood stories that influence mindset and behavior around money and so much more. Bootcamp is amazing. The new Chillpreneur is authentic, funny to the point and full of practical tips for living a rich abundant life.
Denise Duffield...: Okay, welcome back. And my final thought on this is around this keyless life concept. It really is about loving and appreciating yourself. That's what it is. It's not about being lazy. It's not about finding shortcuts or being entitled or a diva. It really is about loving yourself and giving yourself permission for things to be easy. And I found this quote from Lucille Ball, who was an amazing businesswoman of her time. Amazing, funny comedian, like a genius. And she said, "Love yourself first and everything else falls into line."
You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world. So I want you to see that the process of outsourcing delegating, eliminating and simplifying things in your business is an act of self-love. So then you can show up and be there for other people and have the bandwidth to create beautiful things in your life and business. It's not selfish. It is an act of self love.
All right, my gorgeous. I will see you on next week's episode of Chill and Prosper. Have an incredible week. Bye.
Speaker 2: Thanks for listening to Chill and Prosper. Tell your friends to chill and prosper. Review and subscribe, we hope you had a very good time.
About the Show
Chill and Prosper is your weekly dose of money mindset, marketing and humour from best-selling author and entrepreneur Denise Duffield-Thomas.
Denise's philosophy is that there is ALWAYS an easier way to make money and that's what she's here to help you do. Each week, you'll get actionable advice to help you make more money, with less work. There's no need to hustle - let Denise show you how to embrace the Chillpreneur way.
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