How are you sabotaging your business?
Show Notes
It's really tempting to blame external forces, when something goes wrong or you’re not experiencing the success you thought you would be.
Oh, it’s the economy’s fault. Or it’s my clients. Or it’s mercury retrograde?!
Often, it’s actually our own sabotaging behavior that’s derailing our business. But that can be hard to acknowledge (and to recognize).
In today’s bonus podcast episode I’m looking at each of the 8 money personalities - the Sacred Money Archetypes® - and how your Archetype might be sabotaging your business.
Which of these sounds familiar?
The Ruler - the empire builder, can struggle with taking any time off or celebrating success.
The Romantic is all about the pursuit of luxury and comfort and can find it hard to get going!
The Nurturer is the archetype who just loves to support and care for other people and can get burned out.
Mavericks are all about rebelling against the status quo and breaking traditional structures and may burn everything to the ground if it’s not working.
The Connector archetype is all about relationships and can really struggle with charging because they care more about people than money.
The Celebrities are the people who love being in the spotlight. Their downfall is they don't always have the money to back up their shopping habits.
The Alchemists are the ideas people - people who have a million different ideas but may struggle with manifesting ACTUAL money or having a stable business.
The Accumulators are really good at saving and investing and taking methodical decisions but may face analysis paralysis.
If you haven’t yet, take the Money Personality Quiz to discover which of the 8 Archetypes you are when it comes to money.
In this episode, you'll learn:
- How people close to you can impact your archetype
- EXACTLY how your unique money archetype sabotages your business
- How to turn around the challenges you face
- What to do when you’ve stalled in business
- When you need to pivot or make tweaks to get to the next level
Denise Duffield...: Hey gorgeous, it's Denise here and today on Chill and Prosper, we're talking about sabotaging your business. Now, this is a tricky one to talk about sometimes because often when things aren't working in our business, it's really tempting to blame external forces, which could be the economy or your clients, or it's just not the right timing or mercury retrograde, or all of these different things. I mean, those things can be true, but often, it is our own sabotaging behavior that is derailing our business. And that can be really hard to acknowledge and it can be hard to recognize as well, especially when it comes to if you're talking to a coach or mentor about your sabotages, they just might not understand where you're coming from.
Now, of course, we are in Sacred Money Archetype month here and we are talking about money personalities and we're introducing frameworks to know more about yourself and your personality. So if you haven't taken the quiz yet, it's at denisedt.com/quiz. That's super important. And if you just want to get the cheat sheet, it's at denisedt.com/cheat. And what we're giving you in that is a free three-part workshop talking about your archetype, the sabotages that you might be facing right now, the challenges, and also some of your opportunities. So today, we're going to kind of do a bit of a recap of that and if you want to go further on that, you can just go and get that free workshop. And then, we also have a course coming up too where we can look at building your team, your marketing, building your business model, all of that in an alignment with your archetype, which will be super fun.
But just a really quick recap of who those archetypes are, and then we'll go through them one by one. I actually am going to start in reverse alphabetical order today, because we always start in alphabetical and the poor Ruler gets stuck at the end. Poor Ruler. So, reverse alphabetical. The Ruler is the empire builder, the archetype who loves business and working and never slows down, never shuts off, and just can monetize everything. So, there's a lot of arch... Sorry, there's a lot of Rulers in just the entrepreneurial world in general. The next one is the Romantic. So the Romantic's all about the pursuit of luxury and comfort and ease and living life in the moment and just really experiencing what life has to offer. Living in the moment, but can often just get a little bit too... Go with the flow. And if they don't feel like it, you cannot make the move.
The Nurturer is the archetype who just loves to support and care for other people. They over deliver, they're always there, they're reliable and loyal. Always there with a massive heart just to give people whatever they need, but can sometimes get a little bit burned out which we'll talk about. Then we've got the Maverick. So, the Mavericks are all about rebelling against the status quo, breaking traditional structures, finding new ways of doing things, and having that real bold and courageous energy that can be very magnetic for people. And also, you just jump straight in. So of course, there are a lot of Maverick archetypes in the entrepreneurial world as well. Next is the Connector archetype. These people are all about relationships, spreading love, spreading kindness, and solving people's problems. These are the people in your life who are always recommending things, searching out how they can help you and connect you with someone else.
But they often really struggle to charge for what they do, because they just care about people rather than money and think that they can't have both. The Celebrity archetype are the people who love being in the spotlight. They look like a celebrity, they dress like a celebrity. They have no problem spending money on themselves to enhance their image and to look and feel really good. Very high standards of everything. Their downfall is they don't always have the money to back up their shopping habits and they don't always pay attention to things behind the scenes. Then we have the Alchemist. These are the ideas people, people who transform things for the better, have a million different ideas, and a real magical ability to manifest money and to manifest things whenever they need them. Sometimes though, they can't necessarily manifest money or have a stable business. And then last of all, we have the Accumulator. These are the people who are really good at saving and investing and taking methodical decisions and being really sensible with their money. And sometimes, they get a little bit into analysis paralysis.
Okay. So each one, I've kind of given you a bit of a clue about what their sabotages are. And as I'm going through them, don't just think about yourself, think about other people in your life. So it could be your clients, it could be your partner, your siblings, your parents, and see how their sabotages are playing up. Because sometimes, if it's someone close to you as well, they can impact your archetype. You could be living against your natural archetype, because you're trying to please or fit in with somebody else. So, we will start with the Accumulator off the top. So Accumulators are so good at money and they can be so sensible, but one of their big sabotages in business is just this analysis paralysis. So you'll see them, they're like, "I'm waiting to be ready. I'm working on my course," because they want it to be perfect. And not only do they want it to be perfect, they want to know the outcome before they start.
And that's really hard because you don't know what the outcome's going to be like sometimes in business. And so, where the frugality sometimes becomes a sabotage for Accumulators is when it's less about being sensible and more about sacrifice and not spending money that could actually grow your business. So maybe, there's a course that you want to do or there is an investment that you need to make in your business like hiring someone or a system or a software, but you're resisting it because you want to save the money. And that obviously can create a big sabotage for you and you. And sometimes, Accumulators unfortunately never really step into their business dreams because they're never ready. They're never ready. So, think about someone like that in your life. It could be your partner who's very frugal or it could be yourself, and that could be holding you back right now in your business.
Now, the next one is the Alchemist. So, you're the Alchemist if you are really attracted to unconventional or unusual ways of making money. You're the idea person and you really kind of have this love-hate relationship with money. You can completely download business ideas from the universe, but when it comes to monetizing them, that's when you can psych yourself out sometimes and just never get around to actually making money for what you do, which can be really painful if you're talented and you're good at what you do and you help other people make money, but you just can't do it yourself. That's when it becomes unfortunately really painful to be an Alchemist, because you're talented, but sometimes, you're not living an abundant life because you don't allow yourself to get paid for your ideas. Ah, don't worry. All is not lost, guys. You can turn any of this around.
Now, the next archetype is the Celebrity and as I said, these are the ones who are just so good at treating themselves and seeing the value in investing in themselves. So buying beautiful things, appreciating beautiful things, putting a best impression forward. Celebrities always look amazing. They look camera ready all of the time. Now, there's a couple of things here. One is that some people listening might have suppressed celebrity energy as in they're not allowing themselves to shine because it's not safe, maybe from something that happened to you where people told you that you're a show-off or a diva. So, you could be suppressing it. The other side of it is sometimes, celebrities have this feeling of being a fraud on the inside because you look so fabulous on the outside, but your business doesn't always reflect that. And that can be really tricky, especially if... I find a lot of celebrities get invited to things for free.
You might have been invited to join a high level mastermind because people love your energy and they love being around you. But that could also make you feel like a bit of a fraud because you think, "Ah, really, I didn't pay to be here. What if people find out that my business isn't working behind the scenes so much?" That can be really big and you might have clients like that too where they're willing to spend money on looking great in their business, but you try and get them to invest in a team member or invest in systems and it's just too boring for them. Okay. Next, we have the Connectors and these are the people who just love connecting with other people's energy. They refer people all the time. Now, a big sabotage that Connectors have is this complete reluctance to monetize anything to do with relationships at all. So I've said to Connectors, "Just put an affiliate link on that," and they go, "No, I can't." "Why?" "Well, because then they'll think that I'm just sharing it to make money, not because I truly believe in it."
So, the big lesson for Connectors is that your integrity will always be intact. You do not have to stress about turning into this money-hungry person. It is just not in you. You never ever have to worry about that. All you have to remind yourself about is that it's totally safe for you to mix money and friendships. It's okay to receive money from people that you love and it's okay to pay money to people that you really love. You probably hire friends all the time, but you don't let people give you money. So if you ever say things like, "Oh, I don't care about the money. I just want to help people," then you're probably a Connector. And Connectors often sabotage things like launches because you put energetic caps on things, because you think, "Oh, I can't connect with all those people. I'll only let 20 people into my program this time." And you don't have to. You can trust that you can amplify your heart to the whole world if you want to.
Okay. So, that is the first four archetypes. We've done the Alchemist... Sorry, the Accumulator, the Alchemist, the Celebrity, and the Connector, all who sabotage themselves in completely different ways. There is two connections here. You might think the Accumulator and the Celebrity are completely different because one loves to spend money and one hates to spend money. But here's what they have in common: perfectionism. They never want people to see behind their facade in a way. So, celebrities don't like to be too transparent with things. You wouldn't necessarily see them do posts about all the mistakes they've made and you wouldn't see that with an Accumulator either. They want to show that they're doing a good job, that they know what they're doing and in a way, they don't want you to see behind the curtains. So, all of the archetypes have something in common with each other. Even the Alchemists and the Connectors, for them, it's about ideas that will help and change the world.
All right, so we've got four more archetypes to go and have a think about, again, who is in your life who has one of those archetypes and I'll see you right after this very quick break.
Charlotte: Hi everyone, I'm Charlotte. So, I'm from Hertfordshire in the UK and I'm a Ruler and Nurturer and an Accumulator. So for me, it was a complete surprise that I was a Ruler. I thought being in such a caring profession and everything else, I would naturally come out as a Nurturer. I really did think that, that was the way that I was heading. But I think obviously, Nurturers are kind of mother-type figures. And what do mothers do? They rule their [inaudible], don't they? And I think really for me, that's what came through this idea that as well as having that nurturing half of me, there's still the half that kind of counts the pennies, make sure there's food in the cupboard, keeps building on ideas, keeps helping people growing, and keeps bringing those ideas coming through. So it was a surprise, but when I did kind of look and read through, it did make perfect sense for that kind of matriarch figure for me.
Denise Duffield...: Hey gorgeous, welcome back. We're talking about the sabotages of different archetype personalities and we are up to the Maverick now. So the Maverick is the archetype who's all about big, bold ideas, just jumping in and not being scared to make a splash, not being scared to sometimes piss people off or break the rules of the establishment or the industry. Now, there's a massive, big sabotage here is that if a Maverick doesn't have good discernment around what's useful and what's not, they can sometimes go to extremes and throw the whole baby out with the bath water. So, it could be a business that's working pretty well and it just needs a couple of tweaks. The Maverick's like, "I'm just going to chuck the whole thing. I'm going to start again just to prove that I can." And that can be a real sabotage, right? Because if you get bored before something's working, chances are you're just not building that stable business that is going to bring heaps of abundance, so you can do heaps of cool stuff.
And so, Mavericks can be amazing at business, right? They can really keep a lot of complexity in their heads, but as soon as they're bored, they're done. So if that is you or someone you know, sometimes it's about redirecting that rebellion, don't be offended by this, Mavericks, like a toddler. If I want my son to do something, who is a Maverick, I'll say to him, "I bet you can't do this," and he's like, "Well, watch me." And sometimes if you're a Maverick, you have to employ that... What's it called when you do that? Oh, I can't even think. Reverse psychology. Sorry, my brain just had little... Reverse psychology on your brain. So instead of going, "Hey, let's burn it all down to see how quickly we can do it," you can go, "Hey, instead of burning it all down, let's set a challenge, how quickly can we double it?" And so, it's the same kind of excitement and challenge for your brain, but it's without the sabotage of killing it all.
All right, the next archetype is the Nurturer. So the Nurturer is the loving, kindhearted, beautiful, do anything for anyone, hold space. Sometimes, it's the wise kind of elder archetype, even though you might be young, but it's just a soft place for people to land. Compassion and kindness. Now, the big sabotage for Nurturers is being afraid to set boundaries with people, not being able to say no, letting people take advantage of you. So that could be anything from not chasing invoices, well, not charging in the first place is probably a big one, bailing people out who need money from you, giving money freely but without any expectation of return. It could be something like that or it could be just feeling guilty all the time that you're not doing enough, being enough. Feeling like your courses aren't generous enough, feeling like no amount of time for your clients is going to be worthy enough, and then really struggling to put a value on that.
I find with Nurturers, a lot of Nurturers I see are really struggling to go into full-time entrepreneurship because they have other responsibilities that they can't give up, and that could be a career. I see a lot of Nurturers who are nurses, teachers, et cetera. They really want to run their own business, but they can't get over this thing of, "I have to ask for the money. I have to talk to people about money. I have to send invoices." And it just feels too much for your little heart to handle. And so that's why unfortunately, a lot of Nurturers never fulfill their business dreams. But not you. And if you have friends or clients in that, they just need a lot of reassurance, a lot of permission that it's safe for them and it's doesn't make them mean or a B-I-T-C-H for asking for money, for setting prices. And sometimes, you need to give them permission to increase their prices too.
Okay. So, that was the Nurturer. Then we have the Romantic. So the Romantic is the go with the flow, luxury loving, live life in the moment. And what I love about Romantic is they're really here to remind us to appreciate, stop and smell the roses, take a day off to go read a book, go to the movies, do things that bring us pleasure. The business sabotage for Romantics is often, they just don't feel like doing stuff in their business. They're just like, "I just don't feel like it. The stars haven't aligned. Mercury is in retrograde. The tarot cards told me, 'It's okay to rest.' I'm in a numerology year that says I don't have to work very hard." So, they're kind of always looking for those excuses as to why the timing isn't right. It's like, "I'll feel like it tomorrow, but not today." And obviously, that can be a massive sabotage for some Romantics, because they just never get around to building their business and to doing the work.
But all is not lost on that. You can automate, you can create passive income. You can just take advantage of those bursts of energy as a Romantic, like batching content when you feel like it and then you don't have to do anything for the rest of the month. But you can see how that can sabotage launches and business and all sorts of stuff if you just don't feel like it. And then lastly, we have the Ruler. So the Ruler on the outward sense is a business boss, right? "I can do all the things. I can go to all the conferences. I can make stuff happen." But the biggest sabotage for Ruler is just more, more, more. It's not enough. You think, "Oh, I'll relax in the future. I'll just keep on working hard for now." And unfortunately, it just never happens, and so you don't take time off. You don't necessarily make the smartest businesses decisions around hiring or creating ease or creating passive income because you're just all about, "I'll just work harder."
That's your solution to everything. "I'll just work more. I'll just work harder." And you believe that rules don't apply to you at all. So if we look at this second half of the archetypes where we had the Maverick, Nurturer, Romantic, and Ruler, some of them have got things in common too. So the Ruler, Maverick, they don't believe that laws of physics apply to them. "I'll sleep when I'm dead. I'll do it now and it's worth it." The Nurturer and the Romantic can kind of have that backseat approach where it's like, "I'll wait for somebody to approach me. I'll wait for the timing to be right. I'll wait till I feel like it." Where the Nurturers are more like, "I'll wait till I feel confident," the Romantics are more like, "I'll wait till I feel right and I feel ready for it." And sometimes, it doesn't happen.
So, there are the eight archetypes and their sabotages. And what's really interesting too when you start to do the free workshop is that you might have a combination of archetypes and some of them make your challenges harder. If you had a Connector-Nurturer, that's almost a double whammy of guilt around charging people. If you had a Celebrity-Accumulator, that's push-pull of going, "I want to buy this thing, but I feel really guilty." "Oh, I want to buy this, but I feel really guilty." And if you had the Ruler-Maverick combination, it could just be work, work, work all the time and ignoring ease and time off and any kind of chill. So, it's really fascinating to check out all of your archetypes. Now, remember, I've got a free workshop on this. It's at denisedt.com/quiz, or you can just go to the cheat sheet at denisedt.com/cheat.
And we do have a live version of SMA coming up really soon. So keep an eye out for that, because you get access to all of the eight archetypes and how you can implement this into your marketing, how you can use the words to market to particular archetypes, how you can speak the language that they want to hear, how you can fill gaps in your team and your life by bringing forth the energy of the other archetypes and so many more things, because each one of those pillars of business, you sabotage it in your own particular way, which is really fun like for example, building a team.
Rulers sabotage it because they want to be in charge and they can't find people who'll do it as fast as them. Connectors sabotage it because they hire all their friends and family and then end up doing the work for them. Ah, so much fun. So don't feel bad if you sabotage yourself, we all do it. I sabotage myself all the time as a Ruler-Maverick-Romantic. And we just have to find ways to redirect that energy so we can use it for good, not for sabotage and stress. So, I will see you for one last final thought after this break.
Jesse: Hey, my name is Jesse and I'm a relationship dynamics mentor. Studying and understanding human behaviors is kind of my obsession really. So, Secret Money Archetypes was totally my jam. When I heard Denise describe Accumulators as feeling like they were going to be homeless when their money started running low, I knew I'd been seen in a way I had never felt seen before. Finally, I am not crazy. This is actually a place we go to in our heads and I am not alone in that.
Michelle: Hi, my name is Michelle. I'm a writer and creativity coach. Since discovering I'm a Nurturer in the Sacred Money Archetypes, I've been able to shift my business for the good by working better with my personality. Instead of over-delivering the clients, I now value myself by creating good boundaries so I can provide exceptional value without getting burnt out.
Denise Duffield...: Hey, and welcome back to my final thought for today where we're talking about sabotaging yourself in business. And I found this great quote from Curtis Tyrone Jones and he says, "As you get comfortable revealing who you are, you help others stop fearing and concealing the magical feelings of who they are." And isn't this just such a beautiful gift around self-acceptance is that when you just go, "Yeah, I am a Connector and this is how I need to show up in my business." Then it gives other people permission to do the same. And as Curtis says, you get comfortable revealing who you are, it is only going to spread to other people so they can have the permission to understand themselves as well. So, I can't wait to hear more about your archetype and I will see you on the next episode of Chill and Prosper. Bye.
Speaker 1: (singing)
Kira Jones: Well, hi, I'm Kira Jones. I live in upstate New York and I am a Maverick, a Ruler, and a Romantic. Yeah, it's so interesting because I did my quiz twice and I believe it was a year or a year and a half apart. And so, I honestly couldn't remember the first one. Right before I started the program and I did the quiz, I did not pay as much attention to it the first time. So, it's one of those things of growth. But the second time around when I looked at the quiz results, seeing the idea of, "You are rebellious and you are a rebel," I was all here for it. I have a little trophy right there. It's my most extra award and it was literally a part of me embracing this extra-isms that I like to pour out in the world. And so I wasn't surprised, but what I really love, and I'm sure we'll get through it with the program, it's really all about understanding how to infuse that into your business from your business model to how you want to show up.
About the Show
Chill and Prosper is your weekly dose of money mindset, marketing and humour from best-selling author and entrepreneur Denise Duffield-Thomas.
Denise's philosophy is that there is ALWAYS an easier way to make money and that's what she's here to help you do. Each week, you'll get actionable advice to help you make more money, with less work. There's no need to hustle - let Denise show you how to embrace the Chillpreneur way.
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