Denise on the Melissa Ambrosini Show - Why you don't have the wealth you want

interviews & press
Why you don't have the wealth you want

Hi there, 

I recently sat down with my friend, the incredible Melissa Ambrosini, to talk all things money blocks and self-sabotage. 

This is for you if you have ever caught yourself sabotaging your wealth - like undercharging a client even though you *know* you’re worth more or not speaking up when it’s time for a promotion. 

In this episode of the Melissa Ambrosini Show, I share how to clear up your biggest money blocks so you can open up to a wildly wealthy and abundant life.

How would your life change if you were less stressed over money and instead use that energy to do more things you love with your loved ones? 

In this episode, you'll learn:

  • More about my journey from life coach to multi-million dollar business owner
  • Common money blocks you're likely to face and how to overcome them
  • How to stop self-sabotaging your income 
  • How I earn money and my 7-figure mindset tips 
  • Why you need to choose your mentors and coaches wisely

And why loving and learning to accept yourself are key to success in life.

There’s so much gold in this interview - I hope you enjoy it, and I’d love to hear your ahas. 

xx Denise

P.S. When you’re ready to dive deeper into your money blocks and how to clear them, here’s how I can help…

  1. Follow me on socials and tell me the blocks are coming up for you right now in your business. 
  2. Subscribe and listen to my Chill & Prosper podcast, all about business, marketing and mindset 
  3. Check out my book "Chill and Prosper" (paperback, Kindle or audio) to learn the new way to do business on your terms, make money and change the world 
  4. And of course, Money Bootcamp is the best way to work on your money mindset with me as your coach and mentor. 

Hit reply with the the words "I’m ready" any time, and we can chat about how Bootcamp can help you reprogram your money mindset and revolutionize your business.

Get my Ultimate Guide to Pricing 

I've put all my pricing tips, strategies, and SCRIPTS together in my Ultimate Pricing Guide, you can download it for free!


Update on my sabbatical and retirement plans

BONUS EPISODE: Dramatically improve your money mindset

3 Money Goals to set this New Year