Why I’m selling my beach house and how I’m manifesting what’s next

podcast episodes
Why I’m selling my beach house


Why I’m selling my beach house and how I’m manifesting what’s next

You’ve probably heard me talk about my beach house. 

It was a long-held dream, and manifesting it was a big deal for Mark and I. 

It’s a stunning house, but we’ve decided to sell it.

I recently shared some photos and videos on social media and got lots of questions about “Why are you selling?” and “What’s next?”.

So last week, I recorded a podcast episode to share more about why I’m selling, what was once my dream house, and the steps I’m taking to manifest the next one. 

Honestly, this process has been FASCINATING! 

I love property, and listing our house has brought up lots of emotions for me. It’s also an amazing manifesting project. 

Not only am I working on manifesting the smooth sale of our beach house at an amazing price, but we’re also getting clear on what we want next and calling in our new dream home. 

In this episode, you'll learn:

  • Why I’m selling and my tips if you’re selling your house
  • How my blocks and ego made me nervous to announce this publicly
  • Why it’s important for you to continue to refine your goals
  • How to navigate the “limbo phase” of not knowing what’s next 
  • My best tips for manifesting your dream home
  • The lifestyle upgrades I’m craving and my new vision for OUR First Class Life

It’s okay for your dreams to change and for your First Class Life to look different. 

You’ll love this episode if you’re manifesting a big dream.

And if this is you, take a deep breath and try these two affirmations…

“It’s safe for me to want what I want”

“It’s safe for me to change my mind about what I want”

I’d love to know what this brings up for you - send me a message at @denisedt on socials.

Enjoy today’s episode of Chill & Prosper

xx Denise



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