Why I don’t give business advice

business strategy sacred money archetypes

Hey there friend!

If you don't know, I'm a Virgo, so I'm practical and live to be helpful.

Ever since watching Oprah after school, I've always wanted to help.

I was always the kid who was trying to help my friends, solve their problems, or encourage them to go for their dreams.

And even though I love talking business with my friends now, I have a strict rule.

I don't give business advice.

And it's a rule in my money mindset course and with members of my community too. 

Why? Because it depends.

There are too many variables - it's impossible for me to give business advice WITHOUT knowing more information.

And there's one crucial piece of information I need that changes everything. 

There's one thing in business that impacts your…

… income
… marketing
… business model
… hiring

And even the type of customers you should help.

When you fully get this, it will have a huge impact on the joy and abundance you feel in your business.

This secret is something I usually only teach with my private clients or on my retreats. 

The vital insight I'm talking about (that has transformed my business and the businesses of hundreds of entrepreneurs like you) is…


Your Money Archetype. 

We each have a unique set of beliefs, strengths and weaknesses when it comes to money and you're one of eight very specific and accurate Money Archetypes. 

When I know your natural preferences - your gifts and challenges with money - I can give you game-changing, money-making, bankable business advice. 

Your relationship with money is shaped by a unique combination of eight money personality types. 

When it comes to money, are you an Accumulator, Alchemist, Celebrity, Connector, Maverick, Nurturer, Romantic, or Ruler?

Maybe you're an Accumulator-Connector or a Ruler-Maverick like me. 

CLICK HERE to take the Money Archetypes Quiz to find out. 

The exciting thing about this framework is that your NEW (and chilled) path to wealth starts with learning how you naturally attract and repel money according to your combination of Archetypes.

You can't blindly follow generic marketing advice or copy someone else's business model - it might be entirely wrong for your particular archetype!

Knowing and understanding your Archetype will set you on your path of least resistance to more money.

Leveraging your strengths will make business easier, more fun, and more profitable. 

I've developed a new free Sacred Money Archetypes® workshop and launched a new business course so you can get tailored business advice from me based on your personality. 

Curious to find out which of the 8 Archetypes are dominant for you and what this means for your business?

>> Take the Money Archetypes Quiz today 

This quiz lets you discover so much about yourself and your unconscious money beliefs.

I'll send you free access to the Leverage Your Strengths and Make More Money workshop for your specific Archetype to help you apply what you've learned straight away. 


xx Denise 

... a way to understand yourself & your business

“If you are looking for a way to understand yourself, your business, how you operate with others, communicate, connect, this would be the place for you to be.”

Speaker, Author & Coach, USA
Archetype: Celebrity/Romantic


I have the power to create wealth

"My biggest “aha” has been that I am an Accumulator and that is why I always feel stressed about money. I am working on believing that there is always enough money. I have the power to always create wealth, no matter what happens.  SMA has helped me to understand myself so much better. I’ve been able to put boundaries in place around my time and taking weekends off and taking care of myself. I’m also no longer discounting ANYTHING! My prices are my prices."

Kajabi Coach & Specialist, South Africa
Archetype: Accumulator


Sacred Money Archetypes® is a registered trademark of Heart of Success, Inc. and licensed by Lucky B Pty Ltd. Copyright 2022 Kendall SummerHawk.


Get my Ultimate Guide to Pricing 

I've put all my pricing tips, strategies, and SCRIPTS together in my Ultimate Pricing Guide, you can download it for free!


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