Who is the Romantic Money Archetype? The Ultimate Guide
The Romantic is the go-with-the-flow dreamer and luxury lover who inspires others to live in the moment and enjoy the finer things in life. They often ignore pesky details like money or retirement.
Sacred Money Archetypes® are a way of understanding how you are in the world, especially around finances - how you think, feel, and behave with money.
Of course, they are all about how you relate to money and wealth, but, as founder and creator of The Sacred Money Archetypes® program, and my money mentor, Kendall Summerhawk, explains,
“The way we do money, is the way we do everything.”
So discovering and working with these archetypes can have a profound impact on all areas of your life and business.
You can find out more about your Archetype and take the Money Archetypes Quiz here.
There are 8 Archetypes and this is your guide to the Romantic.
Romantics use money to enjoy life and often spend it to bring more ease and pleasure or to indulge their loved ones.
They reward themselves often because they feel like it and shopping for gifts often becomes, "one for them, one for me!" They feel like throwing a tantrum if someone tells them no! “Why not? I deserve it!”
Romantics might feel frustrated in the entrepreneurial world when they see people moving ahead and making money while they struggle. Or they feel like an outlier in a hustle-culture world.
They follow pleasure in their business, too, sometimes switching to more exciting ideas or giving up if things feel too hard or tedious. Their love of ease and spaciousness can be their greatest asset if they embrace automation, master delegation, and spend some time creating passive income! They can create systems to be consistent without having to be consistent themselves.
The Romantic is you if you…
- Buy things to feel gratification, sensory pleasure or because you "feel like it".
- Dislike feeling like a slave to money, preferring to use money to enjoy the good things in life.
- Believe money is to be enjoyed and dislike being told "no".
- Often don't see the point in saving money, as life is to be enjoyed.
- Indulge in yourself to feel special, appreciated, loved or valued.
- Often spend money on things because you feel "I deserve it".
- Often avoid making changes in your money behavior, even when you know it would benefit you.
- Can easily spoil the people you care about with lavish or abundant gifts.
- May shrug off your money habits, telling yourself you're not good with money.
Each of the 8 Sacred Money Archetypes® has strengths and challenges.
Here are the Romantic’s strengths, they;
- Believe in the abundance and benevolence of the Universe.
- Are optimistic about future possibilities and think it's all going to work out fine.
- Create beauty and ease for themselves and others.
- Role model pleasure and self-love.
- Inspire others to enjoy their life too.
- Appreciate and relish life in the moment.
- Can easily see ease and short-cuts.
The Romantic’s challenges are that they;
- Spend money to feel good about themselves or to relieve boredom.
- Have an instant gratification mindset, so don't always think about the consequences of their spending.
- Often ignore or avoid financial details, creating money drama or unnecessary expenses.
- Frequently can give up if things feel too hard or tedious.
- Won't work if the vibes aren't right or conditions aren't perfect.
- Get bored or lose interest in ideas and abandon almost finished projects for new ones.
- Waste money with flamboyant or unnecessary spending and often get into debt.
What about real, famous people? How can you tell if someone is a Romantic?
They will give little clues in their interviews, quotes, and entrepreneurial endeavors, and by watching their challenges play out in public!
Here are some famous people I think could have Romantic tendencies, check out what they have said about money:
Marie Kondo, author and tidying expert
"Now imagine yourself living in a space that contains only things that spark joy. Isn't this the lifestyle you dream of?"
Stevie Nicks, performer and songwriter
"I'm going to spend my life writing poems, turning them into music that will affect people and touch their hearts."
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, actress and philanthropist
"I don't believe in proving a point to anybody. Nobody is that important."
Are you intrigued to find out what your Sacred Money Archetype is? Do you think you are a Romantic? Click here to take the quiz or enter your details below to watch the Romantic edition of the ‘Leverage Your Strengths and Make More Money’ workshop.
Watch the “How to Leverage Your ROMANTIC Strengths and Make More Money” works
Here’s what some fellow Romantics have said about discovering their Archetype and the Sacred Money Archetypes® business course:
"It was eye opening to understand where my self-sabotage is coming from and that there are gifts that can be brought to light from those parts of my personality as a Romantic, Celebrity, Maverick. SMA has helped me understand my business blocks. I'm thinking about how I can emphasize my primary archetypes and sprinkle in the others. I believe it's my time and I'm ready for the next step."
Body Compassion & Movement Mentor, US
Archetype: Romantic
"SMA very validating for me. It's accepting the traits that I have and that they're okay. It's okay to be this way. It's okay to want things to be easier and to work to my strengths and that, even though there are some weaknesses in there, there's also a lot of strengths."
Success Coach, Australia
Archetype: Romantic
“I started surrendering and even letting go of the outcome and of the money goal and just doing it for the process and enjoying it."
Money Mindset Coach for Women Entrepreneurs, Australia
Archetype: Romantic
"Before SMA, I would have put myself in that camp of being wrong because I'm not an accumulator and I didn't save my money, And now I realize that my life experience is valuable and it does offer value to other people just the way that I go about my life."
Life Coach for People Pleasers, USA
Archetype: Romantic
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