When is the right time to upgrade?

money mindset

How often do you upgrade? 

Is there a simple upgrade you can make at home that would make your life easier? 

You can ask yourself what is causing you stress at the moment, what’s annoying you? Or flip that on its head and ask yourself what would create more pleasure or joy in your life?

Then you can look at ways to incrementally upgrade and then see what feels good. You can start with small symbolic, often low cost upgrades and then always be upgrading. 

Play with it!

There are always more ways to make your life more pleasurable and stress-free.

What do you want permission to upgrade right now?

Check out this video for more on my philosophy of upgrading and some upgrades I have at home that support my business.

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I've put all my pricing tips, strategies, and SCRIPTS together in my Ultimate Pricing Guide, you can download it for free!


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