Understanding my money archetypes has helped me build an effective team in my business

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Understanding my money archetypes has helped me build an effective team in my business


Sarah Leather

Business & Mindset Mentor for Women Making a Million in Menopause | Ireland
Archetype: Ruler

I'm Sarah. I am a business mentor for women in midlife, and I help women to make a lot more money without killing themselves. As a ruler, I want to monetize everything, every little bit, and it's a continual lesson for me to simplify my own business and not want to make it really complicated, as I help women to simplify theirs. So I am a Ruler, number one. Very close second is Maverick and Celebrity and Romantic.


Was there anything surprising when you found out about your Archetypes?

I was really surprised when I first did the quiz. I expected the Nurturer to be way up there. I thought I'd come out, and I had done work in the past with different people on maybe sole purpose or whatever, and came out with an archetype, and it was always nurturer. At school, I got the mother hen award for maybe going on school camps with the year below and looking after everybody. And I was the middle child, but I used to make everybody's lunches every morning, including my parents, to get everybody out the door. But I just actually just wanted to get to school and do the work, and I wanted to work on my career.

"But the Ruler thing was really remarkable, and it was such a relief to know that I wasn't broken, that I knew that being at the hairdresser or having a massage, I was just like, "Please don't waste time here. I do not need to talk endlessly for hours and be here all day. Please, can we just make this really fast?" And I would always be trying to figure out like, "Do you know if you did this with your booking system, you would actually make a lot more money?" And it was just such a relief."

What are some of the sabotages you experience because of your Archetypes?

As far as team goes, pre SMA, definitely used to sabotage myself with hiring people that were very like me. And I learned, really, that I didn't need to clone myself. I needed complete opposites. So I hire team members that have very high nurturers and connectors so that they can just go do that part. However, I'm very aware that if there's too much of that going on, then clients just become codependent on their coach, and I need to come in, and I'm known, I suppose it's a real ruler thing, I am called the queen of the loving shelf, because I'll just swoop in and go like, "No. Stop. Stop telling someone they're doing a great job when this needs to change because you're just repeating the same pattern." It's having that balance between the archetypes, I think, in business has been really, really important for me.

The thing around business models was even though that's what I do with my clients, when I did SMA for the first time and I was in the first round of it, it blew my mind because I realized how long I did one-on-one for for pretty much 30 years in my business. And I had been in that, even though I had gone to group programs, realized that I just had to stop all the one-on-one. And I started teaching women to go straight to one-to-many because, and this is when you're ready for it, and particularly rulers. Rulers are really ready for that so much faster, I think, than many other archetypes. So the business model part really, really blew my mind, constantly being sabotaged by my ruler, but it's getting better all the time.

What would you say to someone who is looking to join Sacred Money Archetypes®?

"If you've ever been really triggered by someone saying, "You don't have any hobbies? You should have a hobby. That will sort you out," and you know that if you have a hobby, you'll just want to monetize it, and you can't figure out why everybody else isn't monetizing their hobbies. What's wrong with everybody? SMA is your home. It was just such a breakthrough for me to realize that my brain is not broken because I don't want any hobbies."

Yeah, I do things I enjoy, but I love my business. I really, really love my business. And I think, for me, SMA is just a giant permission slip to be who I am in my business and wherever I am. It's such an eye opener. It really is such a breakthrough. Also, all the materials or the support materials about marketing and selling to different archetypes is amazing because I was attracting pretty much 100% alchemists in my business, which is great. Absolutely loved it. But realizing why I wasn't attracting other types of people, and I love having a real mixture of different archetypes in my business.

The other thing was, as I've grown my team over the last couple of years, it has been such a breakthrough understanding the archetypes of my team members and what I need in my team members. I mean, a lot of people say, "Team members, make sure they go off and do Meyers-Briggs or something like that. Get their money archetypes." That is what, for me, has been the main needle mover in growing an effective team in my business and knowing who I want to work alongside. So they are the main things, but I'm just like, if you want to feel really at home somewhere and really understand the way that your mind works in your business, SMA is just complete gold.


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