The Ultimate Guide to the 8 Money Archetypes

When it comes to money, are you an Accumulator, Alchemist, Celebrity, Connector, Maverick, Nurturer, Romantic, or Ruler?
Your relationship with money - your thoughts and habits - and the best way for you to make money depends on your money personality - everyone is different. And your money personality is shaped by your unique combination of the eight Sacred Money Archetypes®.
The Sacred Money Archetypes® was developed by one of my mentors, Kendall Summerhawk and it's one of the most powerful tools I've discovered on my business journey. I'm obsessed and have been a certified SMA coach for many years. Keep reading to learn which of the 8 Sacred Money Archetypes® you are and what that means for your business and income.
The most exciting thing about this framework is that once you discover your Archetype and learn how you naturally attract and repel money, your unique path to wealth becomes so obvious!
The way you run your business needs to be aligned with your unique money personality.
You can't blindly follow generic marketing advice or copy someone else's business model as it might be completely wrong for your particular archetype!
Knowing and understanding your money personality will set you on your path of least resistance to more money quicker than fighting against your weaknesses or trying to change who you really are.
SMA helped me take my business to the next level
Learning to leverage your strengths will make business so much easier, fun and profitable.
Everything will flow once you know and understand your money personality.
If you're obsessed with personality quizzes, you'll love going deeper into your Sacred Money Archetypes®. It's literally game-changing!
What are Money Archetypes?
Sacred Money Archetypes® are a way of understanding how you are in the world, especially around finances - how you think, feel, and behave with money.
Of course, they are all about how you relate to money and wealth, but, as founder and creator of The Sacred Money Archetypes® program, and my money mentor, Kendall Summerhawk, explains, “The way we do money, is the way we do everything.”
So discovering and working with these archetypes can have a profound impact on all areas of your life and business.
When you learn to leverage the strengths of your Archetypes, you’ll be able to;
- earn more money from your natural strengths,
- understand your unique gifts,
- overcome money challenges and break repetitive cycles
- design your business model and attract ideal clients,
- create the perfect role for your unique money personality.
Sounds good, huh?!
Here's your ultimate guide to each of the eight Money Archetypes in more detail. You might instantly recognize yourself in one or two of them!
Who is the Accumulator Money Archetype?
The Accumulator is the banker, the money-conscious saver, and often penny- pinching bargain hunter who gets stuck in analysis paralysis and perfectionism.
Sacred Money Archetypes® are a way of understanding how you are in the world, especially around finances - how you think, feel, and behave with money.
Of course, they are all about how you relate to money and wealth, but, as founder and creator of The Sacred Money Archetypes® program, and my money mentor, Kendall Summerhawk, explains,
“The way we do money, is the way we do everything.”
So discovering and working with these archetypes can have a profound impact on all areas of your life and business.
You can find out more about your Archetype and take the Money Archetypes Quiz here.
There are 8 Archetypes and this is your guide to the Accumulator.
Accumulators and money are a match made in heaven.
Saving money, building a nest egg, and living within their means comes easily to Accumulators. They have a natural ability to create financial stability because things like saving, investing and accumulating money are their gifts.
As a result, they rarely carry debt and make methodical, disciplined decisions but they do worry about spending even the smallest amounts of money and risking their safety net. They can't bring themselves to trust that money is an unlimited resource!
This fear that Accumulators will run out of cash can trigger extremely frugal behavior and limit their willingness to invest in themselves. Sound familiar? Keep reading on to find out more.
The Accumulator is you if you…
- Tend to judge others for their money habits.
- Feel a great emotional connection - love, joy, happiness - about saving money.
- Often feel anxious, worried or greatly reluctant about spending money.
- Likely to be frugal, overthink purchases or insist on only buying things on sale.
- Are careful to always live below your means.
- Often consider items or services a luxury that others consider commonplace.
- Rarely, if ever, carry debt and are amazing at saving money.
- Driven to save out of fear of being dependent or losing personal freedom.
Each of the 8 Sacred Money Archetypes® has strengths and challenges.
Here are the Accumulator’s strengths, they;
- Have incredible attention to detail and see things other people miss.
- Make wise, considered decisions with your money, read through the fine print carefully, and ask follow-up questions.
- Are not embarrassed to negotiate or ask for a discount and often get it!
- Are a brilliant researcher. They will find a better deal if one exists.
- Are responsible, trustworthy, and ethical with their clients.
- Have a methodical and disciplined work ethic. They will get it done on time and under budget.
- Work strategically and patiently toward financial independence and will put instant gratification desires on the back burner if needed.
- Are rarely in consumer debt as they save up for what you want.
- They save money easily and build an excellent buffer for retirement.
The Accumulator’s challenges are that they;
- Often feel guilty about spending money, worried they will run out of savings, and end up destitute.
- Can become obsessive or compulsively frugal, denying themselves of even basic comforts to save money.
- Are skeptical and untrusting about other people's intentions.
- Sometimes they assume the worst in people or instantly see all the ways a project could fail.
- Can make business dreams get derailed by analysis paralysis and perfectionism.
- They want to be assured it will all work out before leaping in faith.
- Often feel pessimistic and anxious about the future, especially about the economy or interest rates.
- Get anxious about investing in their business, making the right decision, or getting ripped off.
- Are judgemental about other people's spending habits and often can't understand other people's motivations.
What about real, famous people? How can you tell if someone is an Accumulator?
They will give little clues in their interviews, quotes, and entrepreneurial endeavors, and by watching their challenges play out in public!
Here are some famous people I think could have Accumulator tendencies, check out what they have said about money:
Mayim Bialik, actor and TV host
"I happen to live a very frugal life. And that's just sort of because of the way I was raised, and it stuck with me. You know, I always live in financial fear, which is something I'm trying to work on."
Tiffany Haddish, actress
"I'm trying to create something, so when I turn 55 or 60, I don't have to work no more. I'm not about to spend it all up right now. I plan on living to at least 75. I need some money to play with."
Suze Orman, author and financial advisor
"Money is like air — if you don't have air, you can't breathe."
Here’s what some fellow Accumulators have said about discovering their Archetype and the Sacred Money Archetypes® business course:
"My biggest “aha” has been that I am an Accumulator and that is why I always feel stressed about money. I am working on believing that there is always enough money. I have the power to always create wealth, no matter what happens. SMA has helped me to understand myself so much better. I’ve been able to put boundaries in place around my time and taking weekends off and taking care of myself. I’m also no longer discounting ANYTHING! My prices are my prices."
Kajabi Coach & Specialist, South Africa
Archetype: Accumulator
"I felt so accepted in the course and that who I am is okay. You really reinforced that you don’t have to do this perfectly, you can show up to a call without having fully read everything or completed all of the exercises. I now realize that I can do things my way and be the kind of rich woman that I want to be."
Artist & Designer, USA
Archetype: Accumulator
"It was interesting finding out I was Accumulator and realizing actually I'm quite good at numbers and quite frugal with it. Numbers, detail and caution are part of my personality. Since discovering SMA, I've moved to a coach consultant model, which has enabled me to massively increase my fees. And also, I've got happier clients. I've streamlined everything so I'm focusing on one target market and two main services. I've stopped working weekends and evenings."
Business Mentor, UK
Archetype: Accumulator
"When I found out Accumulator was in my top three, so many things from my life made sense. I find it's really easy to invest in my business because I know it’ll come back to me tenfold. I’ve recently upped my rates and I've made 10 times more than usual. More people are hiring me; I’m more in demand. I feel really happy in my business, I feel valued, and well rewarded financially. When I joined SMA, there were so many reassuring touch points.
Illustrator, UK
Archetype: Accumulator
Who is the Alchemist Money Archetype?
The Alchemist is the idea generator, dreamer of possibilities, and sometimes woo-woo hippie who gets stuck at the follow-through stage and struggles to make money out of their millions of ideas.
Sacred Money Archetypes® are a way of understanding how you are in the world, especially around finances - how you think, feel, and behave with money.
Of course, they are all about how you relate to money and wealth, but, as founder and creator of The Sacred Money Archetypes® program, and my money mentor, Kendall Summerhawk, explains,
“The way we do money, is the way we do everything.”
So discovering and working with these archetypes can have a profound impact on all areas of your life and business.
You can find out more about your Archetype and take the Money Archetypes Quiz here.
There are 8 Archetypes and this is your guide to the Alchemist.
Alchemists have so many ideas - incredible, revolutionary ideas but their bank account doesn't always reflect their creative genius.
The trouble is that they can't always monetize their creative ideas. Alchemists often flounder from business to business, leaving orphaned domain names in their wake (and sometimes disgruntled clients) while they move on to the next, shinier thing. Luckily they have a short memory for failure!
Their love/hate relationship with money only adds to the problem. They resent its importance in their life, but they're not bothered because they can manifest anything when needed!
Alchemists might feel frustrated in the entrepreneurial world when they see people half as creative as they are, moving ahead and making money.
The Alchemist is you if you…
- Are attracted to unconventional or alternative ways of making money.
- Care more about social justice and leading a movement than making money.
- Often feel a love/hate relationship with money.
- Can find yourself relying on others for financial support.
- Inwardly feel vulnerable or insecure about your ability to create income.
- Find it easy to empower others to believe in themselves.
- Are talented at attracting money in unusual ways.
- Believe there is an unfair balance of wealth in the world.
- Never seem to have enough money to support the causes that are important to you.
Each of the 8 Sacred Money Archetypes® has strengths and challenges.
Here are the Alchemist’s strengths, they;
- Can see magical possibilities in anything; the smallest thing can inspire them.
- Champion others and root for their success.
- Are idealistic and optimistic about money.
- Believe it will always come when they need it.
- Have a divine connection to Universal energy. Therefore, they need very little preparation.
- Can create endless ideas, solutions, and possibilities for any problem.
- Inspire others with their magical thinking. Others feel energized just by being in an Alchemist’s presence.
- Can manifest money and opportunities at will. People will give them money, or it will show up when they need it!
The Alchemist’s challenges are that they;
- Get bored quickly with half-finished projects and have shiny object syndrome.
- Often judge (or resent) wealthy creatives as boring "sellouts."
- Often rely on others for financial support, limiting your creativity and independence.
- Can be flakey and unreliable when bored.
- Sometimes promise things they can't deliver.
- Rebel against mainstream or boring ideas even if it would help their business.
- Struggle with finishing and follow-through both for yourself and their clients.
- Own approximately 5,245 domain names but don't do anything with them.
- Feel frustrated about finding their 'calling' and jump from business to business.
What about real, famous people? How can you tell if someone is an Alchemist?
They will give little clues in their interviews, quotes, and entrepreneurial endeavors, and by watching their challenges play out in public!
Here are some famous people I think could have Alchemist tendencies, check out what they have said about money:
Sarah Jessica Parker, actress, producer, and entrepreneur
"So many roads. So many detours. So many choices. So many mistakes."
Sara Blakely, entrepreneur and inventor
"You've got to visualize where you're headed and be very clear about it. Take a Polaroid picture of where you're going to be in a few years."
Phoebe Buffay, musician
"I'm sorry I won't be able to make it to your imaginary wedding, but I'm really busy that day. I already have a unicorn baptism and a leprechaun bar mitzvah."
Are you intrigued to find out what your Sacred Money Archetype is? Do you think you are an Alchemist? Click here to take the quiz.
Here’s what some fellow Alchemists have said about discovering their Archetype and the Sacred Money Archetypes® business course:
"I remember very clearly watching that first video - I cried. Up to that point, I had run my business from my Accumulator side. You gave me this permission slip. I remember taking it to my partner and saying to her, "Just watch this, it's me." It was so special to hear that not in a spiritual setting but in a business setting. That's been the strongest thing for me through doing SMA as an alchemist."
Behaviour & Education Specialist, Keynote Speaker & Author, UK
Archetype: Alchemist
"One of the first things that I read in the SMA course was that Alchemists find it easy to empower others to believe in themselves. I had never really heard that put in a business context or referred to as a primary strength. My second big aha was just because I can do something doesn't mean I should. In music, for example, I should not be producing all of my own work even though I technically know how to do audio production. It's not my area of genius and takes me forever. I now chose to work where my magic is and allowed myself to outsource the rest of it."
Life Coach, Composer & Writer, USA
Archetype: Alchemist
“I really got a lot out of SMA. I think it really helped me to understand myself and how I wanted to run my business. It gave me permission to run my business in my own way.”
Ceramics Artist, UK
Archetype: Alchemist
Who is the Celebrity Money Archetype?
The Celebrity Archetype is the fabulous star and impeccable tastemaker who loves the spotlight and microphone but sometimes lives way beyond their means on luxury goods, travel, and VIP experiences.
Sacred Money Archetypes® are a way of understanding how you are in the world, especially around finances - how you think, feel, and behave with money.
Of course, they are all about how you relate to money and wealth, but, as founder and creator of The Sacred Money Archetypes® program, and my money mentor, Kendall Summerhawk, explains,
“The way we do money, is the way we do everything.”
So discovering and working with these archetypes can have a profound impact on all areas of your life and business.
You can find out more about your Archetype and take the Money Archetypes Quiz here.
There are 8 Archetypes and this is your guide to the Celebrity.
The Celebrity’s charismatic personality makes them a magnet for attracting 5-star people and experiences. They love to bring on the bling, create a lot of attention, and they deeply appreciate the doors that money can open.
But under the glitz and glam, they may be overcompensating for self-esteem issues. The Celebrity can use their love of designer clothes as a shield to hide their insecurity and often bad money habits behind the scenes. They often have the champagne lifestyle on a tap water budget, making them feel like a fraudulent wannabe.
Celebrities might feel frustrated in the entrepreneurial world when they see people who seem to half-ass their business or put out substandard quality, moving ahead and making money.
Part of their worries are that they will overshadow others if they fully step into their full Celebrity power. But they're allowed to have both money and love; they don't have to choose! If they embrace their business gifts, they can buy everything on their dream board and create financial stability!
The Celebrity is you if you…
- Value money as a tool to achieve the status, image and recognition you want.
- Have no problem spending money to enhance your image, including designer brands, hip clothing, entertaining and plenty of bling.
- Love to stand out in the crowd and impress people.
- Likely didn't receive the approval, unconditional love or positive opinion from people important to you as a child.
- Often have a charismatic or magnetic personality.
- Love being recognized anytime they're generous.
- Often project an image of wealth and success that might not match your bank account balance.
- Have a business that often includes a lot of visibility or making a big impression.
- Feel that by showing wealth you'll protect yourself from the negative opinions or judgment of others.
Each of the 8 Sacred Money Archetypes® has strengths and challenges.
Here are the Celebrity’s strengths, they;
- Role model very high living standards and always know the right solution.
- Effortlessly stand out in a crowd or on stage, and people love watching them shine in the spotlight.
- Are incredibly generous with others, either with gifts or bringing them into their First Class world.
- Are magnetic, confident, and radiant and inspire others to uplevel their image.
- Makeover and help others to make a great impression.
- Are a leader, trendsetter, and taste-maker. As a result, people come to them for trusted advice and recommendations.
The Celebrity’s challenges are that they;
- Ignore growing debt problems and often don't pay attention to paying bills on time.
- Get bored with logistical details in your business and often abandon almost finished projects.
- May find themselves the target of jealousy from others and shrink themselves or their fabulousness.
- Spend money to avoid feeling sad, bored, or unappreciated.
- Overspend to impress or keep up with other people, even if they can't afford it.
- Often value status above financial security and avoid thinking about the future.
- Often ignore financial details and get late fees or fines.
What about real, famous people? How can you tell if someone is a Celebrity?
They will give little clues in their interviews, quotes, and entrepreneurial endeavors, and by watching their challenges play out in public!
Here are some famous people I think could have Celebrity tendencies, check out what they have said about money:
Elizabeth Taylor, actress, philanthropist, and entrepreneur
"You can't cry on a diamond's shoulder, and diamonds won't keep you warm at night, but they're sure fun when the sun shines."
Elton John, performer and philanthropist
"Unless you show off, you're not going to get noticed."
RuPaul, performer, and producer
"When you become the image of your own imagination, it's the most powerful thing you could ever do."
Are you intrigued to find out what your Sacred Money Archetype is? Do you think you are a Celebrity? Click here to take the quiz.
Here’s what some fellow Celebrities have said about discovering their Archetype and the Sacred Money Archetypes® business course:
"I love Sacred Money Archetypes! It really gave me a base to jump from in my personal life and it allowed me to see both my grandmother and mother in new lights, breaking some of those deep held family beliefs and stories."
Archetype: Celebrity
“Owning my Celebrity unashamedly has been so empowering for my life and business. I attract my ideal clients, I’m more magnetic. When I found out I was a Celebrity, I had a 30 second shock and then I just kind of fell into my own body. Everything made sense suddenly."
Business Coach for Entrepreneurs, USA
Archetype: Celebrity
"I changed my entire business to work with my archetype. Before I did SMA, my Celebrity was hiding. Now I feel like I don't have to hold back. I want to show up more. I want to shine. I buy clothes other than black. For anybody that's considering SMA, know that your archetype could be hiding. Trauma and environment and relationships were some of the things that caused me to suppress my Celebrity."
Shine Coach & Author, USA
Archetype: Celebrity
"Being a Celebrity was no great surprise. I felt like finally, I get to own it and have really beautiful things. I work in show business. Knowing my archetype validated my experience on planet earth, as a performer. I've positioned myself in a place where I don't have to work very much. My Celebrity archetype knows that I need to have a hotel with really good pillows. To do a good job I need a comfortable, easy ride - I'm done with hustling. I’ve realized that the more I relax, the more money I make. I had my first 10K month last year. Since SMA, I start my mornings with health. I get up at half six and I’m straight in the hot tub where I meditate. My million dollar hot tub! I get my best ideas in there."
Music Agency Director, UK
Archetype: Celebrity
"Since doing the SMA course, I finally feel like I can be myself - I have permission. When I’m in my Celebrity I have the most energy and I feel the happiest. The course was eye opening for me and it really helped me find myself and I feel so much better being me now."
Independent Scentsy Star Director, USA
Archetype: Celebrity
Who is the Connector Money Archetype?
The Connector is the relationship builder, sometimes-counselor, cheerleader, and problem solver who freely gives away their ideas and advice but struggles to charge ANYONE because everyone they meet becomes their new best friend.
Sacred Money Archetypes® are a way of understanding how you are in the world, especially around finances - how you think, feel, and behave with money.
Of course, they are all about how you relate to money and wealth, but, as founder and creator of The Sacred Money Archetypes® program, and my money mentor, Kendall Summerhawk, explains,
“The way we do money, is the way we do everything.”
So discovering and working with these archetypes can have a profound impact on all areas of your life and business.
You can find out more about your Archetype and take the Money Archetypes Quiz here.
There are 8 Archetypes and this is your guide to the Connector.
Connectors keep the world spinning and bring everyone together with kindness and love.
Their faith and optimism that money will always be available keep them from worrying about money. They tell themselves it will work out, and it often does, magically at the last minute. Connectors could live off heart-shaped mung beans and probably find someone to share it with anyway.
The Connector’s trusting nature means they can attract co-dependent or sometimes shady people who take advantage of them. But they forgive them and move on. C'est la vie!
Connectors might feel frustrated in the entrepreneurial world when they see people who don't put their heart and soul into their business as much as they do, moving ahead and making money while they struggle.
Their ability to bring people and solutions together is the key to their business, but they resist it and worry about being inauthentic.
The Connector is you if you…
- Connect to others and create long term relationships that can generate income.
- Are happy when someone else is making financial decisions for you.
- Wish you didn't have to think about making or managing money.
- Are more likely motivated to be taken care of financially than driven to create financial independence.
- Avoid facing your money situation, hoping it will improve on its own.
- Can easily allow others to make you feel disempowered or inadequate about money.
- Care more about heart to heart connections than about making money.
- Believe that somehow, you'll always be taken care of financially.
Each of the 8 Sacred Money Archetypes® has strengths and challenges.
Here are the Connector’s strengths, they;
- Are a peacemaker and mediator, seeing all sides of a situation with compassion.
- Quickly see the connections and interconnections between complex relationships.
- Are trusting, innocent, and resilient. They can fit in anywhere and find a friendly person in the room.
- Can easily flex their personality to match other people's energy.
- Freely give solutions and referrals to everyone without expectation because they care about solving their problems.
- Lead with kindness and inclusivity to everyone. They are often looking to help the left out or forgotten.
- Are a cheerleader, and always remember to acknowledge and thank people.
- Have an incredible memory for names, birthdays, and special occasions. They are a great, thoughtful gift giver.
- Have faith and optimism that everything will always work out financially. And it often does; they are an incredible money manifester.
- Assume the best in everyone's intentions.
The Connector’s challenges are that they;
- Can be indecisive and sit on the fence because they don't want to take sides.
- Often lack financial independence and can relinquish financial details to dodgy people.
- Create blurred boundaries with clients, they become their BFFs, and they can't charge them anymore.
- Get intense FOMO and hurt feelings, sometimes feelings of being left out.
- Take it personally if people don't reciprocate your need for connection or acknowledgment.
- Feel overwhelmed by financial details and put their head in the sand, hoping it will work itself out.
- Secretly judge people's prices and income because they tell themselves that they care more by charging less.
- Attract co-dependent people and clients who don't always appreciate their over-generosity.
What about real, famous people? How can you tell if someone is a Connector?
They will give little clues in their interviews, quotes, and entrepreneurial endeavors, and by watching their challenges play out in public!
Here are some famous people I think could have Connector tendencies, check out what they have said about money:
Lizzo, singer, songwriter, and musician.
"I'm really proud of you – because life comes at you fast, and sometimes it can be so hard, but if I can make it, I know you can make it. We can make it together."
Malala Yousafzai, activist and author
"One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world."
Angelina Jolie, actress, filmmaker, and humanitarian
"Nothing would mean anything if I didn't live a life of use to others."
Are you intrigued to find out what your Sacred Money Archetype is? Do you think you are a Connector? Click here to take the quiz.
"I always love a live round of SMA, I get new insights every time as my business grows and changes."
Knitting Tutor, UK
Archetype: Connector
"This has been a game changer for me! Can’t wait to move forward with my business and my new understanding of myself!"
Bigger Than Space 2, Australia
Archetype: Connector
"Finding out about my Connector money personality was such a revelation. I could suddenly see my old, unhealthy money patterns and access blocks I just couldn’t see before. Within 24 hours I found myself spontaneously clearing out a huge amount of scarcity consciousness that was keeping me playing smaller than I needed to be. This is exactly the work I was looking for to help me take my business to the next level."
Visibility Coach, Australia
Archetype: Connector
"Finding out that I'm a connector really made me appreciate the unique qualities that I have. It was also useful to have the pitfalls spelt out so clearly. It was interesting for me to just notice how I've been hiding under the desk, not looking at my money things, and kind of leaning on other people very lightly, but for basically all my life, never being totally independent. "
Holistic Vision Teacher & Visual Educator, Spain
Archetype: Connector
"Learning my archetype, and then learning my husband’s, was so enlightening for our relationship - it explained so much. We’ve been married for 30 years and it’s helped us so much to understand this and see where we were coming from. In my business, I am really leaning into my Connector abilities as a channel and as a guide. Having that awareness has been really enlightening."
Cosmic ReWilding Coach, USA | Read More
Archetype: Connector
"There's two big things which I have taken from SMA. The first is empowering words. When you know who you're talking to, when you know who you want to bring into your world, having lists of all those amazing empowering words, it's like ALL the candy to sprinkle through your copy. The second thing is understanding that I am very much the Alchemist, and that I have zero follow through. Now I just get to build my business and I don't have to worry about that."
Mind Body Integrative Mentor, UK
Archetype: Connector
"It's helped me embrace all of me, all the different parts of me, because up until discovering SMA, I was thinking more along the lines of being a Libra, but not really resonating with horoscopes because they’re so one-dimensional. Understanding my connector traits, and the other underlying ones, I feel like I’ve got the whole package. It’s helped me grow as a person, improve my relationship with my family."
Business & Money Coach, Australia
Archetype: Connector
Who is the Maverick Money Archetype?
The Maverick is the ruler breaker and underdog champion who hates being told what to do and often remakes entire industries with their bold and courageous ideas, but who sometimes burns down their business in the process, even when it's working.
Sacred Money Archetypes® are a way of understanding how you are in the world, especially around finances - how you think, feel, and behave with money.
Of course, they are all about how you relate to money and wealth, but, as founder and creator of The Sacred Money Archetypes® program, and my money mentor, Kendall Summerhawk, explains,
“The way we do money, is the way we do everything.”
So discovering and working with these archetypes can have a profound impact on all areas of your life and business.
You can find out more about your Archetype and take the Money Archetypes Quiz here.
There are 8 Archetypes and this is your guide to the Maverick.
The Maverick’s creativity and audacity for generating money is impressive - they're often like a modern-day pirate; they can find gold in the most unexpected places.
Balance and stability aren't something Mavericks find exciting, which can lead them into situations of creating extreme financial highs and lows. They're almost addicted to the adrenaline rush of seeing how close they can get to ruin, just to rise dramatically from the ashes like a phoenix. Feast from famine is their favorite party trick!
Mavericks might feel frustrated in the entrepreneurial world when they see people who put out boring or unoriginal work, moving ahead and making money while they struggle to get traction.
The Maverick is you if you…
- Are attracted to get rich opportunities.
- Are willing to take a financial risk in exchange for a potential big win.
- Are happy to stand out from the crowd.
- Have courage and tenacity when it comes to generating income.
- Like being rebellious and showing what you're made of.
- Usually don't cave into the opinion of others.
- Are always looking at how to gain a financial advantage.
- Pay great attention to the up and downside of their numbers.
- Are often drawn to becoming the hero for the underdog, modeling what's possible.
Each of the 8 Sacred Money Archetypes® has strengths and challenges.
Here are the Maverick’s strengths, they;
- Are a champion of the underdog and will always fight for the marginalized or forgotten.
- Have out-of-the-box, unique ideas that nobody else can conceive.
- Take bold risks and fast action - before they know all the details.
- Inspire others to up their game because they ignore how things should be.
- Easily handle complex, uncommon, or complicated business strategies.
- Are clever, flamboyant, and charismatic. And they make it look fun and easy!
The Maverick’s challenges are that they;
- Can lead others to mutiny and burn down whole industries (sometimes over a misunderstanding!)
- Can be secretive or deceptive, sometimes taking things to the edge of decency or legality.
- Can be self-righteous and judgemental about money, dismissing other people as 'sheep' or 'sell-outs.'
- Miss easy wins because they're determined to do the opposite!
- Often, their impulsive action leads to regrets, as not all their ideas work out, or you burn bridges in the process.
- Often get bored and burn things down, like business assets that are almost finished.
- Often quick to condemn people without all details, like 'canceling' someone and leaving the wreckage behind.
- Sometimes their risk-taking in their business turns to reckless gambling, and they can lose money through inattention to the details.
What about real, famous people? How can you tell if someone is a Maverick?
They will give little clues in their interviews, quotes, and entrepreneurial endeavors, and by watching their challenges play out in public!
Here are some famous people I think could have Maverick tendencies, check out what they have said about money:
Lauryn Hill, performer, and songwriter
"When you're young, and everything dramatic is exciting, you start to believe that hype that, in order to be an artist, you have to suffer. I've graduated from that school."
Madonna, performer, and director
"Why did I want to break all the rules? Because the rules didn't make sense, that's why!"
P!NK, performer
"You can't move mountains by whispering at them."
Are you intrigued to find out what your Sacred Money Archetype is? Do you think you are a Maverick? Click here to take the quiz.
Here’s what some fellow Mavericks have said about discovering their Archetype and the Sacred Money Archetypes® business course:
"SMA was so eye opening about my own drive towards money. It showed me how far I’ve come and the road that is still ahead. It has motivated me to keep going, because I know I already have everything inside of me that I need. Thanks Denise!"
Money Coach, Germany
Archetype: Maverick
"I’m a rebel in my industry; I’ve always done things a little bit differently. I’ve always marched to the beat of my own drum. For me, SMA was like a deep permission - I've literally been this way forever. And now it's really up to me to embrace it and bring it into every part of my business.”
Visibility & Sales Messaging and Mindset Coach, USA
Archetype: Maverick
"It's really helped me to understand my money patterns and also been great for my relationship. My husband and I are on the same wavelength now thanks to understanding our archetypes. Highly recommended! Thanks Denise for sharing this with us!"
Strategy and Alignment Coach, UK
Archetype: Maverick
"I gained so much clarity with this course in such a short space of time. It's quite unbelievable that doing this course has given me the idea for a business that I actually want to get up every morning and do something in, and one which I would consider leaving medicine for. This is a huge milestone for me, and one that I would never have got to if it wasn't for this course. I needed the permission, the encouragement, and the "behind the scenes" reality to gain the courage to get going! This course has pretty much changed my life!"
Money Coach, UK
Archetype: Maverick
"I loved the idea of understanding my particular archetype with money. I love, love personality and archetype profiling because distinctions help us understand particulars that we are unable to identify before they are laid out before us. This was the case for me. It also helps to understand why my particular boldness and courage is attractive to others, while also being difficult for them to actually do. I love Denise's groundedness as an individual and her brilliant business mind. She is an excellent teacher and is gifted with insight. It was an honor to get to know her through this program. Thank you!"
Business Coach, US
Archetype: Maverick
Who is the Nurturer Money Archetype?
The Nurturer is the kind-hearted, gentle and wise soul always thinking about serving others, solving other people's money problems, and overdelivering with clients, even when it causes grief and leads to martyrdom and resentment.
Sacred Money Archetypes® are a way of understanding how you are in the world, especially around finances - how you think, feel, and behave with money.
Of course, they are all about how you relate to money and wealth, but, as founder and creator of The Sacred Money Archetypes® program, and my money mentor, Kendall Summerhawk, explains,
“The way we do money, is the way we do everything.”
So discovering and working with these archetypes can have a profound impact on all areas of your life and business.
You can find out more about your Archetype and take the Money Archetypes Quiz here.
There are 8 Archetypes and this is your guide to the Nurturer.
The Nurturer’s desire to be of service makes them extremely generous.
What they see as selfless generosity can easily create enabling relationships and problematic boundaries with the people they want to help, plus sow seeds of resentment or martyrdom within them.
Some Nurturers can lose themselves in their quest to serve others, unsure of their own desires and taking on other people's preferences as their own. They can be "spongey" and often feel the whole world's weight on their shoulders.
It's not unusual for their generosity to compromise their finances, get into debt for other people, or loan money instead of building wealth and stability for themselves.
Nurturers might feel frustrated and lonely in the entrepreneurial world when they see people charging ahead recklessly while they struggle to be heard.
Setting boundaries is tough for Nurturers, but they can learn the priceless wisdom of putting their own oxygen mask on first. This will allow them to build a kind, caring business that creates a ripple effect worldwide.
The Nurturer is you if you…
- Appreciate money yet feel you need to over give for every penny you bring in.
- Find your natural generosity includes wanting to protect, shelter or nurture others financially.
- Are responsible with your personal finances but often attract people who need your help, financially and otherwise.
- Are likely motivated to give generously to help others, often at the sacrifice of yourself.
- Have good money habits but either don't have much saved or may carry debt because of helping others.
- Find your self-worth comes from compassion, giving and 'being there' for others.
- Find it painful to set financial boundaries with people you care about.
- Can be taken advantage of financially by others or secretly feel resentful because what you give is not reciprocated.
- Find asking for what you're worth requires every ounce of courage you possess.
- Tend to create emotionally entangled, dependent financial relationships, which unconsciously disable the people you want to help.
Each of the 8 Sacred Money Archetypes® has strengths and challenges.
Here are the Nurturer’s strengths, they;
- Are loyal, patient, and kind to everyone.
- Are giving, devoted, and patient if people are struggling.
- Are incredibly generous with time and money to their friends and family (even strangers!)
- Give fantastic value and quality. People know they can rely on them.
- Hold space and listen to others without needing to add their own experiences.
- Are non-judgemental and empathetic. People trust them.
- Have a lot of wisdom to share with others but don't need to be the center of attention.
- Are inclusive and sensitive to all needs.
The Nurturer’s challenges are that they;
- Often take on debt for other people but don't always ask for it back.
- Sometimes use their Martyr complex to guilt others about their sacrifices.
- Can display low self-esteem and apologize frequently. They can often take small things personally.
- Are sometimes slow and cautious to take action and miss opportunities.
- Can attract co-dependent people and clients, collecting "strays" and sometimes unappreciative people.
- Often feel resentful and unappreciated by people in their life and business.
- Frequently don't communicate needs clearly but then feel resentful if people don't consider their feelings.
- Feel responsible for rescuing others and often lose themselves in the process.
What about real, famous people? How can you tell if someone is a Nurturer?
They will give little clues in their interviews, quotes, and entrepreneurial endeavors, and by watching their challenges play out in public!
Here are some famous people I think could have Nurturer tendencies, check out what they have said about money:
Michelle Obama, author, and First Lady
"Service is a limitless opportunity; it is the reason why we breathe."
Betty White, performer, and philanthropist
"Kindness and consideration of somebody besides yourself keeps you feeling young."
Louise Hay, author, and publisher
"Self-approval and self-acceptance in the now are the main keys to positive changes in every area of our lives."
Are you intrigued to find out what your Sacred Money Archetype is? Do you think you are a Nurturer? Click here to take the quiz.
Here’s what some fellow Nurturers have said about discovering their Archetype and the Sacred Money Archetypes® business course:
"I found that the best thing about SMA was how to put together a strategy, because when you've got ideas going here, there, and everywhere, you need discernment. You need to be able to get a plan behind that to make it actionable, and SMA helps you to do that step by step."
Meditative Counsellor, UK
Archetype: Nurturer
"I love SMA and it is has been so powerful to understand the choices I have made in the past. Knowing my archetype helps me accept those choices and move on with forgiveness for myself."
HR Mentor, UK
Archetype: Nurturer
"It's a must have! It helps you to understand yourself and your relationships (with money and with the people)"
Web Developer, Mexico
Archetype: Nurturer
"Loved the course! I FINALLY understand the origin of money drama...and my husband's. It's stopped me from spending spending spending...mostly money on course after course. I'm unsubscribing from all of the gurus and sticking with the few who have really helped me and Denise is at the top of my list. SMA is a life-changer!! owner or employee...who has an issue with money should dive in!"
Life Coach, US
Archetype: Nurturer.
Who is the Romantic Money Archetype?
The Romantic is the go-with-the-flow dreamer and luxury lover who inspires others to live in the moment and enjoy the finer things in life. They often ignore pesky details like money or retirement.
Sacred Money Archetypes® are a way of understanding how you are in the world, especially around finances - how you think, feel, and behave with money.
Of course, they are all about how you relate to money and wealth, but, as founder and creator of The Sacred Money Archetypes® program, and my money mentor, Kendall Summerhawk, explains,
“The way we do money, is the way we do everything.”
So discovering and working with these archetypes can have a profound impact on all areas of your life and business.
You can find out more about your Archetype and take the Money Archetypes Quiz here.
There are 8 Archetypes and this is your guide to the Romantic.
Romantics use money to enjoy life and often spend it to bring more ease and pleasure or to indulge their loved ones.
They reward themselves often because they feel like it and shopping for gifts often becomes, "one for them, one for me!" They feel like throwing a tantrum if someone tells them no! “Why not? I deserve it!”
Romantics might feel frustrated in the entrepreneurial world when they see people moving ahead and making money while they struggle. Or they feel like an outlier in a hustle-culture world.
They follow pleasure in their business, too, sometimes switching to more exciting ideas or giving up if things feel too hard or tedious. Their love of ease and spaciousness can be their greatest asset if they embrace automation, master delegation, and spend some time creating passive income! They can create systems to be consistent without having to be consistent themselves.
The Romantic is you if you…
- Buy things to feel gratification, sensory pleasure or because you "feel like it".
- Dislike feeling like a slave to money, preferring to use money to enjoy the good things in life.
- Believe money is to be enjoyed and dislike being told "no".
- Often don't see the point in saving money, as life is to be enjoyed.
- Indulge in yourself to feel special, appreciated, loved or valued.
- Often spend money on things because you feel "I deserve it".
- Often avoid making changes in your money behavior, even when you know it would benefit you.
- Can easily spoil the people you care about with lavish or abundant gifts.
- May shrug off your money habits, telling yourself you're not good with money.
Each of the 8 Sacred Money Archetypes® has strengths and challenges.
Here are the Romantic’s strengths, they;
- Believe in the abundance and benevolence of the Universe.
- Are optimistic about future possibilities and think it's all going to work out fine.
- Create beauty and ease for themselves and others.
- Role model pleasure and self-love.
- Inspire others to enjoy their life too.
- Appreciate and relish life in the moment.
- Can easily see ease and short-cuts.
The Romantic’s challenges are that they;
- Spend money to feel good about themselves or to relieve boredom.
- Have an instant gratification mindset, so don't always think about the consequences of their spending.
- Often ignore or avoid financial details, creating money drama or unnecessary expenses.
- Frequently can give up if things feel too hard or tedious.
- Won't work if the vibes aren't right or conditions aren't perfect.
- Get bored or lose interest in ideas and abandon almost finished projects for new ones.
- Waste money with flamboyant or unnecessary spending and often get into debt.
What about real, famous people? How can you tell if someone is a Romantic?
They will give little clues in their interviews, quotes, and entrepreneurial endeavors, and by watching their challenges play out in public!
Here are some famous people I think could have Romantic tendencies, check out what they have said about money:
Marie Kondo, author and tidying expert
"Now imagine yourself living in a space that contains only things that spark joy. Isn't this the lifestyle you dream of?"
Stevie Nicks, performer and songwriter
"I'm going to spend my life writing poems, turning them into music that will affect people and touch their hearts."
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, actress and philanthropist
"I don't believe in proving a point to anybody. Nobody is that important."
Are you intrigued to find out what your Sacred Money Archetype is? Do you think you are a Romantic? Click here to take the quiz.
Here’s what some fellow Romantics have said about discovering their Archetype and the Sacred Money Archetypes® business course:
"It was eye opening to understand where my self-sabotage is coming from and that there are gifts that can be brought to light from those parts of my personality as a Romantic, Celebrity, Maverick. SMA has helped me understand my business blocks. I'm thinking about how I can emphasize my primary archetypes and sprinkle in the others. I believe it's my time and I'm ready for the next step."
Body Compassion & Movement Mentor, US
Archetype: Romantic
"SMA very validating for me. It's accepting the traits that I have and that they're okay. It's okay to be this way. It's okay to want things to be easier and to work to my strengths and that, even though there are some weaknesses in there, there's also a lot of strengths."
Success Coach, Australia
Archetype: Romantic
“I started surrendering and even letting go of the outcome and of the money goal and just doing it for the process and enjoying it."
Money Mindset Coach for Women Entrepreneurs, Australia
Archetype: Romantic
"Before SMA, I would have put myself in that camp of being wrong because I'm not an accumulator and I didn't save my money, And now I realize that my life experience is valuable and it does offer value to other people just the way that I go about my life."
Life Coach for People Pleasers, USA
Archetype: Romantic
Who is the Ruler Money Archetype?
The Ruler is the boss, visionary empire builder, and sometimes a workaholic who has BIG plans and often gets burnt out trying to monetize everything simultaneously.
Sacred Money Archetypes® are a way of understanding how you are in the world, especially around finances - how you think, feel, and behave with money.
Of course, they are all about how you relate to money and wealth, but, as founder and creator of The Sacred Money Archetypes® program, and my money mentor, Kendall Summerhawk, explains,
“The way we do money, is the way we do everything.”
So discovering and working with these archetypes can have a profound impact on all areas of your life and business.
You can find out more about your Archetype and take the Money Archetypes Quiz here.
There are 8 Archetypes and this is your guide to the Ruler.
The Ruler’s drive to create and innovate makes them an unstoppable and passionate force for making a significant impact with their business.
For them, money measures their level of achievement and accomplishment.
Their work ethic makes them a formidable entrepreneur but sometimes a less than a present human being, friend, or parent. There's nothing wrong with their ambition, but sometimes they forget their bodily needs (like food, water, or sleep!) and burn themselves (or their team) out.
Rulers might feel frustrated in the entrepreneurial world when they know they can work hard, but it's not all coming together yet.
They say yes to everything, have multiple complex projects on the go, and are completely delusional about the workload required to get everything done to their high standards.
Rulers are natural leaders and innovators. They can totally figure out how to build an enormous empire with ease and grace.
The Ruler is you if you…
- Never feel satisfied you've made enough, continually challenging yourself to achieve higher financial goals.
- Find your business dominates most of your time and attention.
- Fear losing control of your money, power and identity.
- Hide feeling not good enough behind over-achieving, ambition and a quest for more.
- Are a natural and passionate leader people want to follow, giving you the prestige and reputation you desire.
- Believe what you're creating now will bring you happiness in the future, often driving you to overwork.
- Love empowering people and enriching lives through your business.
- Thrive on creating, innovating and building something of lasting value.
- Feel safe and protected from danger by accumulating financial resources.
- Are reluctant to pull money out of your business and are often cautious about spending.
Each of the 8 Sacred Money Archetypes® has strengths and challenges.
Here are the Ruler’s strengths, they;
- Inspire others to take action and have big dreams for their life and business.
- Have a robust and determined work ethic. Nobody can work harder than a Ruler.
- Can quickly achieve "impossible" goals and love challenging themselves to grow.
- Are a bold, creative business visionary with ideas to improve almost any industry.
- Innovate with new exciting ideas before everyone else.
- Create win-win business empires where everyone can thrive.
- Can monetize and market pretty much anything.
The Ruler’s challenges are that they;
- Rarely celebrate achievements - they just move on to the next thing.
- Are a Perfectionist and hard to please, so they never feel satisfied, and team members can feel unappreciated.
- Often over-commit to multiple projects at the same time.
- Are always thinking about future goals, so they find it hard to be in the present moment.
- Can be delusional about a realistic workload for themselves and their team. They just work harder.
- Will rather burn out rather than quit or admit defeat.
- Often feel demotivated without big goals and sometimes break things that work fine!
- Struggle with hobbies (work is your hobby) and can neglect friendships in favor of work.
What about real, famous people? How can you tell if someone is a Ruler?
They will give little clues in their interviews, quotes, and entrepreneurial endeavors, and by watching their challenges play out in public!
Here are some famous people I think could have Ruler tendencies, check out what they have said about money:
Oprah Winfrey, media queen
"The big secret in life is that there is no big secret. Whatever your goal, you can get there if you're willing to work."
Martha Stewart, lifestyle queen
"Study your strengths; then decide how hard you want to work."
Beyonce, pop queen
"I'm a workaholic and don't believe in 'No.' If I'm not sleeping, nobody's sleeping."
Are you intrigued to find out what your Sacred Money Archetype is? Do you think you are a Ruler? Click here to take the quiz.
Here’s what some fellow Rulers have said about discovering their Archetype and the Sacred Money Archetypes® business course:
"SMA is just such a fantastic place to step into and explore all of those parts of yourself that you thought were not so great. You might have thought that they were bugs in your system that you needed to fix but really they’re your gifts. It’s amazing what you can accomplish when you lean into your gifts, and work through all of your self sabotages."
Author, Scientist & Soul Coach, Canada
Archetype: Ruler
“Doing this course is going to help you really step into the true expression of who you are and why you are on the planet to do what you're doing.”
Coach & Consultant, USA
Archetype: Ruler
"SMA is going to open up a lot of doors and understanding who you are energetically and how you can align to that within your business, within your relationships, within your home is going to change things. It's going to make everything feel so much easier."
Lightworker, USA
Archetype: Ruler
"It helps so much to reflect on yourself and then to choose the right business for you. Done-For-You didn't work out for me, so I'm doing coaching now."
Automation Expert, Germany
Archetype: Ruler
"I've loved the SMA course, it's been so good. It has revealed so much about what I have to work on. It’s helped me to see what is going on inside my head and to not let those shadow thoughts get in the way. It really has helped with my relationship with my fiance too, because now I know he's a Romantic and it's so much easier to deal with things together now."
Veterinarian, Finland
Archetype: Ruler
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