The Magic Art of Manifesting Money: Use These Steps to Manifest Anything you Desire!

manifesting & affirmations
How to create your dream life using the law of attraction and money manifesting skills

Hey gorgeous,

I want to share with you how I manifested 6-months paid luxury travel and give you the exact steps I used and lessons I learned so you can apply them to manifest your dreams.

It was advertised as the Ultimate Job in the World. Six months travelling the globe, testing out the most romantic and luxurious honeymoon destinations.

The Irish travel company knew it was an amazing prize but they were unprepared for the interest it would attract from all around the world. It was literally the prize of a lifetime, and more than 30,000 people applied for the chance to travel the world for free.

Inspired by our own 3-week honeymoon and desperate to travel again, my husband, Mark and I, were just two of the hopefuls who submitted an application video for the Ultimate Job. Long story short, we got the job!

Goal Setting to Achieve Your Dreams

Most people can’t believe it. “Wow, you’re so lucky!” and then they ask, “Did you think you were going to win?”. My answer to the first question is “I know!”. My answer to the second changes depending on how much I want to share my beliefs about the Law of Attraction (LoA) and how positive thinking and goal setting has changed my life.

The real and completely honest answer is yes, from the moment I found out about the competition, I knew I was going to win it, and I shared my belief with many people in the lead-up to the final. 

I’m not some crazy competition person either. I don’t enter thousands of competitions! This was one of three I’d entered that year and I won them all (but that’s another story).

Create Your Perfect Day

A year before we left on the trip of a lifetime, my then life coach and business mentor asked me to describe my perfect day (a powerful goal setting and LoA technique). I described how I’d wake up in a gorgeous room by the sea in a sunny country, do yoga with Mark, check my laptop periodically during the day and get paid for writing and speaking about my passions.

There was silence. Everyone else in the room smiled, but I could hear them thinking, “Good luck with that!”.

A year later, Mark and I were waking up in luxury hotels all around the world (in mostly very sunny countries). We started the day with yoga and fresh fruit and then we’d go exploring a new and beautiful city, checking our laptops every now and then, and getting paid to write and speak about travel and honeymoons.

Think it’s a coincidence? Think again.

Goal Setting Success

Two months before I even found out about the competition, I found myself increasingly frustrated with my life and desperate for change.

I was itching to go travelling and was dreaming constantly about taking off to explore the world, like many of our friends. However, it seemed like a bad time. We had quite a bit of wedding debt left over, we had a flat and our cats… etc, etc.

Despite all the reasons “why not”, I was ready to do something different.

It was time to get serious about my goals.

An important LoA principle is to get really clear on what you want, so I wrote down my new goals in pretty minute detail. Here’s what I came up with and remember, I still didn’t know about the Ultimate Job competition.

I wanted to…

  • Take six months off and travel the world with Mark
  • Get paid £3000 a month, while I was travelling
  • Be a published author and speaker

I wrote this in my diary daily and on a postcard that I stuck on my window, to look at again and again. I even had a plan about how I was going to do it (the universe just had a different solution in mind).

My idea? Inspired by Four Hour Work Week, I was going to start an internet business and sell ebooks while I travelled the world with Mark. So, I started working on that every day and night; blogging, marketing and keeping my focus on the feeling of being free to travel with Mark.

Working on my Money Mindset

I worked on my dream every day so when this amazing opportunity came along, I recognised it as a nudge from the universe. How serious are you about this?

Not only did the job entail six months luxury travel for both of us, the salary was €20,000 (ie. roughly GB£3,000 per month) and the job came with a daily blog, and a monthly column in the Irish Times newspaper. Tick, tick and tick!

(BTW, I should have specified £3000 after tax and just for me, not the two of us, but the Universe will always give you what you ask for, so be specific!)

But of course, I only attracted the opportunity. We still had to win the damn thing! But don’t you think the knowledge that I manifested the exact, perfect opportunity custom-made for me made me feel confident about the outcome? You bet!

To win the competition, I pulled out every trick in my LoA manifesting handbook. I think I used at least 50 practical and metaphysical techniques to win this competition. It was that important to me and do you think I’d let it get away? No chance! Read more about attracting abundance, even when you’re feeling broke here.

After specifying your goals and writing them down (very important), there’s still a lot more work you can do to influence the outcome. Curious?



Here’s what I did to win…

I pulled out all the stops, and there’s SO MANY I want to share with you, but I’m going to start with four really important ones.

  1.     Build your network by giving

Even though I’m a serious introvert, I’m a pretty good networker online.

For a while, I had been active in business groups, and (this is important), always showed up to GIVE advice and encouragement, but rarely pitched my own stuff.

By activating the Law of Reciprocity, I was already creating a lot of good-will in my community. What you give out, you receive in return.

When the blogging competition came around, I had people around me who were willing to help out by voting, and encourage me, in return for the help I had given them freely.

A supportive community is crucial for manifesting big goals. It’s hard to do it all by yourself.

  1.     Daily Gratitude 

The Universe loves an “attitude of gratitude”, because positivity attracts even more good fortune. The opposite is true too, so watch your negative thoughts.

 Even before we won the competition, we had plenty to appreciate in our lives. So, we started a gratitude game before we went to bed each night. We both had to say five things we were grateful for, even if we didn’t feel like it.

We started drifting off to sleep in a bliss state every night, already feeling like the luckiest people in the world, instead of stressing about money or our jobs. We were getting ready to receive even more in our life (and boy, were things about to get good!).

  1.     Declutter the practical obstacles

The Universe loves action that moves you closer to your goal, especially if you start to act “as if” your goal is already yours. Forward motion begins a life of its own and before you know it momentum starts to build by itself.

We did as many practical things as possible to let the Universe know we were ready, and to prepare for “when” we won. We wanted to demonstrate that we were serious.

First, we scheduled the trip into our diaries. It’s a small thing, but it made it real for me, and also showed up practical problems I needed to take care of when we won. Notice, I said “when”, not “if”. These little tweaks matter.

For example, the honeymoon job clashed with the wedding of a close friend. Was I prepared to miss it? Yes. I was.

Let me share the most serious and practical action we took, that I’ll guess none of the other contestants were brave enough to do.

Before we even got short-listed into the Top 10 finalists, we started the process of renting out our apartment.

There were only ten days between when the winners were announced and when the job started. So when (not if) we won, it would be too stressful with everything else to do.

So, as an act of faith, we decided to take care of that problem first. We found tenants for our apartment, and kept decluttering our possessions.

Otherwise, it was energetic clutter that was hanging over our heads. Oh, and I told my friend that I couldn’t come to her wedding because I’d be traveling. This is key – it was a definitive “no”, rather than “we might be travelling”.

Because I was going… NO MATTER WHAT. I was willing to go travelling anyway, and this is an important distinction – I wasn’t caught up in winning the competition as the only way. I decided that we were going anyway, and the competition got swept up in my conviction. Do you see the difference?

We even decided to go one step further and gave notice at our jobs.


Yes. Ultimate act of faith.

Our bosses thought we were crazy, but honestly, I was going travelling no matter what. Whether it was this competition or something else, I was going. 

Am I suggesting that you quit your job and let go of all of your possessions willy nilly?!

NO – I’m just saying that sometimes you have to be brutally honest in the pursuit of your dreams, and let go of any obstacles in the way. Show up before the Universe plays its part. Don’t worry, there are lots of other things you can do first to energetically declutter. I’ll show you how with a free resource in a bit.

After taking care of two massive big obstacles, we went into the final competition with all of our mental baggage worked out. We were mentally, emotionally and practically ready to pack up our lives and we took action to prove it.

  1.     Be positive and never let it go

I never entertained the thought that we wouldn’t win. I visualised the moment when they would call our names. “Mark and Denise!”. I would repeat this to myself throughout the day at my job. It spurred me on to do actions that scared me, like cold-calling reporters to drum up publicity to impress the competition judges.

To remind myself to be positive, I wore my favourite necklace every day (and to the final). It’s a silver disk with the word Yes on one side, and No on the other. Every day I looked at that necklace on the Yes side and said to myself “Yes, I’m ready”.

I wore that necklace every day during the final weekend, in our interview with the judges and up on stage when they called our name.

“And the job goes to… Mark and Denise!”

The mindset piece is probably the most important. You have to be so focused on your goal that everything else is just detail. Check out these 7 Signs you Need to Work on Your Money Mindset here.

Now, this might sound really intimidating, but I actually automate this part now, so I don’t have to think about it too much, and it works even better!

Now, Take Action!

Here are five actions you can take towards manifesting your dreams TODAY:

  • Write down your goals (even if you have NO idea of how to achieve them)
  • Build your network by just five people and start building some good karma capital
  • Think of 5 things you’re grateful for in your life
  • Take one action towards your dream (even just scheduling it in your diary)
  • Give yourself permission to say “yes” to your dream

Since winning the Ultimate Job I have been able to refine and apply everything I’ve learnt about manifesting, mindset and business to create my First Class life and a multi-million dollar business. 

It’s your time and you’re ready for the next step,

Denise xx


Upgrade your money mindset, revolutionize your business and earn what you deserve! 

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