SMA was like a permission slip to be myself and do business on my terms

sacred money archetypes testimonials
SMA was like a permission slip to be myself


Jennie Winter

Healer | USA
Archetype: Romantic

Hey, I'm Jennie. I'm a healer, and I live in Indiana, in America, and I've always lived here. I'm a Romantic. My Romantic is way up high, and then a Maverick, and then a Connector.


Was there anything surprising when you found out your Archetypes?

No, it kind of felt like, "Oh, that explains like ..." I'm sure most people can relate to this. I've been called spoiled and those kind of things a lot when I was younger and that kind of thing. When I first read it, I was a little like, "Oh, no." I saw it kind of in a negative light. But then as I started to look into it more, then I was like, "Oh, okay. That is me." It kind of helped me settle into that, instead of trying to change that part of me, and expand upon it, versus trying to get rid of it.

What are some of the sabotages you experience because of your Archetypes?

I'd say, for me, the biggest thing is I don't want to be bothered. I'm afraid to get stuck in something. It's like, oh, well, I'd get clients, but what if I get stuck with them? Or what if I have to spend too much time and then I get bored? Even, I think, with systems, it all seems really complicated, and once something's complicated, in my mind, then it's like, "Oh, never mind. Just not even going to mess with it. It's too complicated.

Let's see, with teams, I haven't even thought of that a whole lot. With marketing, I really struggle with marketing a lot, because it feels overwhelming, because marketing feels like a long process to me. People say, "Oh, people have to see your thing this many times and they have to do this." Then it's like, "Ugh, what if I can't keep up with that?" If I get overwhelmed, then I think that is my biggest sabotaging thing. I don't want to be stuck in anything. I don't like to feel imprisoned by anything. SMA really helped me with that. "Okay, well then just create your business differently. You don't have to do a year-long container or anything like that." That really helped. I think that's my biggest sabotage.

Also, being willing to invest in things, but not myself. I mean, myself, courses and things like that, but not teams and systems and things that would actually make the business grow and be more profitable. That feels overwhelming, so I don't invest in that. But doing emotional work, those are all beautification things for me. It feels like, to make my environment, my energy, better, then I'm happy to invest in that, versus seeing that having systems and teams would actually make my business more efficient and that kind of thing. I think that's probably my two biggest sabotages that I can think of.

What have you changed in your business since discovering your Archetypes?

"Yeah, I think that SMA was kind of like a permission slip to be myself."

I felt like, when I took it, and I go back through it quite frequently. But I had all of this information that everybody talks about. I just got stuck with that, too, and basically was like, "Ugh, I don't even want to run a business. This is too much." All this complicated, like sales calls and all the stuff that just felt so not me and gross, going through SMA was just like, "Oh, I don't have to do that. That's somebody else's way of doing things, and it's not authentic to me." I'm not going to get on the phone and push something on somebody. That's just not even me.

So it just kind of gave me permission to just kind of move into things that are more like courses and maybe some one-on-one where it's just a couple sessions, or even my favorite is doing texting sessions with people. Because, I can do healing over texting, and that's just giving myself the permission to do things that are fun. It lights me up, so that I'm actually better at what I'm doing. My clients are busy, so having someone you can just text to do a healing session or clear energy is ideal. Realizing, okay, well that's just the type of people that I want to work with. People who like efficiency. I like efficiency. It works.

Versus, just that dreaded feeling that I had before of like, "Oh, I have to work with people who are going to be like, 'Oh, here's all the terrible things that happened to me. Let's sit and talk about them.'" Where, even though I'm a healer, my focus is always like, what can be? Like, oh, but look at all the possibilities once we clear all this energy. Look at where we could go. And so to sit and talk about all the bad things and just hash over them, is where I thought I had to be.

"Going through SMA helped me see I could hone in on, "This is who I am, so I'll just attract people who want to be efficient." I'm like, "Okay, well let's clear up all this past trauma so I can be happy and live a beautiful life." It kind of just gave me that permission to have those type of clients and make my life more easier, but just more in flow, so I was actually better at what I was doing, because I wasn't dreading it."


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