I'm earning more and working less, thanks to SMA!

sacred money archetypes testimonials
I'm earning more and working less, thanks to SMA!


Susan Welch

Success Coach for Women | USA
Archetype: Accumulator

I'm from Houston, Texas. My job is helping the manufacturers in China to sell their product directly to customers in America. I'm an Accumulator, Celebrity and Ruler.


Was there anything surprising when you found out about your Archetypes?

Actually I thought I was more of a Celebrity. I love to show off, I like to buy expensive things. And when I realized I am an Accumulator, then I realized that I'm very stingy on hiring people. I think it’s also because I'm also a Ruler. I think I can do a better job than everyone else, so when I'm hiring someone, I always think that's wasting money. But I realized that if I want to grow my business, I have to change so that was the big aha moment for me. So the first thing I did was I hired a CPA.

What have you changed in your business since discovering your Archetypes?

I need to use a lot of software to run my business. But I also could do without the software. And the software charges are quite expensive, so my Accumulator side is saying, "No, just do it by yourself.”  But actually that's such a waste of time. So that is what I learned from this program, and now I say, "Oh yeah, don't be cheap, just do it. Use the software to help save on time and be more efficient." 

My Accumulator says I can't charge more because it’s not a bargain, and no one's going to buy from me. I have overcome this and have also increased my prices.

How do your top 3 Archetypes work together or against each other?

My Ruler side thinks I can do it all. So it’s been about learning how to balance out all of the different archetypes to help me with my mental health so I can have more time to enjoy my life.

I don't want to just use all my time and energy in my business. But I was doing that at the beginning. I was making less money and working more. My goal is now to work less and earn more. Since I changed that mindset, it helped me a lot. I have time to travel, and spend time with my kids. At the beginning, there was really zero time to enjoy life. 

What is your favorite aspect of Sacred Money Archetypes®?

You made it so logical and easy to follow. You taught us how to use the different archetypes in a way that makes sense. You made it so down to the earth and I can relate to you somehow, you know what I mean? I'm from a completely different country, and I am a different race, but I feel it was all so relatable. I also love that you update it every year. I feel there’s always something new.

"My Accumulator says I can't charge more because it’s not a bargain, and no one's going to buy from me. I have overcome this and have also increased my prices." 


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Sacred Money Archetypes® is a Registered Trademark of Heart of Success, Inc. and licensed by Lucky B Pty Ltd. © 2022 Kendall Summerhawk


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