I'm making so much more money in my business, thanks to Money Archetypes

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I'm making so much more money in my business, thanks to Money Archetypes


Stacy Hoch

Psychotherapist, Author & Somatic Embodiment Coach, USA
Archetype: Alchemist

I'm Stacy. I'm a psychotherapist. I work primarily with people who are raised by codependents and narcissists who are also very heavy on the empathic scale to come to center. I am an Alchemist through and through then Connector and Nurturer.


Was there anything surprising when you found out about your Archetypes?

So, even this is how terrible the business person I am, when Adele said that she had not applied that Alchemist thing to her business, I literally have not until this very moment because I just realized that I actually rely on my Connector Nurturer for my business, and the biggest thing I found surprising, was people would always say to me “Dude, why don't you charge money for that. Your YouTube channel is ridiculous. Stop doing what you're doing. You're giving away all of this information.” I'm like, "Oh, what do you mean? I thought this is what I did." And I have a following and I could theoretically be in a position to make millions of dollars, and life coaches look at me and they're like, "Oh, that's no excuse and you have four kids, and that you're doing all of this by yourself." Right? And I'm like, "Oh my god." I see the cognitive dissonance of I could be that person, but also I just am like I don't know.

It was weird for me to go, "Wait, people will literally pay me for when I'm giving them away for free while I'm struggling most of the time to make sure I can sustain a life for my family." So, hearing that people will pay for ideas was intriguing to me. Now, I'm at a place where people want to talk to me and I'm like, "Yo, I get paid to talk to people." I get paid to go to that Connector place that before I would just give that away to everybody.

So, to hear that actually the truth is that's why people have hired me all along is for my ideas. I'm like you, Denise, I just show up, I'm unprepared, I'm like, "Oh my god, I hope I don't forget what I would even want to say," and most of the time I do, and people pay me just to do that, just to show up to their experience and give them new ideas about it, and that was like, "What?" And that's why every coach that I've ever worked with has been like, "What is your problem? You are the worst. What aren't you getting?" And I'm like, " Well I hate asking for money too because I'm like the Nurturer, Connector. So I'm like, "Oh, I just want to give everything away for free," and I'll save the Alchemist part for my own personal life to find random shit on the side of the road that I want constantly, right? But I have not actually until this very moment even considered applying the Alchemist frequency to my business which is a very weird thought, and it feels very fun to think about.

What are some of the sabotages you experience because of your Archetypes?

Well, I don't even have to say at this point. I think that I come a little bit from a different angle in that my sabotage is actually that I don't treat my business like it's anything because I don't want to depend on it. So, I'm like, "Fuck you, you work for me," basically, and it does weirdly. My business, energetically, and that's why sometimes I have to just listen and it's like, "No, now's not the time to scale, Stacy. You have this particular life and these circumstances," and then I'm like... but I see this contrast. It's like what are you talking about? Is this self-denial?

I show up to it when I can't not. I do not show up consistently. I show up to it when my body is saying, "Okay, now is the time," and I honor my business in that way, but really, I've created it in such a way that I did, I never intended to be an entrepreneur. I just didn't want to leave my kids. So, I homeschool my kids. I co-sleep with my kids. I'm running a business. I'm the breadwinner of a family, and I did it that way because of one reason only, and it was to not have to leave my kids. The fact that I'm even in business is insane to me, and the fact that it's sustained me for this long which is obviously the Alchemist, right? People would be like, "Well, how the hell did you do that?" I don't know. I literally put up a sign and then I have clients come to me, they're like, "If I'm going to be in business, I need a lawyer, I need this, I need that," and I'm like, "What are you talking about? I still don't have any of those things."

So, my sabotages are that I don't button things up because I'm a mess. That's just who I am. So, I have a whole bunch of things that I do actually finish. I just don't share, and that's annoying because I don't market them. I will send newsletters and be like, "Hey guys, love you, basically giving you some tap in vibrationally." And then I'm like, "And by the way, maybe you would maybe think about wanting to buy this thing that I'm not even going to tell you any-fucking-thing about. I'm just going to say it exists." Right? 

"My biggest sabotage is my fear of that sense of wanting more and then feeling so grateful for what I have and being like, I'm in the best position I've ever been in my life."

 I have a family that loves me. I have a fucking roof over my head. I feel great in my body, and how dare I want more when I'm working with people that have so much and they want what I have, and I'm like, "Wait, what? Wait, what's happening?" Right? Because they want that tap in of that frequency and that relationship, right? I work with people who really want to connect in relationships, but they attract the money and they attract, because they're also probably Alchemists, all of these things and they still are miserable, and I'm not miserable and I don't even attract those things, and that was the thing.

What movie character do you best resonate with and why?

Probably Pocahontas because her dad was like, "Don't," she was like, "Whatever, dude, I'm doing it." Right? She had a tribe but she also was like, "I'm not going to do this just because you're my tribe," and I think that's a very resonant programming to my personality with my family of origin and just people in general.

How did your Alchemist show up in your childhood and what did that look like?

Growing up, if I would say, "I want this thing," my mom would be like, "Oh, you think you're so great, blah, blah, blah. What makes you think you deserve that?" She would literally say that, "You don't deserve that." I don't think there was ever a time for me, I literally think in my self-work, I've had to go all the way back to infancy to reclaim that oh, that's my signature. That's what I feel like without all of that programming. But the thing about me too is not all of my parts have been on board with my Alchemist. My Alchemist is 37, Connector is 30, and Nurturer is 29 or something. So, my Alchemist always reigned, but my Nurturer, my Connector, my other part that hates that the Alchemist is sovereign of the system and does whatever she wants anyway just sit around and judge myself for doing what I'm going to do anyway, right?

I'm like, "Oh my god, I can't believe you're doing it this way, you're living your life this way, and you're going to..." I am the person, like my mom was right. She would be like, "You're going to do it anyway so why do I even bother?" And that Alchemist part is my natural. I feel like it's the first time I've ever been home in my life so to accept these various parts of me and let them kind of settle where they are instead of trying to change them like every other freaking thing in my life would have me do. I feel like this is my signature, but it took me a really long time to get there, and I don't think that there was ever a moment in my upbringing where I was allowed to even vibrate in an Alchemist way. That's fucked up. I had to literally change my own temperature to be where I was. So, now that I can vibrate there and also not judge myself for being there, that's a pretty cool thing.



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