I've been able to build better business relationships since joining Sacred Money Archetypes®

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I've been able to build better business relationships since joining Sacred Money Archetypes®


Sora Schilling

Energy Coach | USA
Archetype: Nurturer/Ruler

I'm Sora Schilling and I am an energy coach, who also trains other life coaches, how to be energy coaches as well. So, that thrills me very much. And my archetypes, so my Nurturer and Ruler are actually the same number. So it kind of depends on where I am sometimes, which one comes first. And so as Nurturer, then Ruler and then Celebrity.


How do your top 3 Archetypes work together or against each other?

So what I noticed with my three, right? Nurturer, Ruler, and then Celebrity, is the way I entered life, is that I amplified all of it. It was like on a hundred notch. And so therefore I overgave as much as I could. Right? And in order to do so, that meant that I was going to overdo how much work I did. So I was going to work a whole lot. Why? So that I could be the celebrity, so that I could have reached that fame and that abundance and live that lux life that I love, but I love the beauty and the luxurious, but then my nurturer also is like, oh, but I'm here only to give all of me and my money. Why would I want anything? And so there was this pull in all these directions and a lot of shame for wanting everything and nothing at all.

And so that helped me realize, okay, so I wasn't looking at my money. I was spending my money. I was working until all hours. I was totally depleted and I was looking for validation everywhere, in order for me to feel successful. And so when I started to harmonize all of them, and the way I looked at them was since knowing these archetypes and loving archetypal energies already, I started to think about, okay, what is the energy of the archetype that is desiring for me to match and play from a sovereign space? And so for Nurturer, it was what is the energy of my business? Right? So what does my business actually want from me? And it's not to overgive because once I learned how not to overgive, my community members were still so used to it, they constantly were trying to take, take, take. So I had to reconcile that and learn how to be really loving, but also firm in my ways.

And then with the Ruler learning, okay. What is the essence of my joy? Because I kept on, I love what I do, but that meant I wasn't doing anything else. I think Denise, you say in one of the videos, like you basically take your passions and turn into profit. And that's what I was doing all the time. And so nothing was sacred for me. And so, and then the last piece with celebrity was really honoring the energy of money. Like how do I relate in a sovereign way? Not just always wanting to have this imaginary amount so that I could spend lavishly, but how do I grow it in this conscious way, in honor of the deep work and the people I could reciprocate the money to. So learning about my values. So yeah, that's where that's what has happened with me.

What would you say to someone who is looking to join Sacred Money Archetypes®?

Everyone touched on why others should join SMA. So I want to make sure that I put that in there too, because I do think it's so important.

"I feel like number one was getting to understand myself better and using the archetypal energies to help anchor into either the shadow qualities, that are coming to the surface or embracing the light qualities that were beneficial already."

The second was it gave language to others. So how I can relate to others and not be judgy or frustrated or noticing what it looks like in partner and why there might be some friction or not. And how do we relate to one another and realize, oh, they may be coming at it in a completely different lens than myself.

And so it creates a lot more grace when it comes to relationship building and being so much more compassionate. So I think there's that piece that I think in general, as an entrepreneur makes everything because then as an entrepreneur or as a coach, my ability to understand the different lenses means I can speak to each person in a much more clearer, loving way. It means that I can offer based on the needs of diverse learners or diverse ways of beings. And so, and it helps me get clear around what are my yeses in my nos. And so to me that has added even more value when it comes to myself in my business.


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Sacred Money Archetypes® is a Registered Trademark of Heart of Success, Inc. and licensed by Lucky B Pty Ltd. © 2022 Kendall Summerhawk


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