SMA has helped me to identify where I'm sabotaging myself with money

sacred money archetypes testimonials
SMA has helped me to identify where I'm sabotaging myself


Shazia Imam

Life Coach & Life Engineer | USA
Archetype: Maverick

My name is Shazia Imam. I live in Dallas, Texas, and I am a life coach, a transformational life coach. And the host of the podcast, Feminine and Fulfilled. It's a longstanding podcast I've had now for four plus years. And my archetypes are Maverick, Ruler and Accumulator.


What are some of the sabotages you experience because of your Archetypes?

They're all very, very close together, very strong. But my Maverick, it is me, like through and through. And my accumulator sometimes likes to be like, "You can't do that." But my Maverick is bold and loves to do stuff and take big risks. So I'm really excited about our conversation today.

So for me, I actually have this really interesting story because I've spent a lot of time reflecting on something that happened to me. As a Maverick, I invite in a lot of money very quickly. So I'll take a risky move and then I'll get all this money. And what I noticed is that across the years, I would sabotage that. Because I grew up ... my family is Indian, so my parents immigrated from India to the US. And so many Indian families, we know this in our community, it's all about the Accumulator life. It's all about do this first, live very frugally, do the thing. And then years down the road, you can enjoy. So I grew up with that mentality.

But I have this ability to like do bold and risky things and get all this money. But with that belief in the background, when I was 23 years old, I bought my first home. And nobody in my community or circle of friends was doing that. Because we had just graduated, we were just starting out. But I knew that the market was going to take off. And I decided if I can just save $10,000, I will get a house. So I did it. And a year later the market went crazy and I sold the home and made a profit of $165,000, which was unbelievable. I'm 24 years old, I made all this money.

And you know what happened? I totally sabotaged myself by. I put the money away and I said, "I'll save it for another time." But I ended up then moving into a home that I hated. It was this dark two bedroom condo. I thought I would be there for a year or so. It was so depressing to live there. It was like such a dark time in my life. And I felt like I couldn't access the money that I had made. I felt like I couldn't have that money. And what's really interesting is that money sort of bled out, like through different ways. It just kind of went away.

And I never got to enjoy that like, "Oh, I made this money, let me reinvest it in something." Because my Maverick probably could have made like a million dollars from it or done something. But I have this pattern of the money comes in and then I'm like, "Oh no, no, no. That's not how life works. It's got to be slow and steady wins the race." And so I do this expansion contraction thing a lot. And so I've spent years ... I mean, now I'm 42, so I'm talking about almost 20 years ago. I've really tried to move out of that, to hold the energy of my ability to bring in big chunks of money. And not let my accumulator come in the way of that and my upbringing. So that, I see, is my sabotage pattern. Just the expansion, constriction, expansion, constriction, over and over.

How do your top 3 Archetypes work together or against each other?

So Maverick, Ruler, Accumulator. Oh my God. Okay, first of all, I am a powerhouse. I mean, that is a powerhouse combination. So my powerhouse-ness, yeah, I'm getting stuff done. If I walk into a room, you know. Like it's all good on paper, it's good in so many ways. But it's never enough. It's never enough. Never. And my Accumulator drives me bonkers. My Accumulator is never happy. I mean, how much more money do I need to have in the bank account? How much more does my retirement need to be set? How much more for it to be enough? But it's never enough. And then my Maverick loves to do like big wild things, like I bought my Tesla last year in cash. And then I had nothing left in my account, which my Maverick is fine with that. But my accumulator was like, "We're going to die now. We will literally die."

And that energy is so exhausting. It's so exhausting. And I want to just enjoy my stuff. I want to enjoy my success. So there's a part of me that's like, "I just want to enjoy in life." But my accumulator will not let me. And my Maverick and accumulator are always at odds. And then my rulers constantly like, "Well, you're not there yet. So stop even talking because you have more stuff to do." So it's a hot mess express, but on the outside I look amazing.

I wouldn't call them affirmations, but yeah, I guess they are. I just tell myself, I'm like, "I'm enough." Like, I'll just tell myself throughout the day. And I try to pause a lot in gratitude. Like I just try to pause and be like, "Wow." Like two weeks ago I created a nonprofit. I didn't even plan to. But it's made me happy and I felt productive and full and now it's something else. But I've really stopped to say, "Okay, but what am I feeling full about? What am I grateful for?" And like just sitting in it and saying, "I am enough." And then when I do that, then I'm okay until one of the other voices comes back in. So I found a balance, but I'd love to have it more often. Is there ever a point where I will feel the overflow? Because I'd like to feel overflow, but is it just not going to happen

What would you say to someone who is looking to join Sacred Money Archetypes®?

So SMA, I loved ... I've listened to it now three or four times. And I really love going back and listening because there's always a new nugget I pick up about myself. So I will listen to Maverick, Ruler and Accumulator. And it really helps me to either see where I might be sabotaging myself or what I get to look out for. Or I'll just hear a nugget of like, oh, like I think last time I was listening and you had said something about Mavericks just like making up whatever you want to do for your business. And I was like, "Yeah, I love that." Like who said I have to do X, Y, Z?

"So for me, SMA has been such a nice way to round out Money Bootcamp because I'm really learning about myself and how to dig in deeper. And there's always layers. And I think you talk about this too, Denise, there's always more layers. So I like it as a resource to just go back to and pull out the next nugget that I'm ready to hear and implement in my life." 


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Sacred Money Archetypes® is a Registered Trademark of Heart of Success, Inc. and licensed by Lucky B Pty Ltd. © 2022 Kendall Summerhawk


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