I'm using what I learned in Sacred Money Archetypes to inspire others and make money

sacred money archetypes testimonials
I'm using what I learnt in Sacred Money Archetypes to inspire others


Patience Modevi

Mindset Coach | UK
Archetype: Nurturer

I'm Patience. So I'm from London, but I am French, originally. First, I work with women to support their self-care and to support them to have a better life, a happy life. So I support them through typing, through journaling, and I also support young people with their mindset, in regards to relationships, in regards to money, in regards to career, and anything else that they need in terms of motivation in their lives. My top three archetypes are Nurturer, Romantic and Celebrity.



What are some of the sabotages you experience because of your Archetypes?

I think it's showing the same way as you were saying, I've also hired a VA, like she has to chase me up a lot and sometimes I feel guilt. I think sometimes I feel guilt that I've not done what I'm supposed to do because then she can't do what she's supposed to do in that sense. But I've got this, I don't know, I think I live in la la land a little bit. So, sometimes I kind of go into my dream and when I go so far into the dream, I get so motivated that I do a lot of work. And then I get this phase where it is like, I wouldn't say it is burnout. It's not burnout, but it's like more of a feels like, Hmm. Well, I'm okay. I'm okay now. So, and I just leave it go.

And then I'm like, oops, the inspiration is back here. So yes, I'm a bit of like an upside down person. And, but I've learned to accept a little bit more of that and to go with the flow. So I'm not giving too much into the guilt no more, but I'm being a little bit more authentic. So I will say on social media, well, this is what happened this week. So you will hear from me, whatever. Or I tell people like we need to reschedule in much more in that sense without feeling like I have to, because this is this, yeah.

How do your top 3 Archetypes work together or against each other?

Well to be honest with you, the Nurturer is kind of leading my life up until last couple of years, to be honest. But another thing that I found with the romantic and also so, I'm very generous and I'm very generous with people. I like with people, my family, my friends, and I found that in the, I will say five years. Yeah. Last five years. It's become a problem for me. So knowing that now I'm a little bit more assertive into how I'm giving and I'm giving on purpose. So into my business, I've incorporated like a little bit more philanthropy. So I kind of give in that week. So instead of over-giving and being like, oh, we've had a coaching session, but I'm still going to keep on going and give you another one extra for free and so on so on because it never stops.

I go like, okay, so we've come to the end and I'm going to maybe use some of the money that has been there to give to a charitable cause or something like that. And that's kind of like been feeding, not only my way of feeling like, okay, I'm not guilty because I'm getting money from someone or from something. But at the same time I'm giving back in that way. This was one thing that came out a lot. And also another thing as well is supporting other people. So that's really important for me in general.

"And I feel like by being the way I am, by showing myself more authentically, I've inspired other people to also come and show themself in that way and not be offend. So today I look like this, tomorrow I might be with a hoodie. I go with the flow basically."

What have you changed in your business since discovering your Archetypes?

I think for me with SMA, especially, I did download the worksheet and everything, and I went to the work and I did do most of the exercises, but what I did is that I implemented exactly what came out of the exercise. So for example, in my delivery and I think that's why maybe I'm attracting so many nurturers is because I really went, for example, I want to feel secure. So then I went into this whole thing about feeling secure and obviously so many people want that. So then they're like, oh, I see myself in this. And I kind of used it a lot more in my social media, but another thing as well. I think for me is again, this idea of permission. So I went to look for what I needed to have in my business to change.

So I didn't know how to create courses. I went and learned how to create courses. I implemented courses in my business and I think in a short amount of time, people started to see the shift and they were like, what happened to you? But that happened because from everything that came out, I was able to see like, oh, this is where maybe I've got those challenges, but how do that, or can I use them to show people that you can have those and still come out on the other side and have a success with it. And I've been using more and more authenticity and really sharing deep secrets. As I say, there is no secrets and everything needs to be shared. And I think that was a big part for me of my youth, where I was like, you shouldn't tell people about what you're doing best. You should wait until they see it happen. And now went like, no, I'm coming out to do it. I did that coming out. 


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Sacred Money Archetypes® is a Registered Trademark of Heart of Success, Inc. and licensed by Lucky B Pty Ltd. © 2022 Kendall Summerhawk


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