Sacred Money Archetypes® has helped me to attract better clients to my business

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Sacred Money Archetypes® has helped me to attract better clients to my businessSacred Money Archetypes® has helped me to attract better clients to my business


Michele Tracey Berger

Creativity Coach & Author | USA
Archetype: Nurturer

I'm Michele Tracy Berger. I'm super happy to be here. I'm a professor, a creativity coach, and an author and I am also on the land of the Tuscarora people and outside of Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and the Catawba people as well. And I am a Nurturer, Accumulator, and Maverick, and I was surprised by that combination, but it completely made sense, like I want to always help everyone all the time.



How do your top 3 Archetypes work together or against each other?

So in 2020, I had a consulting coaching practice, but it wasn't as active. So I sort of stepped into that in fall of 2020, but in joining Money Bootcamp and learning about the Money Archetypes in 2021, I was really able to take the work to a new level because I realized I was really attracting, I don't want to say the wrong kind of client, but I, as a nurturer and accumulator, I really wanted to attract more Mavericks and celebrities. And so I would learn how to kind of use the energy of attracting different kinds of clients who would be willing to really go with the kind of innovation, creativity, and actually trusting, not having to over deliver. So that has been really, really helpful for me. I would say on the personal side that understanding for me the nurture and accumulator, I was very good at just personally saving money, having all my finances together. However, that sense of real self love and deepening self love that... Because I could spend it on everybody else.

I love giving gifts. The whole sense of love languages, gifts are one of my love languages. So I just looked at where in my business and where in my personal life the Accumulator energy kind of dampened down some things just to kind of feel more luxurious for myself and kind of do that self care that then feeds back into the business and into other parts of my life. So I think that was really helpful.

"And then what I've learned with the money archetypes related to the Maverick, Maverick doesn't like systems and I've had to get really clear of the way in which you can expand is to really think about developing your systems and not having to recreate the wheel. So Denise has talked a lot about this related to batching, related to other things, business things, and I just have found that so helpful, but looking at where that Maverick energy is not serving me in terms of systems and trying to use it to serve me more fully in other parts of the business."

What type of clients do you work with as a Nurturer?

So actually this conversation is making me just think a little bit about the last couple months. So I feel like I've been very selective with individual coaching because from what I learned with the archetypal work, I was just over-delivering and it just was not a good fit. So I've been very selective, but I have met and I'm working with the ideal client. So this is someone who's spiritually grounded, she's also a coach, but she's aspiring to be a writer and so trying to really support her in ways that feel just in alignment. So I pull cards for her. I don't usually pull Oracle cards and share them with my clients ahead of time. But she's very intuitive and she's willing to meet me at the high level. So that kind of work, I don't feel drained.

I feel energized, but what's been interesting, just listening to people's reflections, I think what I'm trying to do now is I can serve from one to many. So when I think about my online course and other work that I do, I can be that nurturer, but it's a little bit more distant. So not having that really intense contact and I'm attracting people who are like alchemists, who are like, "I've always dreamed of writing," or Mavericks, they don't want to realize, "Oh, you have to submit your work and you have to submit it consistently." So I'm actually good, I think, for those people, because I can bring that nurturing energy and very cheerleading and supportive, but I'm not doing the kind of deep step by step work with them. And so I see that kind of split, like I want to do more individual work with certain kinds of grounded people and I can bring that nurturing self, but then the one to many can be a little bit different.

What is your favorite aspect of Sacred Money Archetypes®?

"I found the SMA cards where you think about the words that help to define the archetypes. I started to use some of that in my copy editing and in some of my sales page and really being intentional about the kinds of clients that I would want to attract. So SMA just has been so helpful for just really rethinking how one does business and how one can attract more of that client energy that we want to sort of foresee in our world. I find it just so playful too, so helpful and playful."


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