SMA has opened up so many new channels of success and abundance for me

SMA has opened up so many new channels of success and abundance for me


Lata Hamilton

Change Leadership & Confidence Expert | Sydney, Australia
Archetype: Accumulator

My name's Lata Hamilton, and I am from Sydney in Australia. I'm a Change Leadership and Confidence Expert, and I work with women and help them carve their own paths for change in their career, their leadership and their lives. I am: number one, an Accumulator; number two, a Ruler and number three, a Maverick.


Was there anything surprising when you found out about your Archetypes?

Finding out that I was an Accumulator was not a surprise to me at all. I've always been a great saver. When I was a kid, apparently my siblings used to trade me the big, shiny 50 cent coins for the little dirty $2 coins. So I always had more money than them.

So being an accumulator was not a big surprise. I like to save, I like to invest for the future and make those kinds of prudent investments, and return on investment is a really big thing for me. But then the flip side of that is that I don't like to spend money unnecessarily.

What are some of the sabotages you experience because of your Archetypes?

Giving myself opportunities to treat myself, to buy things at full price, to invest in things that might save me time in my business, to invest in help for my business and not have to necessarily do everything myself is difficult.

While I do see personal development and business courses as being a great investment for myself and for my future, I often go into them thinking, "I'm learning it so that I can do it." And not necessarily thinking about how I could actually bring other people into my business to help me.

I have a real reluctance to upgrade on technology, or support, or any of those sorts of things and actually just spend that money. And then this is probably a bit of the Ruler too, I have that real feeling like it's never enough. Obviously, as an Accumulator, I do save so much money that other people would just be gobsmacked.

Before I moved to buy the business full-time, I had two years' worth of living expenses in cash savings. But then I still feel like that's not enough. So I really feel those kinds of Ruler sabotages start to come in, and really feel like it's not enough.

I probably have a little bit of a lack of empathy, where maybe I don't think about how other people... what their purchasing style is, or their decisions. And so I might be resisting easy income or alternative paths for income. Because I am stuck in the way that I think and the security that I have and assume that everybody would have that as well.

What would you say to someone who is looking to join Sacred Money Archetypes®?

For anyone who's thinking of doing SMA, I would definitely recommend it. Being an Accumulator myself, it is definitely an investment that has return on investment in terms of being able to understand more about you, what drives you, what motivates you, what some of your gifts are, what some of your challenges are, where you might be holding yourself back, sabotaging yourself.

But then also where you can maybe step it up a little bit and go with the flow, and actually flow with your personality and with your money archetype rather than against it. And using that as a jumping off board to actually go for your success and the abundance that you want for your life and for your career.

"And I would also say that for anybody who works with people, which probably is all of us, it's also fantastic because you can really start to understand other people, build empathy for how other people think, how other people feel, what their archetypes might be and what might be driving them, and potentially open up new channels of success and abundance for yourself as well."


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Sacred Money Archetypes® is a Registered Trademark of Heart of Success, Inc. and licensed by Lucky B Pty Ltd. © 2022 Kendall Summerhawk


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