It gave me the permission to run my business my own way

sacred money archetypes testimonials
It gave me the permission to run my business my own way


Kim Galloway

Your Story Pathfinder, New Frontier Publisher & Bestselling Book Strategist, USA
Archetype: Maverick

I'm Kim Galloway. I'm from Northern Arizona and I'm a book coach. I am a Maverick. I am so far off on the maverick scale that my next two are Ruler and Celebrity. It was like, oh, I suddenly had all of this realization about why I do what I do, why I'm successful in business, the areas that I was totally not successful or a little shaky.


Was there anything surprising when you found out about your Archetypes?

I only took the quiz once. Because when it came up with Maverick and I was reading the description, it was this breath of fresh air. Somebody finally got me, somebody finally understood my ability to go, you know what? I don't have the money, but I think I'm going to go ahead and invest in this thing and I'm going to make it okay. And then I do. So, when I got the whole list of archetypes, there was not a single one that I was surprised at with where it fell. But it was this great level of permission and understanding that, yeah, I totally jump and then look later. Hope that the water's there. Hope that the net shows up, and it always does seem to. It's interesting that everybody's calling themselves a rebel, because my Maverick does not manifest that way.

"It's very specific in the money where I'm really good at saying, I really need this thing. I really don't have the money, but this is my next step. I'm going to go do it, and I'm going to figure the rest of it out. And that always seems to come together. "

The second was it gave language to others. So how I can relate to others and not be judgy or frustrated or noticing

harrowing living on the edge like that. I wish sometimes I could manifest my inner Accumulator, which are like the Accumulator, the Nurturer and the Connector, they're really low. I don't have much talent there. Thankfully I'm married to an Accumulator, so we're good.

How do your Archetypes show up in your business?

When my business was new, I definitely took on anything that related to, oh, you want to write a book? Cool. I'll ghost write for you. I'm a lousy book-length ghost writer. Oh, you need blog posts? Sure, I'll do that too. Oh, you need copy? I was a bangup copywriter. And so I settled in on just doing the book coaching. But where I sabotage my business, where that Maverick comes in is that need to take the risk. And it's always around the finances. I look at some of the Accumulators in SMA and I'm going, but your money, it's just sitting there. And you don't spend it? It just sits there? So, that maverick really comes out with, I have worked really hard to not spend every single penny that comes across my bank account, and just get rid of it as quickly as possible.

what it looks like in partner and why there might be some friction or not. And how do we relate to one another and realize, oh, they may be coming at it in a completely different lens than myself.

And so it creates a lot more grace when it comes to relationship building and being so much more compassionate. So I think there's that piece that I think in general, as an entrepreneur makes everything because then as an entrepreneur or as a coach, my ability to understand the different lenses means I can speak to each person in a much more clearer, loving way. It means that I can offer based on the needs of diverse learners or diverse ways of beings. And so, and it helps me get clear around what are my yeses in my nos. And so to me that has added even more value when it comes to myself in my business.

This will just cause accumulators to just have heart attacks. I don't think that debt is bad. I am very comfortable with my credit cards. If I need something and I'm like, cool, how can I juggle this? How can I invest in my business? How can I invest in myself? How can I get training or join this program? And the way that really sabotages those, I carry a lot of debt. I'm constantly living on that edge of the feast or famine. And those have been the things that I'm working on, but how do you work on it so you're more comfortable without losing that delicious live on the edge, take the risk, roll the dice, be excited? And it's really interesting the fine line between the strength of the Maverick archetype and the sabotages of the Maverick archetype. 



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