SMA has helped me to increase my income and decrease my hours!

sacred money archetypes testimonials
SMA has helped me to increase my income and decrease my hours!


Kierra Jones 

Visibility & Sales Messaging and Mindset Coach for Women of Impact Ready to Show Up, Speak & Sell More Powerfully | USA
Archetype: Maverick

I'm Kierra Jones. I live in upstate New York, and what I do is help women of impact share their message more powerfully. And I am a maverick, a ruler, and a romantic.


Was there anything surprising when you found out about your Archetypes?

It's so interesting because I did my quiz twice and I believe it was a year or a year and a half apart. And so I honestly couldn't remember the first one, but right before I started the program and I did the quiz, I did not pay as much attention to it the first time. So it's one of those things of growth. But the second time around, when I looked at the quiz results, seeing the idea of you are rebellious and you are a rebel, I was all here for it. I have a little trophy, right there. It's my most extra award. And it was literally a part of me embracing this extra isms that I to pour out in the world.

So I wasn't surprised, but what I really love and I'm sure we'll get through it with the program, it's really all about understanding how to infuse that into your business from your business model, to how you want to show up. And for me, what I would take this a step further and say is that, and it's still doing it, it made so much sense with the work that I do. 

It actually gave me this opening into more of like, what do I really want to be known for? And being a rebel in my industry and doing things a little different and speaking about it in a different way, and sometimes you're afraid, because it's like, what if they don't get it? What if it's too different? But really just being okay with it and embracing it.

"And so I think really it wasn't a surprise, but it was more of this deeper permission of yeah, I've literally been this way forever. And now it's really up to me to embrace it and bring it into every part of my business."

What are some of the sabotages you experience because of your Archetypes?

An area that I sabotaged myself in definitely was regarding funnels and webinars. For me, because I'm such an intimate person, I felt funnels, weren't intimate. I felt they didn't create connection. I felt like everyone had the same webinar type of thing and everyone does that and everyone's doing it the same way. And I just didn't vibe with that. And I was like, oh my God, I am such a rebel that I want to say F you to the funnels and I want my people to feel me in all that.

But that totally was a sabotage, because when you talk about creating simplicity, which I'll definitely talk about in a second, like changes I made to my business model. But in general, when I think about simplicity, I had to really do work around seeing the beauty in funnels and seeing what they could create, how I could leverage repurposing my content, creating more automation, making a balance. There's some live stuff I can do, because I know that I will have amazing, amazing conversion rates.

"The other thing that I will say is definitely team. Team, team, team. I don't know if anyone else has this. I haven't heard much about team, but for me, I'm also a control freak. So there was this like, "I have to do it myself. Look, you're not me. I have to do it." But then also this like, "Who are you to tell me what to do, even though you're on my team?"

My content manager that I recently was working with for eight months, that journey was definitely a lot of growth for me because I had to learn her giving ideas and suggestions, and it's very empowering for her, but it also was difficult for me to be in a space of someone else trying to tell me what to do, or me wanting to do my thing and trying to resist it. And it was like, why are you resisting? You literally are paying her to give you this stuff. Why are you resisting this? So that is definitely something I am still working on to be quite honest.

I had 15 different offers before SMA and I had gotten rid of some of them, a couple before. But in essence, before 2019, I had 15 different offers and it was stressing. It was stressful. It's like, I don't launching, but yet I was in a launch model, I always had to launch and do all these things. That was exhausting to me. And so for me, 2019 as I stepped into 2020, my plan was I want to create more focus. I want to really hone in on my core. And so I talk about the core four and really just claiming your core, like what's the core message? What's the core client? What's the core thing that you do, just honing in on what's your core offer.

And so for me, since 2020, 2021, the last two and a half years, I have literally focused on selling two things and that is it in my whole business. Being able to do that has been so amazing. In 2017 I had my first $20,000 month. I could not figure out how to make them consistent at all. 2020 when I had my next $20,000, I had had another 20,000 a month, but it wasn't consistent. From 2020 and 2021, to be able to be in a space where before, it was from a one-on-one program and then to look at my business and it's from a group program and I can bring in handfuls of women at one time. I literally worked part-time from May until all summer long, and I still was doing 20K-25K cash months, not even sales months, but just working part-time. It was such an aha.



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Sacred Money Archetypes® is a Registered Trademark of Heart of Success, Inc. and licensed by Lucky B Pty Ltd. © 2022 Kendall Summerhawk


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