I'm now earning thousands of pounds more for gigs, thanks to Money Archetypes

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I'm now earning thousands of pounds more for gigs, thanks to Money Archetypes


Kerri Layton

Business Coach for the Performing Arts Industry | UK
Archetype: Celebrity

My name is Kerri and I am a Celebrity, Romantic and a Maverick. I'm a singer, a musician, and a performer. I run an agency, an academy. I've worked for 16 years in the performing arts industry as a director, producer and so many things.


Was there anything surprising when you found out your Archetypes?

The Celebrity one was no great surprise to me. And I was like, oh, finally, I get to own it and just say, like Janet said, I like really beautiful things. And it's important for me to have beautiful things. And I actually am a Celebrity. I work in the performing arts center. I work in show business. I'm on stage. That's my job. And there was always the society, societal shames and putting people in boxes and things like And it was the first time I actually came across that when it validated my experience on planet earth, as a performer, as somebody who lives in the limelight to say, actually people need this, this is your job. So that was really nice for me. And so that bit came as no surprise.

How do your top 3 Archetypes work together or against each other?

I've embraced the Celebrity and even the Romantic, because today I took myself off for a nap for an hour during the middle of the day, which I never used to do. And now I do it. It's actually part of the business plan. 

And then the Maverick bit was great. I was like, oh, that unlocked so much for me. I'm such a rebel. I've been such a rebel my entire life and that's never been a great ... that actually isn't great. I think in some areas it can hold you back. So the negative aspects of the maverick and then the romantic again, when I heard that, I think that has been, continues to be probably the most challenging aspect. But it's also fed into my new business model in that I actually don't like to ... I've realized that my Romantic is coming out to play. 

So I get up at half six. I'm straight in the hot tub. I meditate. I'm in my hot tub and that is such a Romantic/Celebrity move right there. I've got a hot tub out the back and the energy prices in the UK have doubled and it's costing me 35 pounds a week to run that hot tub. And I'm just like, it is something that I'm going to keep because that 35 pound I'm getting my best ideas in there.

"It's about allowing myself that Celebrity, Romantic feeling, it is totally first class, honestly. It's an amazing life change. And the other thing that's interesting is that I've been talking about that and I've paid off loads of debt this last year as well."

What have you changed in your business since discovering your Archetypes?

Now I pitch myself as a luxury high end jazz singer, and now I get paid hundreds of pounds to do a gig, sometimes thousands instead of scrambling around for little gigs.

And I think it's more difficult when you're starting out or you are not a big Celebrity, but you are a Celebrity SMA, you're a Celebrity archetype because for me, it's like, with my original music, I just play sort of smaller gigs on my guitar or the small band, but it's still 100% all about the glamor, the glitz, it's all the stuff that goes in around the side of it. And especially as a Celebrity, how that shows up as my diva archetype, is I do get stressed out before gigs and I do know that I need to have a hotel with really good pillows. 

And even if I finish a gig at half 10, I want to be in my hotel room with room service, watching a film and the accusations of being a diva for that. But actually you know that, that's what you need to do a good job and a comfortable ride and an easy ... I'm done with the hustling. And I think, when you're not a Celebrity, you're not a big famous singer, you're not Lady Gaga, it'd be like, well, who are you to demand those things? And I don't care now because of a combination of a few things. I'm just like, that's what I have to do.

I've really managed to elevate us now into a new level of the industry, which is amazing. So we're playing some really high profile gigs now.

How has Sacred Money Archetypes® helped you have more success?

"I realized that the more I relaxed, the more money I made and it was such an amazing realization. I had my first 10K month last year."

 I got that first 10K month after being diagnosed, I was really ill. And I spent days and days and days in bed and at the end of the 10 day stretch in bed, I just made so much money. I was like, how is that? How has this even happened? I've literally just been in bed, just delegating tasks and doing a small bit of work.



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Sacred Money Archetypes® is a Registered Trademark of Heart of Success, Inc. and licensed by Lucky B Pty Ltd. © 2022 Kendall Summerhawk


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