Since joining SMA, I’ve increased my income by 10x!

sacred money archetypes testimonials
Since joining SMA,  I’ve increased my income by 10x!


Katie Chappell

Illustrator | UK
Archetype: Accumulator

My name's Katie. I'm a live event illustrator from the UK and I also run a business teaching and helping illustrators in their creative careers. I’m an Accumulator, Maverick and Ruler.


Was there anything surprising when you found out about your Archetypes?

I think when I found out Accumulator was in my top three, so many things from my life made sense, because there were things like... There was the time that I was fired from my job and I had no money, but I felt like, "Well, I can survive on nothing, so that's fine. I don't need a job." Then when I was a nanny in Germany for a long time and I didn't open a bank account, I just kept my money in my sock drawer, because I was like, I can see my money here and you had to pay 10 euros a month to have a bank account, that was the thing, and I was like, I'm not paying to have a bank account. That is ridiculous.

How does your Accumulator help you in business?

I find it's really helpful because I find it really easy to invest in my business because I feel like it’s going to come back to me tenfold. Whereas I still struggle a little bit on the personal front to buy things that are just for myself, that feel frivolous or extra that I don't need. But in my business  it's totally fine. Where my business is concerned, everything's bougie and extra and the best of everything.

What have you changed in your business since discovering your Archetypes?

One of the main shifts was getting my accumulator out of the wallets of my clients and to stop assuming that everyone wants the rock bottom price and the best deal and a sale. As soon as I could let that go, I was like, "You know what? Let's try. Let's charge a day rate that's 10 times what I was told at university and college I was allowed to charge. 10 X it. See what happens. Worst case scenario, one person hires me, but then I've made 10 times the amount," and you know what? I did that and more people hired me and I was more in demand and it was this snowball effect.

Then my Accumulator obviously was really happy because it was like, "Oh my goodness, now we need to read about profit first and put the money into the right pots and get it all lined up and beautiful in this spreadsheet." My Ruler was really helpful with researching all the boring stuff, like SEO and how to get clients and writing the boring SEO blog posts.

I've been at a price now that it's felt good for a year, but before that I was like, "Let's double that. Let's double that. Let's double that again." But now I feel really happy at this price and I'll get a lot of, "No, that's too expensive," but I'm totally used to it now. Then when people say "Yes," it's a really good fit and we work really well together and they're hiring me because I'm an expert. It feels really good.

"I think it's really helped me to be really happy in my business and feel valued and well rewarded financially for what I do, which is the dream really."


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Sacred Money Archetypes® is a Registered Trademark of Heart of Success, Inc. and licensed by Lucky B Pty Ltd. © 2022 Kendall Summerhawk


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