I've been able to grow my business in a way that isn't burning me out, thanks to Money Archetypes

sacred money archetypes testimonials
I've been able to grow my business in a way that isn't burning me out, thanks to Money Archetypes


Kate Arbuckle

Spiritual Empowerment Coach & International Bestselling Author | UK
Archetype: Nurturer

My name's Kate Arbuckle. I live in Berkshire, the UK. I help amazing women of spirit shed the shackles of the past, both this life and previous lives, so they step and shine their light brightly in this world. I am a Nurturer. Oh, and the other two. Maverick Nurturer and Accumulator.

Was there anything surprising when you found out about your Archetypes?

For me, it was blindingly obvious I was a Nurturer. I am a Nurturer, and I'm 50, 50 Nurturer, Maverick, which made perfect sense. And probably the most un-Maverick thing that happened for me was that I didn't try and fight the fact I was a Nurturer. Almost was like, "No, I'm more Nurturer. I'm definitely more Nurturer." It made me feel understood and it helped me give myself permission to be me and not to fight it.

"I think every other time I've done any of the personality quizzes, et cetera, I've been like, "Stop telling me what to do," which was my Maverick. And this time it gave me permission to really enjoy the strengths of who I am and to accept who I am as I am, as opposed to try and fight it. It also gave me permission, and a mantra that I work with quite often is: I am not responsible for everything in the world. And that's really helped me create stronger boundaries in all areas of my life, whether it be my business and my personal, is I am not responsible for everything. I am not responsible for other's decisions. And that's been a huge, powerful shift in creating strong boundaries."

What have you changed in your business since discovering your Archetypes?

What haven't I changed? Part of me accepting who I am and accepting that I'm a Nurturer, I joined bootcamp in January, 2020. And SMA was kind of the bonus that was at the end and I didn't really pay too much attention. And when I started working through the modules, I had so many revelations, it was incredible.

The first thing I changed was I stopped over delivering on my one-to-ones. My one hour sessions stopped being two hour sessions. My get acquainted calls with prospective clients stopped turning into sessions for long coaching sessions. In one of the modules, you lovingly challenged one of us Nurturers to create passive income and to add buy now buttons on our website. So I now have invested in software that means people can just buy from my website without even having a phone call with me. I wrote and published a book. Became an international best selling author. And I didn't give the book away for free, I charged for my book. I've created a deck of Oracle cards and I charged and added profit to the deck of Oracle cards. And so every so often I'll suddenly, "I know, I made a profit. Make a profit."

And when I sort of sit down and I look back and I'm like, I published two books last year and a deck of Oracle cards, and I added by now buttons and I created it so that course... I've got eight week programs and that just rolls out, and I don't have to physically send an email out to every single person. Yeah, it's been incredible.

So in quite a short amount of time, I just went, "I don't have to be responsible for every single person every single minute of the time. And if somebody's choosing to watch my videos or training modules at 11:30 at night, I don't have to be on the end of the phone to answer questions, it can wait till the following morning, or even two, three days if need be." So yeah, I changed an awful lot. I think the love thing I changed was the books and the Oracle cards, all of it and getting surprise Amazon payments and publisher payments is just fabulous. So loads.

What would you say to someone who is looking to join Sacred Money Archetypes®?

"I could echo so much. I think if you're a Nurturer and you're thinking about joining SMA, one of my favorite mantras that I receive from the beautiful community that we're in is: it's safe for me to create my own safety net. And as a Nurturer we can spend so much time giving and creating so many safety nets for those around us. And for us to have that container where we create self care and our own safety net is so important."

And for me, realizing that it's an act of self care for me to take care of my finances. It's this act of self care for me to look and see what's coming in and what's going out every month and to be okay with that. And to learn how to bring my business in alignment with my strengths has been so powerful.

And so if you were looking to grow your business in a way that isn't going to burn you out, isn't going to leave you spending more money on coaching than you receive, because I know is that as a Nurturer, I've definitely done that in the past, then it's such a powerful container to be in. And there is so much support and so much love and so much nurturing, and it's okay to receive. It's safe for us as Nurtures to receive that goodness. And SMA has transformed my business life. Utterly transformed. It's lovely to actually have this opportunity to say thank you to Denise in person and properly say thank you, thank you, thank you because it has transformed every part of my business.


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