I no longer work weekends and have increased my fees, thanks to SMA!

sacred money archetypes testimonials
I no longer work weekends and have increased my fees, thanks to SMA!


Jenny Bracelin

Business Mentor | UK
Archetype: Accumulator

I'm Jenny. I'm from the UK. I live in Ludlow, beautiful rural Shropshire. I'm a Maverick, Accumulator and Ruler, but my bottom two are Connector and Nurturer. It's kind of a real challenge for me, connecting and nurturing with people. I'm a business mentor and I specialize in helping self-employed people make more money. I love to see people make more money.


Was there anything surprising when you found out about your Archetypes?

It was really interesting finding out I was an Accumulator and realizing actually I'm quite good at numbers and quite frugal with it. I called my business, I Explain Money. So when I discovered I was an Accumulator, it made me laugh. I like talking about cash flow forecasts and making money, that's my favorite bit.

How do your top 3 Archetypes work together or against each other?

I realized that with my business, what happens is I go, "Ruler, let's rule the world. Maverick, yeah, let's do it in an interesting way. Accumulator, let's just work out the numbers. Let's just be a little bit cautious." And so I kept keeping myself safe, so safe that I've never even commented on the Bootcamp Facebook group because I'm so secretive.

And so today for me it's like, "Okay, come on, be brave.", I can see where it slows me down with my business, that kind of caution. On the other hand, I've invested quite a bit in property and with that you get the, "Ruler, right, let's take over the world. Maverick, let's do it differently." And then that Accumulator makes me work out the figures properly and so that all my property investments have been very lucrative.

What is your favourite aspect of Sacred Money Archetypes®?

One of the things you include is the teacher/coach, done for you models. And I realized that I was trying to be “done for you” for my clients. I was a coach/consultant and it was working, but it wasn't smooth and luscious. And since I've moved into a coach/consultant, it's enabled me to massively increase my fees. And also, I've got hugely happier clients.  I enjoy the work more, and it was just by seeing the different models. So that was interesting where I'd applied my frugality to my clients, and that's not necessarily what they wanted.

You talk to us about money and we love money, so I think as an Accumulator, it's a subject we're passionate about and there's not a lot of interesting courses out there when it comes to money. When I bought Sacred Money Archetypes® I did in two weeks, I absolutely loved it and I got so much out so quickly.

What have you changed in your business since discovering your Archetypes?

For me, it was all about time because I'm also a Ruler and Maverick, but I realized that the Ruler and Accumulator drove me so hard. I insisted on doing research and was very  thorough with everything. And so, whilst friends might be like, "Oh, let's just put a course together at the weekend and promote it," I found that really difficult. I wanted to do it properly and finish it and research it and think about it.

"I've now  streamlined everything so that I'm really focusing on one target market. I've got two main services that I sell, and I've stopped working weekends and evenings and now I have  much more of a life because I realized that Ruler will drive you, unless you take the foot off the pedal really. It was such a huge relief to realize I don’t have to work all the time."


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Sacred Money Archetypes® is a Registered Trademark of Heart of Success, Inc. and licensed by Lucky B Pty Ltd. © 2022 Kendall Summerhawk


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