Since joining SMA, I've sold over £3M worth of training!

sacred money archetypes testimonials
Since joining SMA, I've sold over £3M worth of training!


Helen Pritchard

LinkedIn Coach | UK
Archetype: Maverick

I'm Helen Pritchard. I help entrepreneurs get leads from LinkedIn without sending any D-Ms and also run the Business Mastermind. I'm a Maverick, but I'm also a romantic and a ruler. It wasn't what I thought I was going to be when I grew up, but we sold over three million pounds worth of training just on that thing, which is brilliant and amazing. All the credit goes to Denise, to be honest. I've done the same as Denise does, I teach one thing, and I teach it to people over and over again.

Was there anything surprising when you found out about your Archetypes?

When I got Maverick, I was like, "Of course I did." I really wanted it and when I got it, I was like, "Yes, I always get what I want. This is brilliant. I've always done things differently to everyone else and, over the years, I'd say it's probably caused me quite a lot of hardship in a way. When I found entrepreneurship, I was like, "Oh, this is it. I can create things out of nothing, it's like magic." I couldn't believe it. I trained as a holistic therapist first and the first time someone gave me 40 pounds in cash and said, "Thank you very much," I was like, "Wow. I created that money." I had nothing, I felt like a complete magician, and I was hooked from then on in. 

When I first launched into the online world, very naively thinking, "Everyone's going to love me, this is going to be great," and everyone seemed to hate me and it wasn't great, and I was like, "Oh." A lot of people were triggered, because I was teaching things that nobody else had really taught before, because it was completely against everything. Definitely that's where Maverick showed up for me, but realizing that I can create magical opportunities to sell the same thing over, over, over, and over again has just been such a gift to me. The roller coaster of the money that, I think, Maverick seemed to love, I love it. I love it and I wish I had let you say more of the Accumulator and the Nurturer to steady that ship a little bit.

"For me, entrepreneurship, as a Maverick, has been a gift from God, because it allows me to play the game, have fun with it, the ups, the downs, the wins, the losses, the drama of it. Yeah, it wasn't a huge revelation to me, but I was really pleased to come out as a Maverick, for sure."

What are some of the sabotages you experience because of your Archetypes?

I have stayed doing the same thing for five years, which I'm quite proud of, because normally, I was leaving jobs every two years, so to stay for five years, I'm quite proud of. Saying the same things, selling the same thing, but I made it so easy. When I started to scale, I did five day challenges, and it was just as simple as, "The more Facebook ads spent, the more money we make." We knew the numbers, we knew the percentages, it became very predictable, we were spending 20,000 pounds on Facebook ads, making a quarter of a million pounds at a launch. I got bored, and I stopped doing five day challenges and launches. When I look back, I was like... I did loads in 2020, why I had such a big year, and all the money that we made, I just gave it to other people.

I hired people everywhere for everything. I was like, "You are an expert in this, you can do this, you can do this." I think, because I was so visible, I talked so much about my money, and everyone was like, "Oh, cool. Of course, we can charge this extortion amount. Of course, we can do that." I was hiring people everywhere, I had this huge convoluted team. Talking about 70,000 pound a month run rate in people, including my own, and I was paying myself great money. "It's only money. Yeah, we could just make more money, we just invest more in Facebook ads, and we can just do the same thing again, again, and again." It just got to this point where I was like, "This is insane."

Even by my risky standards, this is getting silly and very risky. A 1% change on the conversion or a 5% increase in lead cost and, suddenly, those things got massively amplified. Even though I'm a super risk taker, I was like, "This is getting silly now," it's almost like I'd done what I set out to do, I'd done this on a big scale, built this big team, and I just decided to change the model. I set fire to a very successful lead gen strategy and I changed it to a different thing of smaller launches, less risk, targets that are achievable rather than insane. I don't know, there's the Maverick in me that almost burned out of Maverick energy.

I am still doing the launches, but doing it on a small level, changing the model a bit, looking at other ways, making it evergreen, because before, we did 12 week launches, and we lived and died by this quite quarterly thing. I've evolved very much, but still allowing me to take really big risks, but in different ways.

Definitely, in business, I've self sabotaged a million times in a million different ways, so there's definitely a lot of Maverick in my business, for sure.



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