Building my business is now fun, thanks to Sacred Money Archetypes®

sacred money archetypes testimonials
Building my business is now fun, thanks to Sacred Money Archetypes®


Gemma James

Manifesting Coach, UK
Archetype: Maverick

I'm Gemma and I am from the Southeast of England in the UK, and I am The Lazy Manifesting Coach. So I help women create their dream life, while still getting on with their life. I'm a Maverick, I'm also a Ruler Romantic. But there's only a couple of points between it, which means that I don't like being told what to do. I want to monetize everything and I don't want to work very hard for it. I want the money to come in while I'm taking a bath and reading a book.


What is your favorite aspect of Sacred Money Archetypes®?

I absolutely love SMA and everything that I learned from it. I'm always a bit skeptic with personality sort of quizzes and yet I'm always astounded when they come out. And my goodness, when everything came out, I thought, "Okay, so that's why I didn't like being a lawyer for 12 years." Because I sucked at having to follow the process and being told what to do. And that's why I spent 10 years trying to build my business and not doing very well at it, because everyone was telling me that I had to do it in a certain way and I had to follow the formula and do the process. And now I get to do my Maverick, Ruler, Romantic kind of way and do what I want and when I want and make it all kind of fun and lovely and simple and practical.

Was there anything surprising when you found out about your Archetypes? 

I have also done the quiz twice, because I'm a Maverick. So no one's going to tell me to do it once, so I've also done it twice and I think there was about a year between it. Both times I am Ruler Maverick Celebrity, the first time Ruler came out top, but there's only ever three or four points between those three. Not celebrities, sorry, Romantic, Ruler... Ruler, Maverick, Romantic. The second time it was Maverick that came out top and I think that's because I was really stepping into that, "Oh okay, actually I'm allowed to be a bit of a rebel." I think it came out Ruler first because I wanted to monetize everything. I was desperate to make the money, I was trying to make everything work. I could monetize everything, because I get bored very easily that, "Oh, maybe I'll make some coloring sheets. Now I'm going to do a coaching program. Actually, I can help people do this, I'll create websites. That's fine. Yeah, I help you do this. I'll look after your kids, if you pay me."

I was doing all the things to try and make some money. I think that's why Ruler came out first, but second time I took the quiz, Maverick came out top and I can definitely see that is me. When the results first came out, it wasn't necessarily a surprise, but it was more the realization of "Ah, okay. So it is actually a thing, it's not just that I'm a bit flaky and really bad at business and just rubbish at picking a niche and things like that. It's actually allowed for me to do it this way." And since I have, I guess honored to that and sort of stepped in that, that's where even more of my Romantic has come out. Because now I know it's allowed to be easy and I get to do it in my way.

What are some of the sabotages you experience because of your Archetypes?

Oh my goodness, I've been sabotaging myself for a decade in my business because of my Maverick-ness. And it's only just recently, I'm talking in the last two weeks, that I've had this massive shift of no more. My Maverick is coming out, I'm owning this and it's made such a difference. But before that, it was pretty bad 10 years ago and eight years ago and it was getting better after doing SMA a couple of years ago when I first joined. But I've always been sabotaging, it's the feeling I should be doing it in a certain way. I knew quite quickly that I didn't actually want to be a lawyer, once I realized that there was lots of deadlines and I had to do sort of the same thing every day and where black suits and go to court and all of that kind of stuff. Which was so far from what I wanted to do.

Then I feel I found my place in about 2016, of discovering the law of attraction and learning the science behind it, learning neuroscience and that kind of thing. Knowing that I wanted to do mindset coaching, whatever that kind of thing, I wanted to.

I've known what I want to do in my business for a good sort of two years now, but I've been resisting it. But over the last couple of weeks, since going through SMA again, I'm done. I'm done with social media, in as far as I possibly can, because it's not for me. I've left all the Facebook groups, I've unfollowed people.

I've been talking about doing a podcast for two years, in the last two weeks I've recorded five episodes and put it out there, because now I'm taking so much action because I'm like, "Right, I'm doing this thing."

"I get inspiration and I take action, rather than asking somebody else what they think and then finding the gurus and then following the programs."

 I've done so many things. I've written two eBooks, I've launched my podcast, I've done all these different things in the last two weeks, because now I'm owning my awesome Maverickness, rather than fighting it and resisting it. I'm so super grateful. But yeah, no more sabotaging. I'm done. 


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By asking you a series of insightful questions about your money habits and beliefs, the Money Archetypes Quiz will provide you with unique insight into your money opportunities and pitfalls.

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Sacred Money Archetypes® is a Registered Trademark of Heart of Success, Inc. and licensed by Lucky B Pty Ltd. © 2022 Kendall Summerhawk


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