Money Archetypes helps me make more money in my business

sacred money archetypes
Money Archetypes helps me make more money in my business


Deborah Johnston

Business & Mindset Mentor | Australia
Archetype: Maverick

My name's Deborah Johnston. I'm in Melbourne, Australia, and I'm a business and mindset mentor for female entrepreneurs. And I'm a Maverick, Celebrity and Romantic.


Was there anything surprising when you found out about your Archetypes?

I did the quiz twice as well. So yeah, I'm Maverick. And I've always had this kind of rebellious kind of trait in my personality. And what that's meant in my business is I've kind of pivoted and done a whole lot of different things in my life, in my career. There's always been a sales and marketing selling component, when I was working for somebody else. And then now that I'm doing my own business, I find sales a bit of a struggle, to be honest. I like it and I'm successful doing it, but I have to really push myself and my limits to really make that happen more and more often.

So as a Maverick, I tend to come up with kind of, how can I say... Really, I sort of pull things out of the sky, if I can sort of put it like that, with some of my clients. They'll be telling me certain things that they want to achieve when I'm mentoring them. And I'll say to them, "But what about, have you tried this? Or have you thought about that?" And they're like, "Oh no, I haven't. I haven't, but I think I might. Oh, that's a good idea." Right? So then they do that. So I'm using sort of the Maverick in that sense. I'm sort of empowering myself, I suppose, in that regard. And that's helping my clients, too. So that's kind of expanding that area.

How do your top 3 Archetypes work together or against each other?

From a Celebrity and Romantic perspective. I was a very shy child. Incredibly shy, like terribly. It's on all of my school reports. So as a Celebrity, now that I know that, and I've kind of had permission, if you like, it's really good because I really love the whole idea of that. And now that we're online, it's just so much easier.

"My third archetype is romantic. So I love all wafty feminine, feminine things, all about self care, self nurturing. So, the romantic pulls me down sometimes to not be as motivated as I could be, because I'm always coming up with ideas being Maverick."

What are some of the sabotages you experience because of your Archetypes?

So my sabotages as a Maverick and all the things we just discussed... I'm just sort of thinking and thinking out loud here. And I think probably because I want to do a few different things. I'm actually writing and putting together a new opt in and it's a quiz. Oh my gosh, it's been going on for about three or four weeks. And I keep changing it, because I come up with another idea, of course I do, because I'm a Maverick. So that's kind of sabotaging myself, because I really wanted to get it out there and finished by the end of February. So that didn't happen did it? So anyway, that's one of the sabotages. 


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