I earnt over $300K in 6 months thanks to Money Archetypes!

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I earnt over $300K in 6 months thanks to Money Archetypes!


Beatrice Weber

Speaker, Author & Coach | USA
Archetype: Maverick

I'm Beatrice Weber. I live in Brooklyn and I am a Maverick. So my latest test that I took in 2019, my Maverick was 36, then it was Nurturer and Ruler. I'm a writer and a speaker and I'm developing a course now on empowering women to share their stories, women who have been silenced to share their stories.


What are some of the sabotages you have overcome since discovering your Archetypes?

"One of the things for me was trusting myself that a lot of money could come in and it could come in easily. Again, because of my upbringing and messages I was taught around women being able to earn money, I didn't believe it, but if I look at large sums of money that have come in since 2018, since I joined, it's been incredible."

Last year when I totaled up how much money I had made, even though I was unemployed for half of the time because of COVID, it was double of what I had ever earned, over $300,000. And this year as well, I'm looking at the money and I made this deal that just fell into my lap. I'm not even a real estate broker, but somehow I'm making money by selling somebody's business. And there's this $100,000 money waiting for me, which is amazing for me to be able to just relax into that, because somehow I still have that fear like I'll never have enough money. I won't be able to make money. But the facts show otherwise. 

I think for me, one of my biggest sabotages is jumping from one thing to the next. Like, "Oh, that looks interesting. Oh my gosh, I could really figure that out." And then once I start actually working on it and getting into the nitty gritty and understanding it, I'm like, "Oh whatever, this is boring. Let me do something else." So I would say that is my biggest sabotage. What I've done for that is to make sure that I have steady money coming in so that I know at least there's steady money coming in, I can pay all the bills. We're fine. But then with the things that I'm passionate about, I do a lot of that jumping around. Totally relate to the shiny object syndrome. When I'm in it, it doesn't feel like shiny object. It feels really important, right? That felt really, really good and really important. But next week, it doesn't really feel that way. So that's really, yeah, I would say my main sabotage.

How do your top 3 Archetypes work together or against each other?

So I really think about the Maverick way more than I think of the other ones. So I can definitely relate to not having goals. I just went away for this weekend and tried to relax and they make it really hard to get on the internet there because it's supposed to be a yoga relaxing place. But you know what? I still managed to write 3,000 words for my book. There was no way I was not going to. So I can absolutely relate to that of you just having those goals and wanting to get there.

I think the Nurturer, the Nurturer and the Maverick, I sometimes find it to be in conflict, right? Because my Maverick just wants to move, just wants to create things, just wants to make things happen, but my Nurturer just wants to take care. Right? So that sometimes comes with conflict. And then, also my whole history of being so heavily Nurturer, I sometimes carry resentment from being a Nurturer like, "Enough already. I don't want to do that anymore." But it's still part of who I am. It will always be part of who I am. So that definitely comes up a lot. 

I'll think of an idea. I'll have a business idea. I really want to do it. Of course, it involves caring about people. But then I'm like I want to go onto the next thing. And then what do I do with the people that I want to take care of or the people I want to help?

A lot of my struggle has been around at the beginning of my entrepreneurship journey as a nonprofit. I couldn't even see myself starting actual business. I think that was the Nurturer and probably my history around nurturing. There has to be a way for me to make money, right, with having a nonprofit, because I want to be able to help people. And then realizing it's okay to just have something because I have something, and it's okay to do something at the side, tell people without ... meaning that to be my main focus.

And then my Maverick gets really upset about that. Right? Because my Maverick is like, "You could be making a ton of money from this. What are you doing?" But the Nurturer is, "I just want to take care of these people." Right? And they can never pay for it. So I just need to make sure that it's accessible for them. Yeah. 

What would you say to someone who is looking to join Sacred Money Archetypes®?

"I really, really enjoyed the course and I took it more than once . The main thing was it was like an affirmation that it's okay to do things the way I am, kind of give me permission to step into those characteristics that I knew, but when I see them on paper, and I read them and I know that they're me and there are other people that are like me, it's the permission part of it that I think was most important, that I gained from joining this course and what I would tell other people as well."





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