SMA helps me make smarter decisions as an entrepreneur

sacred money archetypes testimonials
SMA helps me make smarter decisions as an entrepreneur


Aprille Reed

Digital Marketer & Funnel Architect | USA
Archetype: Maverick

My name is Aprille Reed, and I am from Illinois, USA. I am an entrepreneur. My type archetypes are, number one, the Maverick. Then Romantic, and then the Ruler.


Was there anything surprising when you found out about your Archetypes?

My archetypes were not a huge surprise. When I first did the quiz celebrity, kind of, creeped up in there, and it was like, "Yeah." When I read the definition, I'm like, "Yeah, okay. I can see myself being a celebrity." Then when I did the quiz again, those top three kept coming up, and it's like, "Oh, yeah. Yeah. Ruler, got it." Like leading, not really a follower. Maverick... Oh, my gosh. That opened up so many ahas, so much acceptance of myself, and we'll probably get into that later. I wasn't really surprised, I must say.

How do your top 3 Archetypes work together or against each other?

My business, my life feels like I'm jumping out of an airplane, and as I'm falling, I'm like, "Oh, wait. Maybe I should have been paying attention when they were telling me how to pull the safety pull so I can land safely." So many things are just jumping. I'll figure it out. I'm always chasing that shiny new object syndrome, the next thing. One of my big sabotages... I was thinking about it, and it's like, "Wow."

"Everything I have ever tried to monetize in my business, I have made money. But where my big sabotage come from is just, I hit that ceiling very quickly because I'm always hopping to the next new idea. I don't stick to something that is working very long, or there's always something to tweak."

 For whatever reason, I can make money in a funnel, and it's like, "You know what? I don't like it like that. Let's tear it down. Start over from scratch." I don't know. Just, something's not good enough about it. That has come up in my business and my life a lot. It's always the next thing. I never really focus on one thing. I get bored very, very quickly. My husband's an Accumulator, and my business bestie's an accumulator. And it's funny because I'm on a call with an Accumulator now, and a lot of times they do want to say, "Wait. Let's pause. Let's research. Let's make sure this is where we want to go." It's like, "What more research is there to...? No. We're going to make money. Let's just go. What's taking you so long? Why aren't you hopping onto this?"

"What they've taught me is to slow down and to listen more. There's a lot of things that I can appreciate from an Accumulator that does not come natural to me."

What have you changed in your business since discovering your Archetypes?

One of the things that I've done is create non-negotiables. My evenings are free. My weekends are free. I may not stick to it a hundred percent. If I can get something out of the way in a couple of hours on one weekend, I may do that. But just having that standard for myself, my evenings are free, and my weekends are free for my family, for myself, just to chill guilt-free, that's how I try to balance everything.

What would you say to someone who is looking to join Sacred Money Archetypes®?

SMA has been so eye-opening. I would say do it because if you are having guilt, or if you're struggling, or if people are judgey on something that just comes natural to you and, maybe, you feel like I have to follow the norm and I have to fit into this box, I feel like SMA... what it did for me was it gave me the permission... and, I think, a lot of times... and I hate that, especially with women, we need that permission to just be okay with who we are and to be different from society. So, yes. Okay. If you need the permission, I give you the permission to invest in SMA, and then you're going to get the permission that it's okay when you have that tingling feeling, like this doesn't feel authentic to me. This doesn't feel quite right. Maybe I'm just not cut out... No, you are definitely cut out.

You just need to know what your strengths and what your weaknesses are, and when you know that, you're going to be able to make grounded and sound and very smart decisions in your life. Not just as an entrepreneur. I know there are people on here that are not trying to go toward that, but just in your life, in general.

"Yes, definitely invest in SMA just to understand yourself better and show up in this world as your most authentic you."


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By asking you a series of insightful questions about your money habits and beliefs, the Money Archetypes Quiz will provide you with unique insight into your money opportunities and pitfalls.

You'll receive a personalized workshop outlining your Archetype and what it means for your business. 


Sacred Money Archetypes® is a Registered Trademark of Heart of Success, Inc. and licensed by Lucky B Pty Ltd. © 2022 Kendall Summerhawk


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