Sacred Money Archetypes helped me find balance in my business

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Sacred Money Archetypes helped me find balance in my business


Anne Bruce

Veterinary Business Owner & Coach | Finland
Archetype: Ruler

I'm Anne Bruce and I'm a Business Coach and I have a seven figure veterinary business here in Finland. And I'm a ruler and also I have Maverick and Accumulator.


How do your top 3 Archetypes work together or against each other? 

"Well, when I heard about the Ruler, saw your videos about it, it just hit home so hard. I was like, "Oh yeah, that's what I am and that's what I'm all about."

And of course I relate to so much that Tara just said, it's a whole vibe being a Ruler. It's just something that dominates your being. And for me, of course, it has to create business minded, money making, obviously really good qualities, but then also there's the burnout and there's the workaholism. And of course when you combine it with the Maverick, then you have the boredom and you just want to burn it all down occasionally and just move on the other things. So, that's been a big one for me too. Just doing the thing and letting it be there and just growing it and not wreck it all down just because I'm bored. That's a big one too.

For me, the trusting, that's been a huge thing for me to learn to trust things and learn that, I'm not going to go and live under the bridge if I do this or that, or invest in that or buy that course. So, the Accumulator, it's that energy that's always behind you, nagging and the distrusting, a bit of a negative energy there, that's just like, "Are you sure? Are you sure this is going to work? Or are we just going to lose it all and we're going to go bankrupt and everything's going to go so bad?" And then you just have to really be like, "Yeah, I know what I'm doing here. I know what I'm doing. I'm trusting this. And you'll see." But also because the maverick and the ruler just want to make stuff happen and advance, so it balances out.

But also when investing in things, because the Accumulator and Maverick are opposite, in that sense that the Maverick just wants to jump right in and can tolerate quite a bit of risk and the Accumulator can't. So there's balancing too. 

What would you say to someone who is looking to join Sacred Money Archetypes®?

I really think that the biggest part for me really was the balance. When I know what my Archetypes are, it lifts the veil and you can see past them and really balance them out because you really understand all those things that are going inside your head that may be messing with you too. So, it really gives you the tools to work with yourself and trust that you really can do anything.

You just have to have all those Archetypes balanced and really just think it through and not let those shadow thoughts.

And with me, the Accumulator not trusting to get in the way. I've loved the SME course, it's been so good and really for me too, it has revealed so much other things too, that I have to and want to work on. And for me too, it really has helped with my relationship with my fiance too, because now I know he's a Romantic and it's so much easier as Ruler/Accumulator  to handle things within too. So, it's really groundbreaking in all aspects.

"I've loved the Sacred Money Archetypes® course, it's been so good and really for me too, it has revealed so much other things too, that I have to and want to work on."


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