It's helping me build a successful business on my own terms

sacred money archetypes testimonials
It's helping me build a successful business on my own terms


Anna Pugacova

Speaker, Educator, Mindset, Business & Neuroscience Coach | Sweden
Archetype: Maverick

My name is Anna. I live in Sweden. I am a stepmother of three, and I love chocolate, and I'm a Maverick. I am a productivity coach, neuroscience coach. And my other archetypes are Ruler and Alchemist, and the Maverick is always on the top.


Was there anything surprising when you found out about your Archetypes?

When I did the test for the first time and for the second time, it was the same thing every time. And it just made me feel so safe. It's safe to be who I am, period. And it just explained so many things in my life and in my business.

So I'm a maverick, Ruler, and Alchemist, and I was born in very poor life settings. I was born and grew up in another country, in an orphanage, no family, everything was so poor and dysfunctional. And what I struggled throughout my life is that I was shaming myself for who I am and that I want to go against that and not follow everyone else's path. And I have received so much shame about that and around that. And I had to let go of that. 

"When I discovered that I am Maverick, for me, it was like, this is me. This is who I always was. And I was born to do this. I was born to be wealthy. I was born to inspire people. I was born to lead. And I'm not bossy. "

How do your top 3 Archetypes work together or against each other?

Being an alchemist, I always have these amazing, creative ideas, and I had to stop giving them away for free because I ended up building other people's businesses, and I never got paid for that. So my solution to that is basically to remind myself every single day that I am the person I always wanted to be and stand in that power and shine as much as I can, because that's when I attract so much money and so many opportunities. And I even started to take consultation fees for my calls, even if they're just clarity calls. And I also had to let go of some clients who needed so much connection and nurturing. Because I move fast, I get shit done. And I can hold space for people in a short amount of time. But if I do a coaching package for three months or six months, it just doesn't work for me. It just doesn't work for me.

So yeah, basically accepting myself for who I am, because that's when I create the greatest success for me. And being a Maverick and having all these ideas has given me so many media opportunities. I have been in newspapers, front pages, back pages, middle pages. There are documentaries about my life's journey, about my business. I recorded two commercials two weeks ago. It's just embracing that, embracing myself for who I am has helped me a lot.

What are some of the sabotages you experience because of your Archetypes?

So I'm a Maverick, Ruler, and Alchemist. And two years ago, I had my best year in business financially. All the courses, I sold everything, every day. I had all these ideas. And the thing about me is that I have all these ideas, and I also work on them and I get them done. So I had so many things, so many exciting things on my plate and in my work. I get up at 4:00 and went to bed late, just to get up again. I had so much energy and results and money and clients and everything.

And then I ended up in burnout. And then I had to relearn everything over again, over and over again. And I basically had to rebuild my business and build it from a different place, that I don't need to burn myself out in order to be successful. I had to set different time boundaries for myself, for my shadow, also for my people. What's okay, what's not okay.

"So now my Alchemist is working on getting all these ideas on how I can celebrate and enjoy and have more pleasure in my life. That's where my Alchemist is at the moment, and I really love doing that. So, every day I practice this intentional self programming, because I know it's easy for me because I have a maverick and ruler in the first two places. It's so easy for me to be there, but it's not healthy for me. "

What would you say to someone who is looking to join Sacred Money Archetypes®?

I think that this is an amazing program for anyone who wants to create their lives on their own terms and build a business. Because if you don't really know who you are and how you operate best, you cannot really build a successful life or creative life or wealthy life. So whenever I feel that, okay, now is another time to move my business forward, now I need to make some important decisions. I always go back to my archetypes.

For me as a Maverick, Ruler, and Alchemist, this program gave me the permission that I don't need to work hard to be successful because I know how to work hard. I have worked hard throughout my whole life, but now I don't need to do that. I know more, I know better, and it's okay. And also awareness. What I'm doing, is this really working for me? 


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Sacred Money Archetypes® is a Registered Trademark of Heart of Success, Inc. and licensed by Lucky B Pty Ltd. © 2022 Kendall Summerhawk


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