SMA gave me a permission slip to be myself!

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SMA gave me a permission slip to be myself!


Adele Bates

Behaviour & Education Specialist, Keynote Speaker & Author | UK
Archetype: Alchemist

I'm a behavior and education specialist, keynote speaker, and author of Miss I Don't Give a Shit Engaging with Challenging Behavior in Schools. And I'm an Alchemist and Accumulator and a Nurturer.


Was there anything surprising about when you found out about your Archetypes?

So I remember very clearly watching that first video once you've signed up and then it's like, "Hi, you're an Alchemist and this is you." And I cried. I cried because I think it was the first time I knew that about me. I know that's who I am, but it was the first time that I'd heard it accepted in a business sense. So I think up to that point, I had run my business from my Accumulator side. So that first video essentially gave me this permission slip for saying “You can be Adele and you can be a business person.” 

And then when you started talking about saving the world that was it. It was so touching, and I remember taking it to my partner and saying to her, "Just watch this, it’s me." But I think it was just so special to hear that not in a spiritual setting, not in a creative art setting, or anything like that, but in a business setting. And I think that's been the strongest thing for me through doing SMA as an Alchemist.

What are some of the sabotages you experience because of your Archetypes?

So my evil side is Margaret Thatcher. I think one of my biggest sabotages to get started in this business was the Alchemist side of me which could be described as Artie party, fluffy away with the fairies, etc. I didn't feel that I was good enough for my business. I wouldn't be taken seriously. And because I worked in the theater before this profession and in the theater she was welcomed of course she was darling, but then I switched careers and I became this essentially education consultant. And I'm in a position now where I'm talking about our British education system, and I'm advising head teachers, local authorities, and it suddenly became very serious.

"And so, one of the biggest sabotages that I do is that I suppress my Alchemist. I don't trust her."

And of course Margaret Thatcher she's my Accumulator. And also I feel it is very much like a masculine, feminine energy as well within me. And so the lack of trust I have for my own Alchemist, and I feel like this is really connected to what you've written about witch wound is that one right? Witch wound, and just this idea, I'm reading some of Audrey Lord at the moment. And she talks about that as women, our ability to not only to use these words, but our ability to feel, and essentially alchemize that into connection into, into interaction, into gathering difference. That side of us is suppressed by the patriarchy by the heteronormative society, by capitalism, by name it. And so I think because I have been brought up the same as everyone in that society my Alchemist is not valued. And like Stacy was saying internally I have to still fight for my Alchemist to get space because conceptually as a habit It's like Margaret Thatcher will win.

Because Margaret Thatcher ran our country and she was very efficient. So I should probably listen to her. And then how that manifests within my business is like this week, for example, I can feel bubbling all these incredible blog posts, and things and I can feel some magic coming up and really wanting to get out there. I really want to connect with my community and support them. And what have I done this week? I've done all the Accumulator's tasks, I've scheduled this, I've done that, and I've ticked these things off. And I haven't left space to have the alchemy and because I still don't really truly trust that brings in the money. It's like, "That's the fun bit. I get to play that. Occasionally my book's called Miss I Don't Give a Shit."

I'm telling you. That's for the education system that's radical. And I have to go through all sorts of hoops about books with swear words. But it's like I can use that, but we'd have to get serious really if I want to make money. And that's probably my biggest sabotage because I probably know deep down and I'm starting to learn because I've got some really good business coaches. Now that actually of course it's the Alchemist. That is going to be the magnet, but I'm still having to work with the fact that trust it's like the witch wound. It is the witch wound.

Which TV or movie character do you best resonate with as a kid even if it was a negative depiction?

So as a kid, probably Belle from beauty and the beast, and the little mermaid. And I was just thinking that the little mermaid it's like she could envisage what it might be like to be human. And of course her whole society was saying, "Don't do that." Of course the only way she could do it is through a man that's a whole other issue. But then she had to go through all this horrible stuff. And then even at the end, even when she's given her legs it's still via her dad. Like it still has to be given from the man's permission in order for her to realize herself. As an adult joy from inside out. And do you know the inside out?


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