SMA gave me permission to make money being myself and doing what I love

sacred money archetypes testimonials
SMA gave me permission to be myself and do what I want to do


Katie Muir

HR & Recruitment | Australia
Archetype: Romantic

I'm Katie and I'm in Brisbane. My background's in HR and recruitment. So I've been out of corporate since April, 2020. And I think I've just been trying to figure out what I want to do and what I feel drawn to doing. And I seem to have settled back on what I was doing in corporate, but doing it for myself. So, yeah, I'm a Romantic, which was very high followed by Connector and Nurturer.



Was there anything surprising when you found out about your Archetypes?

So yeah, when I found out I was Romantic, I think I would've been absolutely flawed if I wasn't Romantic. Everything just made sense. And even now when I'm doing my marketing or... I was trying to launch a product that I really did not want to do, did not like, but I kept having to go back, going, "Just try and appeal to the romantics because they won't want you to walk them through it or they'll just go, yeah, this is great." So yeah, so for me it was kind of a no brainer when I saw Romantic. It definitely fitted more than everything else.

What are some of the sabotages you experience because of your Archetypes?

Okay. That was interesting, listening to what you were saying. And I can relate to Tenile. I've always had this thing about not wanting to work, and I've had some fabulous jobs I've been in. Really, really fantastic six figure salaries with really prestigious global organizations. I've always felt like I was a child. I'm playing dress up in this big corporate role. And I'm looking around at all these other people going, "Oh my God, you are real corporate people." And I'm there running national recruitment and national graduate recruitment campaigns for a big four accounting firm. And I'm still there thinking that I'm there playing dress ups, and I don't really know what I'm doing, and why can't I just marry a rich man?

So I think my resumes were like $300. I put them up to $400. I put up to $750. I put it up to a thousand, literally thinking, please nobody buy my resumes. I do not want to do this. I don't want to work. And I think it was when I learned about money being an energetic match. And I remember just going a thousand dollars, this is still not an energetic match. I don't think I could charge $5,000 and want to do this. And that really threw me 'cause I did not know what else to do.

And then out of the blue... Oh, we've just sold the house. So we've been renovating the house. So I've spent three months. We've put new bathrooms in. I've personally painted the entire house. But we just sold it for the figure that I had in my head. So my fiance bought the house for 495,000 three years ago and we just sold it for 920. And 920 was like the wildly out there figure that I had. But I've gone, "Well, three months ago this house was valued at 830. So I've just made us $90,000." 

So there's that kind of romantic part of me going, "Hmm, you knew it would come. You said it would come and look, here it is."One minute you're going, "How are we going to feed the kids or pay the plumber?" And then the next minute where I'm just rolling in this money. 

What have you changed in your business since discovering your Archetypes?

"Okay. I think the biggest thing that I got was learning about the other archetypes and figuring out who I did and didn't want to work with. "

So I definitely had clients in the past that I used to feel really intimidated by, or I'd feel like they were really grown up. They were really sensible. They were really good with money. And even friends in my life where I just think, "Oh, I can't do that with them. Or I can't charge them that because they're going to be scrutinizing every little word I write, every little thing I do to see if they get value." So when I learned about the other archetypes, I was like, "Oh, well, that will make sense because I love working with other Romantics or Nurturers." There's a definite kind of type of person.

So it really helped me to go, "Right. I don't have to work with everybody.”

So I think having that understanding of what other types are like and how they interact with my type and what that dynamic is, I think that's been probably the biggest thing that I've taken from that. And just the making things easier part, like not doing the sales calls.

So it's realizing that I do work in a more fluid way and that's totally okay if that's what works for me. Stuff everybody else and just focusing on me and how I can make it work without following other people's plans. 


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