Secrets from a champion procrastinator

Secrets from a champion procrastinator
I am a CHAMPION procrastinator. Honestly, if there was a Procrastination Olympics I’d win gold.
So today’s podcast topic is close to my heart - we’re talking about my secrets and hacks to overcome procrastination.
I grew up thinking that I was such a lazy procrastinator and always struggled to get things done. I used to think I was really unmotivated until I realized it was actually undiagnosed ADHD.
I now know I can have a real challenge with executive function - starting and finishing things and even making simple decisions.
But even without an ADHD diagnosis, there are tactics you can use if you suffer from procrastination or just want to make your work days a little smoother.
Listen along to today’s episode to learn:
- How to identify and overcoming the fears that could be behind your procrastination
- Breaking the link between perfectionism and procrastination
- The concept of “negative consequences” that I teach in Money Bootcamp
- What to do when lack of clarity is the real reason for your in-action
- More juicy batching tips to overcome resistance
One of the very first courses I recorded was a procrastination course, and guess what… I never launched it! So funny.
So what are you going to do? I’d love you to make a public declaration - tag me in your post @denisedt - and announce that your book, course, event or whatever is happening by this date.
Just do it - you’ll figure out the details and this micro-commitment will get you moving in the right direction.
xx Denise
P.S. We’re fast approaching the mid point of the year and it’s the perfect time to pause and RESET your goals and money mindset.
This time of the year is such an amazing opportunity to take stock and reflect on your progress over the last few months.
So I’ve put together a free Mid-Year Reset Workbook, just for you. Click here to download:
“How To Reset Your Mindset And Goals And Supercharge Your Next 6 Months”
Up-leveling your business is often also marked with some big business rites of passage such as hitting new income levels, paying more tax and making decisions about your plans for the rest of the year.
This workbook will help you:
- Feel more empowered and positive about still hitting your goals
- Celebrate and reflect on your business performance from the last 6 months
- Forgive and release any missed opportunities or mistakes
- Set new inspiring targets for the rest of the year
I know time is flying by and reviewing the numbers in your business can feel scary – so I’m here to help you get clear.
Upgrade your money mindset, revolutionize your business and earn what you deserve!
Now open: Special offer to join Money Bootcamp, the leading money mindset training and community for entrepreneurs like you. Get mentoring and live coaching with me to clear your money blocks and take your business to new heights.