Sacred Money Archetypes® helped me see my value and recognize the gifts of being a Nurturer

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Sacred Money Archetypes® helped me see my value and recognize the gifts of being a Nurturer


Anna De Acosta 

Life Coach for Nurturing Women | Canada
Archetype: Nurturer

Hi, I'm Anna de Acosta, I'm from Canada. So the Niagara falls area and firstly, I'm a mom of five. So I am a stepmom to two kids who live with us full time and a biological mom to three kids. And I'm also a life coach for step moms and women who take care of others. And I am a Nurturer and I'm also an Accumulator and a Maverick.


Was there anything surprising when you found out about your Archetypes?

For me, it was obvious. So as someone who has struggled with codependency, it's kind of like the dark side of being a nurturer, I think. And the thing that I learned right off the bat was that there's a positive side to being a nurturer. And so often I focused on the negative side of that and, being taken advantage of and looking at it as a weakness, but it was actually a strength and that's what I learned through SMA.

What are some of the sabotages you experience because of your Archetypes?

So for me, I've always been used to not taking up space and I've carried that into my life in various areas, even to this day, if I was talking on a podcast about helping step moms, I would be so much more confident and able to talk because it's about helping someone else. But when it's about helping myself and stepping up and saying, "Hey, I need some help here." It just feels so uncomfortable to take up that space for me. And it's something that I'm not used to. And so creating more experiences in my life that I can show up and take up space and ask for help and support and have it not be the end of the world and have my needs be met rather than my needs not be met when I ask for help and support is a big thing.

And I think I'm still on that journey and probably will be to the day I die, but the not being used to taking up space, I think is the root of it all for me and not feeling safe that I can take up that space. And even in my earlier experiences, when I was bullied by friends, I had really bad social anxiety and I would have nightmares. We would go out to this roller skating rink thing where all the cool kids hung out and we would roller blade for hours and hours. And I would be there. And I wouldn't say a word because I couldn't, I was in my head, I was always criticizing myself like, "Oh, you're going to say something stupid or that's stupid. Don't say that." And a lot of negative self talk.

And then I would have nightmares afterwards that I was stuck there frozen and I couldn't talk. And so a lot of experiences like that growing up have proven to me in a way that it's not safe to speak up and that you'll be made fun of, and that your needs won't be met, that it's silly to speak up. And so yeah, it's about learning how to feel safe, taking up that space. And even like during this conversation, I feel my answers are so short because I'm not allowed to take up space. So I'm trying to make this one a little longer to push myself.

What would you say to someone who is looking to join Sacred Money Archetypes®?

So for me, SMA really helped me see my value and stand in my truth and recognize the gifts of being a Nurturer. So it's not just a curse being a Nurturer. It's not just about being taken advantage of, and that you always have to give and be a martyr.

"There are actually gifts that when you learn to embrace them, it can bring you more energy and joy in your life and more acceptance of who you are. And so having that awareness and also learning about the archetypes of people around you."

So the biggest "aha" for me was seeing my partner's archetypes and my top three, well, my top two were his bottom two and vice versa. And so learning to see you're often one-sided and you only see the bad part of the archetype, the part that drives you crazy, right? My husband's a celebrity romantic as his top two, and there are so many things about that drive me crazy.

But SMA really helps you see the flip side of that and learn to appreciate the positive aspects of being that archetype. So there's a good and bad that comes with everything. And so it helps you have that realization for yourself and also to appreciate the other people in your life who bring other things to the table. And so it was a really eye opening experience for me, just being able to see that. And it's a very nurturing space for the nurturer, just the structure of the program, I think, where you get to interact with people and be in a community that doesn't end when the program ends and you can really have that place to fall back on. And yeah, I think if you're considering joining SMA as a nurturer, I think you'll really find a lot of clarity in learning more about yourself and what you can bring to the table and doing business or life, because it doesn't have to be business, right? I've applied so many of these principles to my day job and to my job as a mom. So you really learn to make it work in a way that's unique to you, and it's not a cookie cutter thing where you have to fit in to what someone is telling you to do, you really learn to do it your own way, it's really special.


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