My biggest mistake in business and how to avoid it

sacred money archetypes

I want to tell you about a HUGE screw up I made in my business. 

It's really embarrassing. 

Even though I am successful and have a multi-million dollar business I'm not immune to the sabotages of my own Money Archetypes. Watch the video to find out more.  

This was a hard lesson to learn - not everyone thinks the same way you do - or makes purchase decisions the same way. 

And that’s why when it comes to pricing or marketing - you have to step out of your own archetype and into the shoes of your customers. 

You can tweak your marketing and branding using the Archetypes so you attract more of your ideal clients and make more money. 

As a Ruler, I have a million money-making ideas that I want to implement ALL AT THE SAME TIME and I love learning about how to make more money. 

The first time I launched my Sacred Money Archetypes® business course, I marketed the course like a Ruler to Rulers.

 We had 40,000 people do the quiz the first time, and I thought - wow, this will be my best launch ever. 

I thought if just 1% of people would join - we’d have 400 people buy. 

It's shone a light on my unique gifts

"It has helped me realise that I can run my business the way I want to. Being equal parts Nurturer & Ruler, I often have a tug-of-war within myself about how I can best help people.  This course has shone a light on all of those gifts that I have and it was so fun to go through.  The support throughout the course was fantastic!"

Life Coach, Canada
Archetype: Nurturer/Ruler

But here's how I screwed it up: 

I thought people like me would join - who could immediately see that it would make them more money. 

And so, I didn't really explain the benefits to the other archetypes. 

I was just like, "do the quiz, then buy my course and make more money".

(This mistake even inspired a music video called “Do the quiz” - watch it here)

It didn't go well at all. 

Because not everyone is a Ruler like me. 

Some people needed more information and a personal reason to join. 

Accumulators didn't understand the benefits or the potential return of their investment. 

Connectors didn’t see how it would help them help others.  

And to Mavericks, it just seemed like yet another boring business course. 

And we had less than 100 people join - out of 40,000 people who did the quiz. 

We hit just 25% of my very realistic goal. 

I loved the heck out of those first people - but it was a perfect example that generic marketing doesn't work. 

Marketing is powerful when it has specific touches that make people feel special. 

You can target your work to appeal to your most compatible archetypes, or you can make a few tweaks that work for many people but without going generic and cookie-cutter. 

This type of knowledge is power. 

It's inclusive. 

It's kind. 

And it's way more effective. 

So, do you know WHY your customers buy?

I do now! 

And I’m going to share it with you too. 

... a way to understand yourself & your business

“If you are looking for a way to understand yourself, your business, how you operate with others, communicate, connect, this would be the place for you to be.”

Speaker, Author & Coach, USA  | Read More
Archetype: Celebrity/Romantic

When I got the opportunity to interview a big diverse group of entrepreneurs of different Money Archetypes, I asked each group, what makes you excited to buy something and what turns you off? 

Some people like to check the refund policy, make a pros and cons spreadsheet or google for a discount code.

But not surprisingly, reasons, why people buy or don’t buy, were really different for every archetype.

And not necessarily things that you’d expect.  

I now use these insights in my marketing, in my branding, and on my sales pages to make sure people feel understood. 

So they feel safe to buy. 

And there are just a few things that Accumulators for example, really need to see, or they won’t buy. 

Generic doesn’t work. 

That’s why, for my recent business course launch, I did 8 different sets with little touches to appeal to each archetype. 

I hired a stylist to do 8 different fashion looks - and I changed up each workshop to speak specifically to the different archetypes. 

It might be really subtle but it’s those subtleties that make a huge difference. 

When you know how to do this - ethically and with understanding, you can:

Make your marketing messages more meaningful

Make people feel safe to buy from you

And leverage the effort you put into your launches. 

Knowing the desires and fears about each archetype even gives you ideas about what resources, freebies, courses to create, books to write and what passive income ideas will resonate most with your audience. 

It’s fascinating stuff! 

That's why I put together the Sacred Money Archetypes® course, totally upgraded with new modules on marketing, passive income, branding, etc and a ton of bonuses on how to really leverage this information. 

But before I also have a surprise bonus for you. 


Click here to watch my Leverage Your Strengths and Make More Money workshop where I show you exactly what the archetype groups told me about why they buy and what turns them off. 

And I’ve put it all into a pdf checklist for you. 

And there are a few tiny tweaks that you can implement straight away to make more money. 

Let’s go!



Sacred Money Archetypes® is a registered trademark of Heart of Success, Inc. and licensed by Lucky B Pty Ltd. Copyright 2022 Kendall SummerHawk.

Get my Ultimate Guide to Pricing 

I've put all my pricing tips, strategies, and SCRIPTS together in my Ultimate Pricing Guide, you can download it for free!


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