I’ve gone from earning $6k a year to 7 figures as an interior designer!

Sarah Tilley
Interior Designer
Member Since 2016
My name is Sarah Tilley, and I run a successful interior design and property styling business in Sydney, servicing the lower North Shore, which is the area that we specialize in. It's great, we have lots of terrific clients and it's a great business.
I used to work in television, running multimillion dollar budgets and live events, and wanted to start my own business, getting back into something more creative that fed my soul. So I started my own business, sitting in my little corridor with a computer and some business cards, and I was never game enough to actually charge anyone, any money for the services I offered. I would do things free I'd over-service, I'd over-deliver, and then I'd feel this terrible guilt about ever invoicing anyone, and so I think back to seven years ago, probably my first years of earning might've been about six and a half thousand dollars, and I had quit a hugely successful income to do that. And so that was back seven years ago.
And now I have a million dollar business.
What has been your biggest win since joining Money Bootcamp?
My biggest win is I have, every year, doubled my income, and my ability to not feel scared of doubling my income. Now I have gone from $6,000 a year to just cracking a million dollars in the last financial year. Do I think I could do $2 million? I might ease the brakes off a little bit, and just go, if I could repeat that, that would be terrific. If I could repeat that with more margin and less stress, then that is definitely nuggets that I would be taking out of Money Bootcamp.
What advice would you give someone considering joining Money Bootcamp?
Just do it. Seriously, it's the biggest investment that you might feel you're making at the time, but when you look back at it, five or six years time, you will be standing up here, looking back down there and thinking, "Oh my God, back then, that was like all the money I had," or "I thought that was just going to be the thing that was going to make or break me", and I say, just do it, 'cause if you don't try, you won't know.
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