Money has flowed more freely since joining Money Bootcamp

money bootcamp testimonials
Money has flowed more freely since joining Money Bootcamp


Rachel Chamley

Mindset and Manifesting Coach, Host of Manifesting Straight Talk Podcast and International Bestselling Author
Member since June 2021


What was your money situation when you joined Money Bootcamp?

I was in a lot of debt and feeling overwhelmed with my finances. This led to me making decisions in my business which felt out of alignment and I constantly felt like I was hustling. Making £5k months on a consistent basis was really difficult.


What is your money situation like after joining Money Bootcamp?

Money feels like a loving relationship now. Clearing my old beliefs has freed me to know that money is always available. I don’t feel pressure to constantly hustle in my business and money flows more freely. I’ve increased my prices and up-leveled my offerings which feels so much more fun for me.

I am now having consistent £10k months and it keeps rising! 


Why did you decide to join Money Bootcamp?

I needed to make a change and invest in making a change. I had followed Denise for sometime and I love her energy!


What's the biggest lesson you've learned from Money Bootcamp?

Learning to really forgive myself and others. I had strong beliefs that money relates to your worth and clearing old stories from my past, plus forgiving everyone who made me feel this way has been incredible.


What are your top 3 wins since joining Money Bootcamp?

​​Since joining the Bootcamp I have increased my prices and this has meant I don’t need to work as many hours plus it has meant that my monthly income is now consistently over £10k. This was a target that I had really struggled to hit before joining the bootcamp.

I have become an international bestselling author, this was a big dream of mine which felt like a long term goal. As soon as I invested in myself by joining the bootcamp, opportunities started presenting themselves and I’m so grateful that I had the opportunity to do this. Becoming a published author is an incredible experience.

Lastly, I just had the most incredible experience of being on a New York Times Billboard.  Since starting the bootcamp the vision for my life has grown and expanded and I’m fast clearing the beliefs I need to step into the highest version of my business. I recently applied to attend a private media event in New York and there were 100 people chosen out of 1000 applicants. I was lucky enough to be one of them. I flew to New York from the U.K. and had the most incredible time. Meeting Amy Porterfield, Jen Gottlieb and Chris Winfield, plus lots of media people at a cocktail mixer. The whole experience was incredible but it was topped off by standing in Times Square watching an advert for the event, introducing all the applicants and seeing my picture flash up. It was unbelievable and something I will always remember. 


How would you describe the Money Bootcamp community and Facebook group?

The community and Facebook group are so supportive, they celebrate your wins, help support you when you need it and totally inspire you daily. Seeing that it is possible for others helps to reinforce how possible it is for me too.


What's your advice to someone considering joining Money Bootcamp?

Do it, you will not regret it.


What's next for you?

I’m now expanding my offerings in my new niche and expand my reach with tv and podcasts interviews. Plus I’m aiming to write a full book myself by the end of this year!


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