I now make multiple 6 figures as a Feng Shui expert thanks to Money Bootcamp

Patricia Lohan
Feng Shui Expert
Member Since 2013
My name is Patricia Lohanand I work with female entrepreneurs, to accelerate success in their lives and businesses, through Feng Shui and intuitive business coaching.
Pre-Bootcamp, I was struggling with my business, and also making money. I used to cycle around Dublin, with a little school bag of Tibetan singing bowls, and do sound healing sessions for a couple of euros, sometimes by donation, and I was pretty much on the breadline, living day to day.
What has been your biggest win since joining Money Bootcamp?
My biggest win this year is in business. I started my current business a year and nine months ago, and we've hit multiple six figures.
It's an online business. I live in Bali, I don't live in cold Dublin anymore. I've just created this dream life, and it was basically through watching Denise, and seeing that anything is possible when you create a vision.
What advice would you give someone considering joining Money Bootcamp?
My advice for someone who's considering Bootcamp is to just do it. You'll learn so much about yourself, you'll be in an amazing community of women.
When I signed up for Bootcamp, I basically invested all the money I had. So it was nearly five years ago, so the price was a lot less, but it was every penny that I had. I remember that day vividly, because I decided I wanted to make a difference in my life, and my business. I never dreamed of having an online business, I never dreamed of being able to make this much money, or of living in a dream land, like Bali, and it's all because of Bootcamp.
I have incredible friends because of it, incredible clients, just so much, my world just expanded, the minute I joined Bootcamp.
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