I'm now earning over 13k monthly, thanks to Money Bootcamp

money bootcamp testimonials
I'm now earning over 13k monthly, thanks to Money Bootcamp


Juliana Oladipo Olayinka 

Journalist & Broadcaster
London UK

I have only been a member of Money Bootcamp for 1 month and my life has been transformed. Both spiritually and financially.

I like to consider myself an avid reader and aside from Patrick Bet Davids book and Ray Dalio’s Principles (I can’t recommend enough) Denise Duffield-Thomas ‘s Get Rich Lucky Bitch duos resonated with me so deeply. Hearing another woman speak so openly and honestly about attaining success quite literally hit the sweet spot. I knew I had to join the Bootcamp.

I have been slow in keeping up with the modules but the ones I have done so far have opened so many unhealed wounds and I’m now beginning to tackle them. Aha indeed!

This Facebook community has become a second family and I check in every couple of hours to encourage myself to keep going and to stop procrastinating. I also love to offer support to you all. I’ve never had a safe space to talk about money like this and it’s bloody awesome.

For the first time ever I decided to track my income and during the month of October alone I made over £13,000. This is without an online business (which I’m developing).

November is on track to be even better and my goal for next year is to make a minimum of £300,000 for the year. This seems so small now I’ve been engaged with you guys but equally so large given my financial history.

Thank you Denise.

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